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Sprague Ruth M: more detail | ||||||
41. Page Not Found 1959, Ruth Sprague Downs 98. 1960, Paul M. Humphreys 28. 1961, William Genne 31. 1962, Caryl Dutton Slifer 27. 1963, Thomas B. Richards 37 http://www.bucknell.edu/UR/Alumni_Friends/Alumni_Association/Alumni_Awards/Past_ | |
42. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent novel insulin signalling cascades in Sprague Dawley rat skeletal muscle, 357 Bove, M., Ruth, M., Lundell, L. Ny, L. Epithelial barrier integrity http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-201X.2005.01432.x | |
43. Pehoushek / Cristman - Pafg111 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File John Sprague and Ruth Bassett Sprague resided for a time in Marshfield, M, v, William Sprague 1 was born in 1664 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts. http://www.pehoushek.com/GENEALOGY/pafg111.htm | |
44. Issues In Risk Assessment -- Executive Summary ANNE M. Sprague, Information Specialist Kathleen Stratton, Mary Paxton, Marvin Schneiderman, Anne Sprague, Ruth Danoff, and Linda Leonard. http://www.nap.edu/execsumm/0309047862.html | |
45. CDHS Staff Directory MARTINEZ, Ruth M, (303) 8665419, CDHS Office Unknown Sprague, MARJORIE DAWN, (719) 546-4988, CDHS Office Unknown. STOSKOPF, MORRIS L, (303) 866-7525 http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/edo/org/phonebook.asp |
46. Center For Women Policy Studies Senator Jo Ann Sprague Senator Dianne Wilkerson Delegate Ruth M. Kirk Delegate Mary Ann E. Love Delegate Adrienne A. Mandel http://www.centerwomenpolicy.org/report.cfm?ReportID=83 |
47. Center For Women Policy Studies Delegate Ruth M. Kirk (MD). Senator Shirley M. Kitchen (PA) Senator Jo Ann Sprague (MA). Senator Toby Ann Stavisky (NY). ** Elizabeth T. Stefanios (NM) http://www.centerwomenpolicy.org/report.cfm?ReportID=84 |
48. Who's Who In Oklahoma 1958 BRADLEY, Mary M. BRIGHAM, Anna Elizabeth BRILLHART, Mildred Winifred BRINK, Fona J. Sprague, James Robert Sprague, Ruth L. STAGGERS, Leona http://www.genealogy4all.org/WW1958OK.html | |
49. Bolerium -- Wild Justice. Sprague, Ruth M Wild justice. author, as T Wanda Books, Peralta. 1993, 171p., first edition selfpublished novel, 8.5 x 5.5 inch titled wraps, http://www.bolerium.com/cgi-bin/bol48/73930.html | |
50. Sprague Cemetery, Appleton, Maine PITMAN, WILLIAM 9/12/1844 12/5/1926, son of Herman, married M.. Ruth Richardson (father) PITMAN, Ruth ANNIE B. (mother) 2/21/1841 - 3/21/1922 (Richardson) http://www.midcoast.com/~library/town/cemeteries/sprague.html | |
51. Project Gutenberg W Wild Justice Ruth M. Sprague. Wild Wales - George Borrow. William Gibson Intervewed - Giuseppe Salza. The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame http://www.ability.org.uk/project_gutenberg_w.html |
52. Who's Who Women Of 1914, Genealogy Ellen E. Sprague, Charlotte Sprague, Ella M. Sprague, Mary A. SpragueSmith, Isabella D. Spray, Ruth Hinshaw Springer, Carlie McClure Springer, http://www.ancestorinfo.com/Who's Who Women of 1914, Genealogy, S-Z Names.htm | |
53. Whitney Families Of Maine, By Sinnett M (1st) 1846 Ruth Sprague. M.(2nd) Margaret Haley b Topsham, Me., 1835; d July 2, 1903. Children of the 1st marriage (3d generation) Frank Patten Whitney; http://www.whitneygen.org/archives/extracts/sinnett.html | |
54. Topsham, ME, Vital Records, Surname Whitney Robert P., and Ruth F. Sprague, both of T., June 17, 1846. 1845, PR79. Robert P. and Ruth F., Aug 1, 1882, a. 35 y., GR3. Frederick M., s. http://www.whitneygen.org/archives/vitals/maine/topsham.html | |
55. Title Wild justice. Sprague, Ruth M. ?. Project Gutenberg, Runkel, Sylvan T.; Roosa, Dean M. ?. Iowa State University Press http://eservice.digilib.sh.cn/ebook/letter_list.asp?current=6&letter=W |
56. Portsmouth Herald Obituaries From October 13, 2000 AUGUSTA, Maine Ruth M. Garland, 83, died peacefully Saturday, Oct. 7, 2000, Mary Ellen Sprague Brochu of Kittery and Louise Weymouth of Maine; http://www.seacoastonline.com/2000news/10_13obit.htm | |
57. Exeter News-Letter Obituaries From Tue. May 10, 2005 The widower of Ruth M. Doucette, who died in 2004, he is survived by one son, Ms. Ruffino worked for Sprague Energy for 26 years where she was the http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/exeter/05102005/obituari/41583.htm | |
58. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Sprague, Ruth M. Spyri, Johanna (Heysser), Frau, 18271901 Square, A AKA Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 St. Jude Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere), http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
59. InterLinc:Election: Candidates Ruth M Johnson (Dem), 819 North 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE 68503. Edward C. Price (Rep), Garold M Judson (Dem), 18835 Broom St., Sprague, NE 68438. http://www.lincoln.ne.gov/cnty/election/cand04gen.htm | |
60. Constituency Relations - Eastern Nazarene College Soucier, Ruth, 1991, see Ruth M. Merritt. Souza, John R. 1978, j.souza@worldnet.att.net Stanciu, Maryanne (Sprague), 1978, mstanciu@quarles.com http://www.enc.edu/main/constituency/alum_dir_s.html | |
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