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21. The Prophet Joseph Smith Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844), often referred to as the Prophet Joseph Smith, was the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/daily/history/people/joseph_smith/ | |
22. The Prophet Joseph Smith Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844), often referred to as the Prophet Joseph Smith, was the founding prophet of THE CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/daily/history/people/joseph_smith/Prophet_EOM | |
23. Content Pages Of The Encyclopedia Of Religion And Social Science Smith, Joseph, JR. (18051844) Founding prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and of derivative schismatic groups, http://hirr.hartsem.edu/ency/SmithJ.htm | |
24. Vermont History: Joseph Smith Virtual Vermont s minibiography of Joseph Smith, Founder of the Mormon Church. Joseph Smith (1805-1844). Founder of the church commonly called Mormons, http://www.virtualvermont.com/history/jsmith.html | |
25. AOL Research & Learn: Biography - Joseph Smith Smith, Joseph (18051844), was the founder and first president of the Mormon Church, officially called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. http://rl.channel.aol.com/history/biography?id=20050413141309990018 |
26. Joseph Smith Biography / Biography Of Joseph Smith Biographies Joseph Smith (18051844), American religious leader, was the founder of a unique American sect, the Mormons, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day http://www.bookrags.com/biography/joseph-smith/ | |
27. Smith - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Smith, Joseph 18051844. American religious leader. He founded (1830) the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and led his congregation westward from http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/s/s0496600.html | |
28. Joseph Smith As A Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. (18051844) was literally a prophet of God, Joseph Smith made a number of prophecies regarding Missouri as the location of Zion and http://www.exmormon.org/prophet.htm | |
29. Record Detail Author Smith, Joseph, 18051844. 2nd Author Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA c1981 Publisher Church of Jesus Christ http://www.saginaw.org/cfm/library_cfm/web_pages/0192.htm | |
30. Joseph Smith@Everything2.com Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844) was the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Members of the Church credit him with seeing God and Jesus http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=31111 |
31. Mormon Books And Leaders Joseph Smith (18051844) Founder of the LDS Church, 1st President and Prophet, led church members to Nauvoo, IL, where he was killed while imprisoned. http://wri.leaderu.com/mormonism/mormon-books.html | |
32. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (MORMONS) Its founder was Joseph Smith (18051844), a resident of Palmyra NY. His family of origin were called Seekers - Christians who were not affiliated with a http://www.religioustolerance.org/lds_hist.htm | |
33. The Community Of Christ As described in the essay on the LDS Church, Joseph Smith (18051844), a resident of Palmyra NY. His family of origin were affiliated with the Seekers - a http://www.religioustolerance.org/rlds.htm | |
34. Daily Celebrations ~ Joseph Smith, Joy ~ December 23 ~ Ideas To Motivate, Educat Celebrating Joseph Smith, Jr., Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844) was born on this day in Sharon, Vermont. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/122303.htm | |
35. Symposium Marking The Bicentennial Of Joseph Smith To Be Held 10 First St. SE, Washington, DC Joseph Smith (18051844) was the founder of There will be two sessions during the day on May 6, Joseph Smith in His http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2005/05-038.html | |
36. Table Of Contents For Junius And Joseph Smith, Joseph, 18051844. Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844 Assassination. Presidential candidates United States Biography. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip058/2005004399.html | |
37. Mormon Hierarchy: Origins Of Power - Book Review hierarchy during the lifetime of its founder Joseph Smith (18051844), Joseph Smith s vision of the Kingdom of God on earth reached its climax in http://www.irr.org/mit/quinnbk.html | |
38. Smith History Vault: 1844 "Gen. Smith's Views" Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844) Gen. Smith s Views (Nauvoo, Feb., 1844) General Joseph Smith s Appeal to the Green Mountain Boys. I was born in Sharon, http://olivercowdery.com/smithhome/1840s/1844Smit.htm | |
39. Restoring The Ancient Church, Chapter 1 Joseph Smith, Jr. (18051844) grew up as a farmboy in frontier Vermont and upstate New York. When Smith, who had little formal education, was fourteen years http://www.fairlds.org/pubs/restoring/chap01.html | |
40. The Joseph Smith Collection, 1843-1848 Creator, Smith, Joseph, 18051844. Title, Joseph Smith Collection, 1843-1848. Quantity, 0.5 lin. ft. (1 box). Abstract, Copies of legal documents http://history.utah.gov/FindAids/B00136/b0136.html | |
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