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Stevenson Burton Egbert: more detail | |||||
61. Author Hitlist Shihti-wen-sen, Po-tun, 1872-1962, See Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 1872-1962,Shih-ti-wen-sheng, 1850-1894, See Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894,, Michael.&limiters=DNA |
62. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. Stewart ,Cal , 1856-1919. Stewart, Donald Ogden, 1894-. Stewarton http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
63. The Macmillan Book Of Proverbs, Maxims, And Famous Phrases Maxims. Quotations. Alt author, Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962. Alt title,The Home book of proverbs, maxims, and familiar phrases. ISBN, 0026145006. http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/1899,1927/search/dMaxtone-Graham, | |
64. "AS I SEE IT" Burton Egbert Stevenson (18721962) was a man of unrivaled diligence. Though brieflya reporter, he spent nearly the whole of his life as a librarian, http://www.kjvonly.org/aisi/2000/aisi_3_6_00.htm | |
65. Otsing Registrites vasteid leidsime 7 Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962 (1) Stevenson, John (1)Stevenson, John, toimetaja ja eessõna autor (1) Stevenson, Neil (1) Stevenson http://erb.nlib.ee/registrid.php?autor=Stevenson, |
66. Eesti Rahvusbibliograafia Andmebaas Raamat eesti keeles. Autor, Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 1872-1962. Pealkiri,Saladuslik kapike / BE.Stevenson ; tõlkind R. Heinlaid. http://erb.nlib.ee/index.php?1183142x |
67. UNC SILS >> Master's Paper Index >> Report Title, Burton, Egbert Stevenson (18721962) Ohio librarian and author. Date,1969. Pages, 51. Advisor, Gambee, Budd. Abstract, n/a. Index Terms, n/a http://sils.unc.edu/itrc/mpi/mreport.php | |
68. WWW: $1.95) Lucile Brandt, Lucile Long, Inez Goughnour (01 June, 1970), ContemporaryAuthors Biography - Stevenson, Burton Egbert (1872-1962) ($5.95) - Gale http://www.qwsearch.com/exec/qwsearch?&passurl=/Arts/Movies/Titles/D/Dutch_Girls |
69. Dutch Girl Maxfield (18701966) ($5.99) - Gale Reference Team (11 February, 2005), ContemporaryAuthors Biography - Stevenson, Burton Egbert (1872-1962) ($4.70) - Gale http://ecstaseek.com/ecsta/seek?search=dutch girl |
70. Library 4 Universal: Online 821.008 STE. Status. This Item is currently in the library. Series. Editor/Illustr.Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962, ed. Level. Pages. Duration. Publishing http://rldhsl4u.kpdsb.on.ca/4DACTION/web_Gen_2002_ShowWebDetails/004626/Lang=En | |
71. Library 4 Universal: Online Cet item est pr 233;sentement en biblioth 233;que. Séries. Editeur. Stevenson,Burton Egbert, 18721962, ed. Niveau. Pages. Durée. Information de lédition. http://rldhsl4u.kpdsb.on.ca/4DACTION/web_Gen_2002_ShowWebDetails/004626/Lang=Fr | |
72. ERISMAN-ODOM COLLECTION Burnett Library Texas Christian University Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962. The young section-hand / by Burton E.Stevenson ; illustrated by LJ Bridgman. Boston, LC Page company, 1905. http://libnt4.lib.tcu.edu/SpColl/web-exhi/BOYSBKS2.txt |
73. American Authors, 19th Century Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962. THE MYSTERY OF THE BOULE CABINET / BurtonE(GBERT) Stevenson. New York Arno Press, 1976, c1911. PS 3537. http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/am1900.html | |
74. Selected Literary Works 18091894 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882 John Greenleaf Whittier 1807-1892 Mary E. Wilkins Freeman 1852-1930 Burton Egbert Stevenson 1872-1962. http://www.iath.virginia.edu/salem/lit.html | |
75. Formatted Call No. (Item Record) Bib Call No. Author Title Date 1992 BS3432 S667 BS432.S667 Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962. The home bookof Bible quotations, selected and arranged 1949 BS3440 A54 41992.vol..11 http://mopan.lib.utk.edu/Reports/Mref991112.txt |
76. Formated Call No. (Item Record) Bib Call No. Author Title Date Familiar quotations a collection of passages, phrases, 1980 PN46081 S7341967.pt..11 PN6081.S73 1967 Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962. The home book http://mopan.lib.utk.edu/Reports/AGref991112.txt |
77. Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 1004132 Habitation Enforced, An Http Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 18721962, 1005967. Home Book Of Verse, The Volume 1.http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng http://hzeid.free.fr/th.htm |
78. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 Bruce Sterne, Laurence, 17131768 Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 1872-1962 Stevenson,Robert Louis, 1850-1894 Stewart, Cal, 1856-1919 Stewart, Donald Ogden, http://www.olympus.edu.pl/Instytut NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm |
79. Biographical List Of Names (STE - STH) Compiled By GIGA Burton Egbert Stevenson, American novelist and anthologist (1872 1962) - BUYAMAZON BOOK Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish essayist, poet and novelist http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/qubioste.htm | |
80. Biographical List Of Names (STE - STH) Compiled By GIGA Burton Egbert Stevenson, American novelist and anthologist (1872 1962) - BUYAMAZON BOOK Mrs. Robert Alan Mowbray Stevenson, no available biographical http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubioste.htm | |
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