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61. New College Oxford 17711845. Sydney Smith, one of the founder members of the Edinburgh Review, wit,bon viveur, polemical writer and a residentiary canon of St. Paul s, http://www.new.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/archive_aidsummary.cgi?22 |
62. Books Shelved In The Garnett Room Author Smith, Sydney, 17711845. Title A memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith . Subject Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845. Related name Holland, Saba Smith http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/garnett/q-t.html | |
63. Part 2: Oscar Wilde's Epigrammatic Theater Sydney Smith, (17711845) Richard Sheridan, (1751-1815) Bon Mots of Sydney Smithand Richard Sheridan. London J. Dent, 1894. Epigrams are a knowledge game, http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/research/fales/exhibits/wilde/1epigram.htm | |
64. SoupBasics: THE PLEASURES AND USES OF SOUP Sydney Smith, 17711845, English clergyman and wit Soup and fish explain halfthe emotions of life . Mme. Seignobos (early 20th century), French author, http://www.soupsong.com/bquotes.html | |
65. Samizdata Quote Of The (Christmas) Day | Samizdata.net Sydney Smith (17711845). Posted by Gawain at December 27, 2004 1238 PM.I thought the quote was Sydney Smith (1771-1845). Oh dear, wrong again! http://www.samizdata.net/blog/archives/007088.html | |
66. Wild4 40, Smith, Sydney, 17711845. May 17, 1843, 2 pp. December 29, 1820, 1 p.December 28, 1826, 2 pp. December 21, 1826, 1 p. May 17, 1843, 2 pp. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/wild/wild4.html | |
67. News Item Washington, Jun 17, 2002 British author Sydney Smith (1771-1845) once wrote, Acomfortable house is a great source of happiness. http://www.boozman.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=243 |
68. News List Jun, 17 2002 British author Sydney Smith (1771-1845) once wrote, A comfortablehouse is a great source of happiness. It ranks immediately after health http://www.boozman.house.gov/News/DocumentQuery.aspx?CatagoryID=153 |
69. Julian Browning Autographs Literature Up To 1850 Sydney Smith (17711845), journalist, clergyman and wit, and founder of theEdinburgh Review with Jeffrey, Horner and Brougham in 1802. £45 http://www.jbautographs.com/Lit1/body_lit1.html | |
70. OSB MSS FILE expand/contract this heading Smith, Sydney, 17711845 expand/contract thisheading SMYTHE, SIR Sydney STAFFORD, 1705-1778 http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.osbfls.nav.html | |
71. Chicago Tribune News | Registration Sydney Smith (17711845); Lady Holland s Memoir, Volume One. TomSkilling is chief meteorologist at WGN-TV. His forecasts can be seen Monday http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0507250067jul25,1,3030489.column?co |
72. Entering A New Millennium Sydney Smith (17711845). An expert is someone who knows some of the worstmistakes that can be made in his subject and how to avoid them. http://www.calresco.org/lucas/millen.htm | |
73. WGNTV.com | Chicago's WB | Weather Words - Q (5) Sydney Smith Heat, ma am! I said; It was so dreadful here, that I foundthere Sydney Smith (17711845) from Lady Holland s Memoir, Volume One. http://wgntv.trb.com/news/weather/wgntv-weatherwords-q,0,2437794.story?coll=wgnt |
74. Livingston Masonic Library And Museum - Collections - Charles Looney Engraving C Smith, Sydney, REV. (17711845) English clergyman, wit and essayist. Masonic tiesunknown. (1 image). Smith, WILLIAM, REV.(1727-?1803) Dedicated first http://www.nymasoniclibrary.org/collections/findaids/looney.htm | |
75. Mary Whitcomb Hess Collection - Appendix Smith, Sydney (17711845), 141. Smith, Thomas Vernor (1890-1964), 103, 147.Socrates (469?-399 BC), 62, 126. Stevens, Wallace (1879-1955), 154. http://www.library.ohiou.edu/libinfo/depts/archives/mss/mss152a.htm | |
76. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg Authors S Smith, Jewell Ellen, 19151998 Authors S Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845 Authors S Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893 Authors S Smollett, http://www.archive.org/mediatypes-browse.php?mediatype=texts&collection=gutenber |
77. Al-Ahram Weekly | Limelight -- Limelight: Anytime Is Tea-time Sydney Smith, British clergyman and essayist (17711845), wondered how the worldhad existed without his favourite beverage and thanked his God for tea. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2002/613/pe2.htm | |
78. Geçmiþ Zaman Olur Ki - M.Sinan Oymacý - 19970930 - Netyorum.com Ingiliz yazar, Sydney Smithe (17711845) göre; Hayat, kötü bir davranisiunutturmayacak kadar kisadir. Kaldi ki, davranislar, faziletlerin gölgesidir. http://www.netyorum.com/bolum/gecmis/19970930-11.htm | |
79. KELVIN SMITH LIBRARY Smith, Sydney (17711845) Author, Clergyman. Part ALS, nd, np, to ? ALS, 2p., November 30, 1836, np, to Mrs. Mildmay. Smith, Sydney (1798-1877) http://library.case.edu/ksl/speccoll/garber/letters.html | |
80. Angelica Singleton Van Buren - Island 3 Sydney Smith (17711845), one of the founders of the Edinburgh Review, was anessayist and bon viveur with high social connections who was famous for his http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/hist/single/single3.html | |
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