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21. Authors S-U Smith, Jewell Ellen, 19151998 Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893 Smollett, TobiasGeorge, 1721-1771 Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1816-1897 Sophocles, circa 495-406 BC http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/s-u.htm | |
22. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Peter Plymley s Letters, and selected essays. Smith, William, Sir, 18131893.Smaller history of Greece, A; from the earliest times to the Roman conquest http://globusz.com/authors_s.asp | |
23. Index Sir John Oldcastle Sir Thomas More The Two Noble Kinsmen. Sharp, William (18551905) Smith, William (1813-1893). A Smaller History of Greece (from the http://www.eshu.cn/en3k/titles/index-s.htm |
24. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing Latin S-V RID 72148938 ITEM lat00257 473.2 Smith, Sir William, 1813-1893 S664c Acopious and critical RID agr03-627 ITEM lat00258 473.2 Smith, http://www.lib.umt.edu/guide/lang/latin6h.htm | |
25. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Smith, Jewell Ellen, 19151998. Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893. Smollett, TobiasGeorge, 1721-1771. Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1816-1897 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
26. Dictionary Of British Classicists Hamilton, Sir William (17131803) dg Hammond, Nicholas (1907-2001) ge Smith,Robert Murdoch (1835-1900) dg Smith, William (1813-1893) ge Smyly, JG ge http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/class_entries.htm | |
27. Liste Des Nouvelles Acquisitions (juin 2005 : Théologie Et Sciences Religieuses Translate this page Auteur, Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893. Titre, Encyclopaedic dictionary of theBible comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history http://www.bibl.ulaval.ca/nouvacq/200506reli.html | |
28. Thomas Henry Huxley Papers, American Philosophical Society Huxley, Thomas Henry, ALS to Smith, William, Sir, 18131893, Ca. 1854. Huxley,Thomas Henry, ALS to Williamson, William Crawford, 1816-1895, 1856 October 18 http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/h/huxley.htm | |
29. DigitalBookIndex: ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, IRISH, AUSTRALIAN Authors (72,000 E-Books, Smith, William, (Sir) 18131893 (classical scholar; biblical lexicographer) Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771 Southey, Robert, 1774-1843 http://www.digitalbookindex.org/_help/helpauthors03a.asp | |
30. Personal Names Browse For Nietz Collection Smith, William, Sir, 18131893. Principia Latina. 4 items Smith,William, Sir, 1813-1893. dn 4 items Smith, William, fl. 1802. 2 items http://digital.library.pitt.edu/nietz/biblio/browse/persname_fileS.html | |
31. Author Browse For Nietz Collection Smith, William, Sir, 18131893. 10 items Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893. cn 2 items Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893. dn 4 items http://digital.library.pitt.edu/nietz/biblio/browse/author_fileS.html | |
32. New Catholic Dictionary: Archaeology, Christian of Christian Antiquities, of which he was coeditor with Sir William Smith.Sir William Smith (1813-1893) Edited several valuable archreological works, http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd00723.htm | |
33. A Check List Of American Eighteenth Century Newspapers In The Smith, William, Sir, 18131893. A new classical dictionary of Greek and Romanbiography, mythology and geography, partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/ebooks/prd/testing/posted.h | |
34. Author Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893. Title A New Classical Author Smith, William, Sir, 18131893. Title A new classical dictionary ofGreek and Roman biography, mythology and geography, partly based upon the http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/ebooks/prd/ClassicalDiction |
35. New Titles Listing - Monash University Library Chambers/Murray LatinEnglish dictionary / by Sir William Smith and Sir JohnLockwood. Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893. Hargrave-Andrew Library Reference http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/collections/newtitles/general/general-030217.html | |
36. Books Shelved In The Garnett Room Related name Smith, William, Sir, 18131893. Related name Schmitz, Leonhard,1807-1890. SPEC-COLL Location SC-GARN-RM Library has v.3/5 SPEC-COLL http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/garnett/m-p.html | |
37. Books Shelved In The Garnett Room Author Smith, William, Sir, 18131893. Title A Latin-English dictionary, basedupon the works of Forcellini and Freund. By William Smith, LL. D. . http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/garnett/q-t.html | |
38. FUMC Catalog The new Smith s Bible dictionary, Smith, William, Sir, 18131893.; Reuel G., edLemmons, 220.3 Sm, 1966, BibleDictionaries. http://www.fumctacoma.org/catalogtitle.html | |
39. George Edward Post Sir William Smith (18131893) was a noted English classical scholar, theologian,and Knight Lexicographer. The first edition of his three volume Bible http://www.odu.edu/sci/lmusselm/post/bible_dictionary.html | |
40. Food For Thought: Biographies Smith, Sir William (English lexicographer), 18131893. Smith, William Jay (Americanpoet, soldier, teacher), b.1918. Smith, William Robertson (Scottish http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_S.htm | |
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