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181. Front Page Newsletter issue dedicated to Square One. Features fan fiction based on segements such as Man on the Street, Oops!, Backstage with Blackstone, and MathNet. http://www.mathnews.uwaterloo.ca/Issues/mn7805/ | |
182. Area: What's A SQUARE Foot? LESSON INFORMATION Area refers to the amount of surface covered by a figure or object. The area of simple Square or rectangular objects is obtained by http://www.leeric.lsu.edu/bgbb/7/ecep/math/n/n.htm | |
183. Tiananmen Square Demonstrations And Massacre Brief account of the events of June 4, 1989, with references. http://home.rochester.rr.com/kjmpage/tiananmen.htm | |
184. Square Dancing Accessories Australian site offering accessories such as belts, shirts and petty coats. http://www.angelfire.com/folk/squaredancing | |
185. Union Square Plaza Hotel Enjoy all the sights and sounds of the city from the unpretentious comfort of this hotel. http://unionsqplzahotl.citysearch.com | |
186. Weather Channel - Newtown Square Current conditions and forecast with radar map. http://www.weather.com/weather/local/USPA1188 |
187. The Borough Of Kennett Square Official site. Government, community, history, newsletter and calendar of events. http://www.kennett-square.pa.us/ | |
188. Playhouse Square Center Broadway shows, plays, musicals, opera, ballet and contemporary performing arts. Cleveland, Ohio. http://www.playhousesquare.com/ | |
189. The Hollywood Squares Ring Information on joining the ring. http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/7630/squaresring.html | |
190. Simon Malls | More Choices - Simon.com information on the stores in your local Simon Shopping Mall. Buy a gift card online or find your local Simon mall or your favorite store at Simon.com. http://www.simon.com/ | |
191. Squares Across The Border Includes dance and class schedule, membership information, gallery, and links. Located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. http://www.squaresacrosstheborder.org/ | |
192. Classicsquares A site devoted to the 196681 Peter Marshall version of the series, with pictures, biographies and classic zingers . http://www.geocities.com/screenjockey/classicsquares.html | |
193. FLS: A Fortran Program For Flexible Least Squares Estimation Developed by Robert E. Kalaba and Leigh Tesfatsion, implements the flexible least squares (FLS) approach to timevarying linear regression proposed by Kalaba and Tesfatsion in Time-Varying Linear Regression Via Flexible Least Squares, Computers and Mathematics With Applications 17 (1989), 1215-1245. The FLS program has been incorporated into the statistical packages SHAZAM (Version 8.0) and GAUSS (TSM version 1.2). http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/fls.htm | |
194. Ffonline.INFO Es finden sich Infos, News und Community zu Squares Rollenspielserie Final Fantasy. http://www.ffzone.de | |
195. BetterBaking.com - Bars - Squares - Filled A dozen recipes including cinnamon apple, apricot, caramel pecan, or date squares, cream cheese marble brownies, and chewy maple granola bars. http://www.betterbaking.com/recipeCategory.php?category_id=2&pagerItemsPerPa |
196. Magic Squares Applet Java applet and source files.JRE to run http://mathforum.org/alejandre/java/magpuz/MagPuz.html | |
197. The Hollywood Squares Tribute Page V2: H2 A small tribute to the newest version of the classic game show. Features facts, funny moments, sounds and the Hollywood Squares Ring, a webring for anybody and everybody who loves the show. http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/7630/squares.html | |
198. Recmath Home Page Includes pages on magic squares and polyomino patterns and contains related java applets. http://web.idirect.com/~recmath/ | |
199. I-NoLLS Least-Squares Fitting Program Fits the parameters of physical models to (experimental) data using an Interactive NonLinear Least Squares procedure. The code, by Mark M. Law and Jeremy M. Hutson, is designed to be highly modular. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~che194/research/inolls/index.html | |
200. Bars Recipes - Mint Marshmallow Squares Recipe, Irish Cream Bars Recipe, Yum Yum Collection of over 75 recipes including lemon bars, crispy treats, butterscotch squares, and a selection of chocolate and fruit bars as well. http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/cat/27/0.shtml | |
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