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41. The Thomas Milton Tinney Papers, 1941- Persons. Smith, Joseph, 18051844. The Royal Family of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. contains temple, endowment and sealing records relating to Joseph http://history.utah.gov/FindAids/B00223/b0223.html | |
42. CONTENTdm Item Description Personal Names, Bliss, Norman Ingles, 18181882 Bliss, Mary Elizabeth Cole, b. ca. 1818 Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844 Smith, Hyrum, 1800-1844 http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cgi-bin/htmldesc.exe?CISOROOT=/Diaries&CISOPTR=3912 |
43. Andrus, Milo, 1814-1893 Barfoot, Joseph L. Batt, John Beauchamp 18381918 Smith, Joseph F. (Joseph Fielding), 1838-1918 USE Smith, Joseph Fielding, 1838-1918 Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844 Smith, William (William Gilbert), http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/MillennialStar/index/vocab/creator.txt | |
44. Joseph Smith And Mormonism Utah), was officially founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844). Despite the fact that Joseph Smith was only at the helm of the Mormon church http://www.neirr.org/informermaylds.htm | |
45. Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844) Joseph Smith Jr. (18051844) http://jfs.saintswithouthalos.com/images/tullquart/smith,j.htm | |
46. Library Of Congress Conference On Joseph Smith religious, social and theological contributions of Joseph Smith (18051844), It coincides with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Smith. http://www.lds.org/newsroom/showrelease/0,15503,4028-1-21450,00.html | |
47. Joseph Smith As A Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. (18051844) was literally a prophet of God, Joseph Smith prophesies to the members of Zion s Camp that within three years they http://home.teleport.com/~packham/prophet.htm | |
48. MORMON CENTRAL - JOSEPH SMITH - LDS TEMPLES - BOOK OF MORMON - MORMONISM relating to the Restoration movement, followers of Joseph Smith (18051844) The Strange Marriages of Sarah Ann Whitney to Joseph Smith the Mormon http://www.xmission.com/~research/central/resnews1.htm | |
49. MORMON CENTRAL - JOSEPH SMITH - LDS TEMPLES - BOOK OF MORMON - MORMONISM Joseph Smith birth/death 18051844 First Elder 6 April 1830 1st church president 25 January 1832 Person who ordained him Sidney Rigdon (High Priest) http://www.xmission.com/~research/central/chorg1.htm | |
50. Josehp Smith Joseph Smith, (18051844), founder of the Mormons and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Fayette, NY, (April 6, 1830), began to have visions http://www.ucalgary.ca/~hexham/courses/smith.html | |
51. Gospel Chic: Presidents Day LDS Style Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844), often referred to as the Prophet Joseph Smith, was the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. http://www.mormonchic.com/gospel/pres_day.asp | |
52. The Mormon Hierarchy Origins Of Power theocratic hierarchy during the lifetime of its founder Joseph Smith (18051844) and through its transfer to Utah in 1847 following his assassination. http://www.equip.org/store/details.asp?SKU=DM570 |
53. Reviews: An American Prophet's Record (Joseph Smith's Journals) It s enabled me to see Joseph Smith as a man rather than a semigod. Joseph Smith (1805-1844) put forth the discoveries and messages that marked the http://www.signaturebooks.com/reviews/an.htm | |
54. REACTIONS TO CHRISTIANITY Joseph Smith Jr. (18051844) was born in Vermont to a poor farmer. Vermont records show that Smith s father refused to pay honest debts. http://www.christianchronicler.com/history1/reactions_to_christianity3.html | |
55. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Smith, Joseph, 18051844 Smith, R., Translator Stanley Young, Translator Stevenson, Fanny Van de Grift, 1840-1914 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
56. Other Visionaries Of The Early 1800's Joseph Smith, 18051844. Smith, founder of the Mormons (also known as the Latter Day Saints ), in 1823 began to have visions and revelations, and even http://www.ellenwhite.org/egw32.htm | |
57. Lane Libraries Catalog - Find It At The Lane! Wicks, Robert Sigfrid, 1954. Subjects. Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844 Assassination. Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844. Whig Party (US) History 19th century. http://cat.lanepl.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=BIB&term=571836 |
58. Mormonism -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article leader who founded the Mormon Church in 1830 (18051844)) Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith, when asked what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/m/mo/mormonism.htm | |
59. Joseph Smith, Jr., Collection The Joseph Smith, Jr., Collection (18291986) holds research papers, reports, and source materials pertaining to Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), http://www.lib.utah.edu/spc/mss/ms386/386.html | |
60. Lucy Mack Smith Collection The autobiography concentrates on Smith/Mack family activities, particularly on Lucy s son, Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844). Included are descriptions of her http://www.lib.utah.edu/spc/mss/accn989/989.html | |
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