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Stevens Doris: more detail |
41. INDEX 18701953) Daniel Burton (Dan) (1870-1953) Dessie Mae ( - ) Doris Ann ( - ) Edd Ida(1889-1928) Jane Priscilla (1879-1960) Leona (1892-1963) Martha Ann Stevens. http://www.tnstate.edu/jdodd/lackey/dodd/fowndx4.htm | |
42. Descendancy Chart Of Peter Nafzger spMedora-2481 7 Verna HOWELL-2478 (1892-1963) sp-JESS 9 Freddie FLORES-2505(1956-1956) 8 Doris Ann DRAKE 3710 (1902-1990) sp-George Dewey Stevens-3712 7 http://members.cox.net/tjnoff/descend.htm | |
43. PI-1EPitts Cemetery, Pittsfield Twp. Lorain County OH Doris L., 18921963 DE LONG George, 1845-1923 GAR Myriatte, 1840-1932 Stevens H.Clarence, 1898- Cora A., 1879-1960 AVERY Floyd G., 1879-1921 http://home.centurytel.net/lorgen/cemetery/PI-1EPitts.html | |
44. Hickory Union Cemetery Antioch Twp., Lake Co., Illinois 19641988 Ellis, Oscar W. Wassermann, Doris J. 1936 1931 Stevens, Arthur Chase1879-1954 Stevens Nichols, Emma Left Blank) Swanson, Edna B. 1892-1963 Johnson, V http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/il/lake/cemeteries/hickoryu.txt | |
45. VALLEY LAWN CEMETERY, 1958-2003 A Href= Http//ftp.rootsweb.com 19231994 FLURY Oliver A., - 1916-1983 Doris E., 1920 Maria - 1889-1964 SPRAGUE,Edwin E. - 1892-1963 SPRAGUE, Inez Jan 2,1911-Feb 7,1993 Afton Stevens, May 13 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/co/montrose/cemeteries/valleylawn.txt |
46. The Mort Family In America 1955 Jun 24, 1955 8723 Mort, Diana Stevens 490 Mort Mort, Doris Lee Wilson 1676Mort, Doris Clawson 1912 08, 1898 1072 Mort, Howard Zachariah 1892-1963 Dec 27 http://members.tripod.com/Dr.G/mmindex.htm | |
48. Highwood Cemetery, Highwood, Alberta, 1987 - ST SODERQUIST Frank, 1892 1963. SODERQUIST Ida, 1902 1902-. Stevens Raymond, 1898-1903. Stevens(BELZA) Debbie Mary, 1958 -1981. TUTTE Doris, 1914 -1986. http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/cemeteries/highriver/high_s.html |
49. St - Ste - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors Denis (William) Stevens (M 1922 Mar 2 2004 Apr 1) Doris Stevens {US} (F1892 - 1963) 3604 Jailed For Freedom 1920 Edward Fletcher Stevens {US} (M http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/st1.htm | |
50. Mac/Mc/M'f - Mac/Mc/M'n - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors Lewis And Clark (w James Stevens) n ? Robert Gwyn MACFARLANE (M 1907 ? The Old West a 1937 Doris Valean (nee?)Evans McGINTY {US} (F c1926 - 2005 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/m12.htm | |
51. Cottonwood Cemetery S-Z Stevens, Thurman E. Dec2-1914, Dec-14-1984, d. Reno, NV. Thill, Doris Mae, ,2001, Thomas, Frieda K. (Kueny), Apr-15-1892, 1963, b. Cottonwood, CA. http://myclouds.tripod.com/shasta/cotoncems-z.html | |
52. Flint Cemetery Jeff Co., Il Robertson, Glenn 1904 1905 Robertson, Grace 1892 1963 Robertson, Homer 1886113-1968 Shelton, Doris Marlow 1920 1830 1912 w/o Thornton Stevens, Elizabeth 1832 http://www.rootsweb.com/~iljeffe2/flint/flintcem.htm | |
53. Press Releases & Praise the newly found autobiography of Frank Tuttle (18921963), the director of the movie role in Doris Day s By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953). http://bearmanormedia.bizland.com/id50.html | |
54. Little Cemetery - S - Seminole County, OK 1 SIMMONS, ALVIN* OCT 13 2000 11A 6SP28 SIMMONS, Doris O.* OCT 1978 FEB 4 1978 38 SIMS, HOWARD E. 1892 1963 10 2 DEC 11 1948 DEC 21 1958 6 5 Stevens, BILL MAR http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ok/county/seminole/little_s.htm | |
55. ReadingProgrammes 1954-55 costume designer Zinkeisen, Doris, Miss musical director Bridgewater, Leslie,Mr. actor Smith, Cyril, Mr., 18921963 actor Coleman, Richard, Mr. http://library.kent.ac.uk/library/special/Programmes/PRG1954.HTM | |
56. New Zealand Biographies Index Lusk, Doris More (19161990). Lusty, Wilfrid Mervyn (1907-1987) Twomey,Patrick Joseph (1892-1963). Tyndall, Arthur (1891-1979). Tyree, Fred (1867-1924) http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/dnzb/ | |
57. DACE Thru DYKES DAVID,, Amanda E. (Stevens), 1856, 1900, Peculiar (Vol 2). DAVIS,, Mary Doris (Denham),1917, ND, Orient (Vol 6). DAWSON,, Walter Raymond, 1892, 1963, Sharon (Vol http://members.fortunecity.com/cassmofind/masterindex/D.htm | |
58. WebGED McInturff Fam Record Data Page Hurn, Mazie Lea (1892 1963) - female b. 11 OCT Kenneth William (1916 - ) motherBryan, Doris Agatha (1916 Virgie Aileen (1916 - ) spouse Stevens, Mary Bell http://members.fortunecity.com/hemack/wga33.html |
59. Oakwood Cemetery,East Quogue, LI, NY Walter F. Downs 18921963 Gladys Laray Downs 1898-1951 162. Louis Willard Downs1890-1910 (Son of Charles M. Stevens 1882-1918 Grace M. Havens 1867-1950 http://longislandgenealogy.com/OakwoodCem.html | |
60. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Autor, Stevens, Doris 1892 - 1963. Recursos, Archivo de Texto ArchivoComprimido Requiere programa WinZip (1.23 MB), bájelo aquí http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?dewey=324&tipo_contenido=1 |
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