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Spence Catherine Helen: more detail | |||||
41. Names Index Page Spence, Catherine Helen (31 OCT 18251910) Spence, David Spence, David (-1846)Spence, Helen Brodie Spence, Jessie Spence, John Spence, John Brodie http://www.myrasplace.net/moffatt/names1.htm |
42. Community And Conflict Spence, Catherine Helen, 18251910 Web sites. Catherine Helen Spence - fromthe Women and Politics web page at the SLSA. http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/hum/history/memory.html | |
43. Year 12 Modern History For any topic, a person can be searched in basic search (subject heading) Spence,Catherine Helen, 18251910. Menzies, Robert, Sir, 1894-1978 http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/hum/history/Year12.html | |
44. Federation The Guide To Records PRG 88 Catherine Helen Spence 18251910. Manuscripts of sermons, articles, lectures,scrapbooks; also reminiscences by and of Miss Spence, 1866-1910. http://aa.gov.au////publications/Research_Guides/fedguide/making/sa/sa6 .htm |
45. Federation : The Guide To Records ML MSS 202 Catherine Helen Spence 18251910, papers 1825-1909. CH Spence, writerand reformer, migrated with her family to South Australia in 1839. http://aa.gov.au////publications/Research_Guides/fedguide/making/nsw/nsw23.htm | |
47. Rare Books Exhibition - Australian Fiction Spence, Catherine Helen (18251910) Clara Morison a tale of South Australiaduring the gold fever, (London John W. Parker Son, 1854) 2 v. bound in 1. http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/exhibitions/aus-fiction/xaus-fiction.html | |
48. Rare Books Exhibition - Australian Fiction Spence, Catherine Helen (18251910) Clara Morison a tale of South Australiaduring the gold fever, (London John W. Parker Son, 1854) 2 v. bound in 1. http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/exhibitions/aus-fiction/xaus-fictioncat.html | |
49. News And Media Releases and on the reverse side the pioneer feminist Catherine Helen Spence (18251910).A social reformer and writer, Spence achieved fame as the first female http://www.noteprinting.com/showText.asp?SectionID=1&ID=16 |
50. G8M8 pät volebných období /18721891/. Catherine Helen Spence /1825-1910/.Novinárka, spisovatelka a sociálna reformátorka bola http://www.g8m8.com/index.php?category=117&magarticleid=33&PHPSESSID=c217fbb5ea9 |
51. Women.gov.au - All Events A lunchtime Centenary of Women s Suffrage address will be given by Dr John Uhr onthe public life of Catherine Helen Spence (18251910), Australia s first http://women.gov.au/event/default.asp?filterBy=all&pageNumber=2 |
52. Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors S Nevitte, 18191899; Souvestre, Emile, 1806-1854; Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864;Spence, Catherine Helen, 1825-1910. Spinoza, Benedictus De http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
53. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg John Hanning, 18271864 Authors S Spence, Catherine Helen, 1825-1910 Authors S Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677 Authors S Spooner, Lysander http://www.archive.org/mediatypes-browse.php?mediatype=texts&collection=gutenber |
54. Dictionary Of Australian Biography Sa-Sp Spence, Catherine Helen (18251910), Catherine Helen Spence, An Autobiography;Jeanne F. Young, Catherine Helen Spence; South Australian Register, http://gutenberg.net.au/dictbiog/0-dict-biogSa-Sp.html | |
55. DigitalBookIndeX: AUTOBIOGRAPHY (eBooks, ETexts, On Line Books, Documents0 Spence, Catherine Helen (18251910), Catherine Helen Spence An Autobiography illus.1910, PDF, n/c, USydney(Aus). Stanley, Henry, The Autobiography of http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010autobht.asp | |
56. Project Gutenberg Souvestre, Emile, 18061854. Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864. Spence, Catherine Helen,1825-1910. Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677. Spooner, Lysander. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
57. Project Gutenberg Titles 1913. Autobiography, An, by Spence, Catherine Helen, 18251910. Autocrat OfThe Breakfast Table, by Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
58. List Of Articles Published In 2003 Hancock, Janette, Me, myself and others a new look at Catherine Helen Spence ,Lilith (2003) 12, 3549 Catherine Helen Spence (1825-1910), http://www2.iisg.nl/viva/viva2003.asp | |
59. Feminist SFF & Utopia: Other Works Of Interest (N-Z) The Streets of the City (sexist society); Spence, Catherine Helen. (18251910).Handfasted (not published until 1984) . A Week in the Future (1889) http://www.feministsf.org/femsf/other/othernz.html | |
60. Schulers Books (AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY - 1/32) Spence, Catherine Helen (18251910) An Autobiography. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I.EARLY LIFE IN SCOTLAND. CHAPTER II. TOWARDS AUSTRALIA. CHAPTER III. http://schulers.com/books/ca/a/AN_AUTOBIOGRAPHY/ | |
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