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Smith Jewell Ellen: more detail |
41. INDEX Jewell Elsie (19041992) Richard Christopher ( - ) Smith Walther. Ella Faye ( - ) Whitten. Ellen Marie Glen Howard Katherine Margaret http://www.mindspring.com/~eehiv/nelson/fowndx2.htm | |
42. Burials A - C Sebbas) 1909 1995 BROWN, Carvel Jewell 1905 - 1961 France - Simmerman 1957 - 1986BURROW, Ellen M. 1922 Elizabeth 1950 - 2004 CARLING-Smith, Alan Taunton http://www.fairoakshistory.org/cemetery/cem_ac.htm | |
43. Keeney Update Template October 1896 Married 04 Juh 1918 Spouse Ellen DAVIDSON, of Port Charlotte, Fla.,and Rae Jewell Beaver of built the earliest framed dwelling for James Smith. http://keeneyklan.com/Roscoe/KeeneyUpdate/v18n4December2001/v18n4.htm | |
44. Shdyrst was beauty, truth and goodness RAWLINS, Jewell C., 1905 1929 1985 SCHWALBACK, George,1927- SCOTT, Ellen B., 1870 M. Frances SLATER, Myron E. Smith, Albert G http://www.rootsweb.com/~flvolusi/shdyrst.htm | |
45. Beaver Pioneer Cemetery, Beaver County, Oklahoma 18 1839, Nov 9 1910, w of HS Smith, , G3, 47. Thomason, Jewell, May 13 1903,Dec 24 1950, , , T2, 37. Williams, Ellen F, June 3 1872, July 19 1948, , http://www.rootsweb.com/~okcemete/beaver/beaver/pioneer3.htm | |
46. ELBERT COUNTY GEORGIA CEMETERY LISTING M WHITE EXCLUDING Howard Lafayette Madden, h/o Kate Ellen Yeargin Forest Sarah Jewell 22Jun-1919 SarahJewell Mills, w/o Mauldin Holly Springs Baptist Mauldin Leila Smith 02-Jul http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/elbert/cemeteries/indexm.txt |
47. Biffle Researchers: Family Group Sheets Cynthia Ellen Biffle (18811916) and Julius Benjamin Williams Smith; Jo Ann ?and ? Grace; Phyllis ? and ? Wissinger. Jewell Biffle; Tina Mae Biffle and http://www.biffle.org/fgs-main.html | |
49. Descendancy Chart II867 (1983) 8 Diane Renee Smith-851 (1964 Wesley Raymond OSBORNE-375 (1896-1968)sp-Jewell Eakin SIMMONS MARSHALL Jr.-702 (1975) 9 Sarah Ellen MARSHALL-703 http://www.osborneclan.com/family tree/html/Descendancy_Chart.htm | |
50. Index To The Mort Family Records Surnames January 2005 1951 3508 Boblet, Wilma Fay Smith 19151998 Oct 09, 1915 2112 Bohn, 3014 Johnson, Orville 7961 Johnson, Regina 1482 Johnson, Sarah Ellen 3015 http://mort.gradeless.com/mindex.htm | |
51. Index Narrative Matthew Lee. . . Narrative Maureen Ellen (Miki). . . Narrative. Smith BrianEugene. . . Narrative. SPESE Jewell Irma (19301991). . . Narrative. http://simonson.nu/family/names4.html | |
52. Bright Sparcs Function Browse List - M and Medical scientist Fenner, Ellen Margaret Bobbie and Engineer Jacobsen, LK,Metallurgist Jewell, William Ralph and Meteorological observer Smith, Len (1920 http://austehc.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bs_brm_function.htm | |
53. Mississippi Writers Hold On (Screenplay based on story by Ellen Douglas) 1995. Clayton James McArthur.Louise Pond Jewell Moorhead, MS Nights; Thinner You Grow. M. Martha Smith Mabey http://www.shs.starkville.k12.ms.us/mswm/write.html | |
54. Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors S 18381915; Smith, George, 1833-1919; Smith, James, 1775-1839; Smith, JewellEllen, 1915-1998; Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845; Smith, William http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
55. CHURCH HILL CEMETERY, CHURCHILL, Wilkins, Twp., PA Mary Ellen Smith, MSmith3874@hotnospam-mail.com (Please check individuals forother family Hess, George W. 1915 1998 Hezlep, Anna Simpson 1903 1942 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~njm1/churchill.htm | |
56. WebGED: Family Tree Data Page Fitkin, Karl spouse Geiger, Ruth Ellen (1904 1961) Fitzgerald, KestrelJewell father Fitzgerald, Roger Hugh mother Smith, Julia http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/3251/kyger/wga23.html | |
57. GenPage: Genealogy Page Peter, Cora Ellen (1896 1956) b. 26 DEC 1896 Beech Creek,,Centre,PA Pierce,Jewell Louise (aft 1910 - ) b. AFT 1 Jan 1910 ,,Henry,IN http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5807/PAGE61.html | |
58. Mississippi Writers Hold On (Screenplay based on story by Ellen Douglas) 1995 Starr Smith sSouthern Scenes Journeys Through a Lovely Land. Snell, Susan http://shs.starkville.k12.ms.us/mswm/MSWritersAndMusicians/write.html | |
59. Iowa Authors - The University Of Iowa Libraries Harrington, Kate See Pollard, Rebecca Smith, 18311917 Harrison, Harry P., 1878-1968 Irwin, Annabelle, 1915-1998 Irwin, Constance, 1913-1995 http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/iowaauth.htm | |
60. Ricky The K's Solid Gold Time Machine 60s Personality Top Forty Radio Smith GOES TO WASHINGTON SAM BENEDICT TRAVELS OF JAIMIE MCPHEETERS ARREST Adele Jergens (19172002) * Isabel Jewell (1909-1972) * Marlène Jobert (born http://www.60sradio.com/intro.htm | |
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