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61. Sousa - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Search Mamma.com for Sousa . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search Sou·saListen s z , s , John Philip Known as the March King. 1854-1932. http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/s/s0581500.html | |
62. TGCI's Library Of Winning Grant Proposals On CD: Search By Subject The collections of John Philip Sousa (18541932), Herbert L. Clarke (1867-1945),Albert Austin Harding (1880-1958), Mark H. Hindsley (1905- ), Harry Begian http://www.tgcigrantproposals.com/cgi-bin/fullResult.asp?purchNum=NEH-98-010 |
63. HowStuffWorks Shopper - Sheet Music Products Shop world s largest sheet music store. Composed by John Philip Sousa (18541932).Fo Rating. Want more info? Click on the picture! http://shopper.howstuffworks.com/products/Sheet Music/SF-3/BEFID-96629/DNATRS-br | |
64. John Philip Sousa Definition From Aiedu.com John Philip Sousa definitation from aiedu.com A Free Internet Dictionary. bandmaster and composer of military marches (18541932) (noun.person) http://dict.aiedu.com/word/john philip sousa | |
65. Sousa Music For Wind Band Vol 4 NAXOS 8.559093 [PG]: Classical CD Reviews- Feb 2 Crotchet AmazonUK AmazonUS, John Philip Sousa (18541932) Music for Wind Band vol.4 Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (1922) 336 http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2004/Feb04/sousa4.htm | |
66. Night Passage: John Philip Sousa 1854-1932 Translate this page John Philip Sousa 1854-1932. John Philip Sousa Questo blog raramente si occupadi politica, e finora ho evitato di commentare la catastrofe americana. http://www.nightpassage.org/2004/11/john-philip-sousa-1854-1932.html | |
67. Sousa - Definition Of Sousa By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclo Sou·sa Pronunciation (s z , s ), John Philip Known as the March King. and composer of military marches (1854-1932). John Philip Sousa, The March King http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Sousa | |
68. American Classics 8.559029, Sousa, John Philip (18541932)(AMERICAN CLASSICS) On Wings ofLightning/Marches/Waltzes/Galops Razumovsky SO/Keith Brion, 1, $7.99 http://www.smusic.com/american2.htm | |
69. John Philip Sousa Where to find more music by Sousa The Works of John Philip Sousa. Learn moreabout the life of Brother Sousa John Philip Sousa (18541932) http://www.masonmusic.org/sousa.html | |
70. Recordings Of A Work By John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) Under Heavy Construction! Recordings of a work by John Philip Sousa (18541932).Last Update July 18, 1998. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/8618/Sousa.html | |
71. New York City Ballet | NYCB Repertory John Philip Sousa (18541932), the March King, was an important figure in thehistory of American bands and American band music. http://www.nycballet.com/repnotes/stars2.html | |
72. John Philip Sousa John Philip Sousa. 18541932. No information currently available. Main Page Search Joshua Lilly. | |
73. Anatomy Of A Preservation Project The international influence and acclaim of John Philip Sousa (18541932) wasrecognized as early as 1900 by Rupert L. Hughes who wrote, Sousa s music is http://www.american-music.org/publications/bullarchive/Danner.htm | |
74. The Stars And Stripes Forever - Sousa John Philip Sousa (18541932). The Stars and Stripes Forever. Let martial notein triumph float, And liberty extend its mighty hand, http://www.potw.org/archive/potw270.html | |
75. MOUG Newsletter Q &A -- No. 74, Nov. '99 100 1 Sousa, John Philip, $d 18541932. 240 10 Operas. $k Selections (Sketches)245 10 Sketches for miscellaneous operettas. http://www.musicoclcusers.org/QA/no74.html | |
76. MelBay.com: Sousa Marches For Piano, By John Philip Sousa The March King John Philip Sousa (18541932) wrote over 100 marches for hisworld-famous band. So great was their popularity that they appeared in many http://www.melbay.com/product.asp?ProductID=3611729 |
77. John Philip Sousa - Definition By Dict.die.net John Philip Sousa n a United States bandmaster and composer of militarymarches (18541932) syn Sousa, John Philip Sousa, The March King. die.net http://dict.die.net/john philip sousa/ | |
78. Three Centuries Of Great American Band Music portraying The March King, John Philip Sousa (18541932). John PhilipSousa is responsible for bringing the United States Marine Band to an http://www.uky.edu/FineArts/Music/calendar/sousa/welcome.html | |
79. John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) - Klassiekemuziekgids.net John Philip Sousa Washington DC 1854 Reading, Pa., 1932 De veel gehoordebewering, dat John Philip Sousa (als afkorting van Super Omnia USA) het http://www.klassiekemuziekgids.net/componisten/sousa.htm | |
80. Los Angeles Philharmonic Association - Piece Detail Johann Strauss Jr. and America had its march king - John Philip Sousa (1854-1932).Sousa was known the world over as a band leader and the composer of http://www.laphil.org/resources/piece_detail.cfm?id=997 |
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