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61. Spinoza, Benedictus De (Litteraturnettet) Forbund Norsk Forfattarsentrum Norsk Oversetterforening OM VIRUS OG SPAM. Spinoza, Benedictus de 16321677. E-tekst Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/s/spinoza.benedictus.de.asp?lang=&type= |
62. Spinoza, Benedictus De (Le Réseau D'écrivains Norvégiens) Spinoza, Benedictus de 1632-1677. E-texte Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/s/spinoza.benedictus.de.asp?lang=fr&type=&vis= |
63. Benedictus De Spinoza Seventeenth century philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza (16321677) was the son to Jewish immigrants in the Netherlands. After being expelled from the http://www1.phys.uu.nl/spinoza/bdespinoza.html | |
64. Adolph S. Oko Correspondence [ca. 1905]-1941. Pollock, Frederick,Sir, 18451937.; Rosenwald, Julius, 1862-1932.; Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677.; Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 1891-1968.; Warburg, http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/archives/collections/html/4079177.htm | |
65. Joods Historisch Museum | Spinoza, Baruch De Baruch de Spinoza (16321677) werd in 1656 uit de joodse gemeente gebannen. hij onder de naam Benedictus de Spinoza zijn Renati des Cartes Principorium http://www.jhm.nl/personen.aspx?naam=Spinoza, Baruch de |
66. Rosenthaliana: Benedictus De Spinoza 16321677 Benedictus de Spinoza. BARUCH de Spinoza was born in Amsterdam in 1632, of Portuguese Marrano ancestors who had come to Holland to live in the http://cf.uba.uva.nl/nl/publicaties/treasures/text/t13.html | |
67. Bruna Boeken: Biografie Filosofie: Spinoza, Vries, T. De, Biografieën;Spinoza, Trefwoorden, Spinoza , Benedictus de , Biografie?n. Annotatie, 1e dr. uit Portugese ouders stammende Hollandse filosoof Baruch de Spinoza (16321677), http://winkel.bruna.nl/Boeken/Filosofie,044_theologie,044_esoterie/Filosofie/Bio | |
68. Catálogo Spinoza, Benedictus de Spinoza, Baruch (16321677). BdS Opera posthuma, quorum series post praefationem exhibetur. M.DC.LXXVII. http://platea.pntic.mec.es/~macruz/mente/descartes/Cat.htm | |
69. Time Space Texture - TSTEX 1 Spinoza, Benedictus de, 16321677. Earlier philosophical writings the Cartesian principles and Thoughts on metaphysics / Translated by Frank A. Hayes. http://www.users.bigpond.com/tstex/non_cartesian.htm | |
70. :: BDSweb > Spinoza & Spinozismus Translate this page WWW Spinoza, Benedictus de oder Baruch de Spinoza - Andrea Schrimm-Heins (Kirchenlexikon) WWW Spinoza, Baruch, (1632-1677) - Klaus Schröppel http://bdsweb.tripod.com/de/ | |
71. HermesNet : Directory Di Filosofia Translate this page Spinoza, Benedictus de (Baruch) (1632-1677) - Philosophenlexikon Spinoza, Benedictus de oder Baruch de Spinoza - A. Schrimm-Heins (Kirchenlexikon) http://www.hermesnet.it/directory/moderna/spinoza.html | |
72. Liste Des Nouvelles Acquisitions (août 2004 Philosophie) Translate this page Servitude et liberté selon Spinoza / Ferdinand Alquié. Sujet, Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677. Editeur, Paris Table ronde, 2003. Collation, 415 p. http://www.bibl.ulaval.ca/nouvacq/200408phil.html |
73. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Library Of Congress Citations Author Spinoza, Benedictus de, 16321677. Title Renati des Cartes Principiorum philosophi5 pars I, II, more geometrico demonstrat5 per Benedictum de http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlcdescart1.htm | |
74. Noord Nederlandsche Boekhandel, Friese En Nederlandse Boekhandel, Meer Dan 200,0 Benedictus de Spinoza (16321677) is zonder twijfel de bekendste en oorspronkelijkste denker, die de Lage Landen hebben voortgebracht. http://www.nnbh.com/nurpage.cgi?nur=730&sort=alfa&find=9028414649 |
75. UQAM : Phi2080 : Cours 14 : Spinoza Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677 ). Baruch Spinoza - Ethics demonstrated in Geometric Order http://www.unites.uqam.ca/philo/cours/Phi2080/14Spinoza.html | |
76. Spinoza Website: Main Page (in French) http://home.tiscali.be/rwmeijer/spinoza/indexfr.htm | |
77. Spinoza Benedictus de Spinoza. 1632 1677 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spinoza Benedict Spinoza Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spinoza Weber - History of http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/spinoza3.htm | |
78. Baruch Spinoza Baruch Spinoza (16321677) Baruch in Hebrew (bârûkh) means Blessed ; but Spinoza began using the name Benedict, which in Latin (Benedictus) would http://www.friesian.com/spinoza.htm | |
79. Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) - By Miles Hodges meaning blessed, which translates into the Latin as Benedictus. Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza (16321677) (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) http://www.newgenevacenter.org/biography/spinoza2.htm | |
80. Search Results For Spinoza - Encyclopædia Britannica Benedictus de Spinoza, The Political Works The Tractatus See Baruch Spinoza, The Ethics and Selected Letters, trans. by Samuel Shirley, ed. by Seymour http://www.britannica.com/search?query=spinoza&ct=&fuzzy=N |
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