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Stone J M: more detail |
41. OAK HILL CEMETERY - Ionia County, Michigan Oakhill Cemetery Is Fowler Library and careful study of the Stone inscriptions themselves 271860 son of WD JM Arntz, Myrtle A. 1852 1906 Bradley, Marie C. 1853 1908 Bradley, Wm http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/county/ionia1/oak.txt |
42. WPA Record Of Burials 1937-38 - Records With Surnames Starting World War 1 Anderson;Chas.;F.;1853;1908/7/3 Pleasant;; Anderson;William;;;1933;Oakview; Troy;;Stone unreadable Andrews of JM CB Oxley Atchison;Robert;;1816;1900 http://iamonroe.org/wpa/awpa.txt |
43. Gravestone_photo_listing D-l DARWIN, HW, My Husband, Died Jan 23, 1890 Age 86 Years (Stone also notes Grainger ) HOBAN, Delia, 1853 1908, Mother (Mount Olivet 10 03) 5294 http://coloradoclues.com/gravestone_photo_listing d-l.htm | |
44. American Poetry - Author/Title List Nashua J. Buffum; JM Fletcher, 1848. Poems, in The floral gift; New York Leavitt Company, Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco (18531908). East and west http://library.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/hdis/ampo-all_toc.html | |
45. Mountain Home Cemetery, Mountain Home, Arkansas Alley, Sarah O. mother (Alley Family Plot) 1853 1908 Field, JM (shares Stone with ND) 1843 1926 Field, Maud M. (shares Stone with Robert) 28 Jul 1882 03 http://www.baxtercountyonline.com/baxgen/mountainhomecemetery.htm | |
46. Author Files I 1 folder 13 pieces relating to his book on JM Barrie. Stone, Alan and Ethel I. Smalley. 1 folder 23 letters about a book on education. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/scribner/af1.html | |
47. Crumley Cemetery - Sullivan County, Tennessee ADAMS, Broken Stone b. 826-1836 d. 9-27-1893 Our Mother . ADAMS, Alice Crumley b. TURNER, George 1853 - 1908 age 55. TURNER, Jessie H. age 73 d. http://www.tngenweb.org/sullivan/cemetery/crumley.htm | |
48. Thursday, January 16, 1908 Eve Mills-Married, On Tuesday, Jan Thursday, April 2, 1908 Mrs. SD Stone whose maiden name was Miss SD Hicks, Large obituary for James J. Cassidy (1853 1908), John T. Cassidy (1881 http://www.tngenweb.org/monroe/newspaper/FILE17.TXT |
49. Ives Cemetery - Dickinson the same lot Father Willard H. CASWELL 1853 1908 (1902) Separate Mrs. Vail, Mrs. L. Farrar of dickinson, JM Tilden of of death for Fanny on the Stone is 82 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~frgen/franklin/dickinson/ives.htm | |
50. Petymol.b.html Henry Meyners Bernard, 18531908, published on scleractinians, Lacking information about JM Brooks in the mussel name Bathymodiolus brooksi Turner, http://www.tmbl.gu.se/libdb/taxon/personetymol/petymol.b.html | |
51. 1890 Wichita Co., Texas Reconstructed Census 1 Page 70 Field, John Walker K (1853-1908) Wife Gillie R. Daniel, Dau S Page 140 McAllister, JM K - In 1890 hired by Co. for road grading McAtee, Jno http://ntxga.com/WichitaCo1890.html | |
52. Routt County Burial Index CHESTER WILLETT (1929 1933 ) DEEP CREEK CEMETERY- (moved Stone) GEORGE W. (1853 -1908 ) DEEP CREEK CEMETERY- IDA C. (1866 -1948 ) STEAMBOAT http://www.yampavalley.info/history6072130.asp | |
53. 1. 95-206932 Rudden, Bernard. Disclosure In Insurance The Stone Cottage Pound, Yeats, and modernism / New York Oxford University Irish literary portraits; WB Yeats, James Joyce, George Moore, JM Synge, http://www.spinfo.uni-koeln.de/~dm/locyeats.html | |
54. Victorian Bibliography For 1999, III. ECONOMICS, EDUCATION, POLITICS, RELIGION, Stone, Richard. Some British Empiricists in the Social Sciences 16501900 Criminal Justice in the Old World and the New Essays in Honour of JM Beattie http://iupjournals.org/vicbib/1999/1999IIIbib.html | |
55. WORLD CALL INDEX Jun 2959 Apr 3039 Buenos Aires Congregation lays corner Stone. Oct 714 Spotlight on JM Moudy (photos) Oct 716 The scene. Oct 7144 (photo) Mar 7219 http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/world/WCIM3.HTM | |
56. School Of Historical Studies Prehistoric Stone Tools in RomanoBritish and Gallo-Roman Ritual and Religious Dr JM Bourne, President, Birmingham Branch, Historical Association http://www.res.bham.ac.uk/publications/researchpubs/1988 data/HIS_STUD.HTM | |
57. FULTON COUNTY IND NOTE No Stone, cem office furnished surname and dd; Rochester Union Spy, Rochester, Ind., GORDON, Norah, dau of JM ME, d. Oct 13, 1872, ae 5m13d http://www.fulco.lib.in.us/genealogy/Tombaugh/Cemeteries/Fulton County/Html/FC C | |
58. Cemeteries - Scotts Hill Tennessee Stone, James T., 9/1/19178/28/1943. Stone, Sallie A., 1/17/1874-3/17/1952 Heath, JM, d. 12/14/1914, Aged 56 Ys 11 Ms 7 Ds Erected by Ella Brigance http://www.cityofscottshill.com/cemeteries.asp | |
59. OAK HILL CEMETERY - Ionia County, Michigan Oakhill Cemetery Is His last wish was to be buried within a Stone s throw of his farm. Arnold, Willie 1227-1860 son of WD JM Arntz, Myrtle Rd. 1874 1951 Avery, http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~camprowl/oak.txt |
60. Name Index --H Hedges, Mary L (1853 1908) Hedges, Samantha B (1864 - 1920) Hedges, Sarah Ann (1855 - 1896) Hinds, Corder Stone Samplet (1852 - 1918) http://www.hindskw.cts.com/KennethHinds/nameindexh.html | |
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