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Smith Jewell Ellen: more detail |
21. Authors S-U Smith, James, 17751839 Smith, Jewell Ellen, 1915-1998 Smith, William, Sir,1813-1893 Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771 Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1816-1897 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/s-u.htm | |
22. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Smith, James, 17751839 Smith, Jewell Ellen, 1915-1998 Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844.Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845 Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893 http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
23. A Celebration Of Women Writers: S Listings Smith, Jennifer aka Jennifer Crusie (1949); Smith, Jewell Ellen (1915-1998).Great Jehoshaphat and Gully Dirt! HTML at snowhill.com Gutenberg HTML http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-S.html | |
24. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Smith, James, 17751839. Smith, Jewell Ellen, 1915-1998. Smith, William, Sir,1813-1893. Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771. Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1816-1897 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
25. Authors List - Alphabetical Samuel (18121904) - 1 item(s); Smith, George (1833-1919) - 1 item(s); Smith,Jewell Ellen (1915-1998) - 1 item(s); Smith, William Sir (1813 - 1893) - 1 http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/r/b/-5 | |
26. Fiction - General: Browse Titles The freakish f more info . Price $ 2.00. Formats Great Jehoshaphat and GullyDirt, Great Jehoshaphat and Gully Dirt by Smith, Jewell Ellen (19151998). http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/b/t/41/Fiction - General.html?sort=4&page=7 |
27. Christian Christmas Plays and Easter Plays Starting page for access to a number of Easter and Christmas plays,plus other writings by Jewell Ellen Smith (19151998) was the author http://www.holidays-christmas.com/33/christian-christmas-plays.html |
28. 700000 People Connected With European Royalty Wife Billy Jean Smith (details suppressed for this person) Wife Roberta Jewell McBee(details suppressed for this George Workman Taylor and Rose Ellen Jones http://www.e-familytree.net/f6200.htm | |
29. 700000 People Connected With European Royalty Wife Jewell Dean Looper (details suppressed for this person) Wife Ellen Lavonne Tisdale(details suppressed for this TX Buried Spouse Killough K Smith (living http://www.e-familytree.net/f6712.htm | |
30. SURNAME LIST George Thomas (18501917) Gilbert Elgin ( - ) Ginger Ellen (1952- ) Gladys Ashe(1981- ) Jessie ( - ) Jewell Emily (1930- ) Jewell Marteen (1928 Smith\MALONEY. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~milingenealogy/fowndx71.html |
31. List Of Female Movie Actors (A-K) Aa Ai Al Am An Ar Az born on 22 September 1898 in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Ellen Drew (19152003); MinnieDriver (born 1970); Stefka Isabel Jewell (1909-1972); Marlène Jobert (born 1943 http://www.masterliness.com/a/List.of.female.movie.actors.A.K.htm | |
32. WebGED: Green Barbour Data Page Jewell, Timmy (private) child Jewell, Brenda (private) mother Pursley, NancyMargaret Smith (1850 1930 child Sherfey, Nancy Ellen (1872 - 1924 http://www.so-ky.com/famtree/wga42.html | |
33. WebGED: Family Tree Data Page mother Goode, Mary Malissa Ellen (1901 1951) spouse Forrest, Jewell (*1905 - )-child Matthews, Wilbur 1878 - 1963) spouse Smith, Lucille (*1915 http://www.so-ky.com/famtree/wga36.html | |
34. Web Assigned Cobb, Jewell Plummer, 1924, F, Education, Science. Diggs, Ellen Irene, 1906, 1998,F, Education. Hackley, Emma Azalia Smith, 1867, 1922, F, Music, Education, Philanthropy http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~aanb/education_women.htm |
35. Jones County Cemetery Information G. Canup, Aug 25, 1907, Feb 12, 1966, w/o Smith M. Canup, 286, Ellen D. Chapman Tribble,Apr 16, 1901, Oct 13, 1984, Oct 21, 1907, Jul 11, 1987, h/o Jewell Roberts http://friendsofcems.org/Jones/SQL.asp?CemNumber=82&SecNumber=MiddleGA_3 |
36. Irwinton City - Lyster Cemeteries Wilkinson County, Ga. Infant Son of Ethel Peter Smith 1940 115. Mary Ellen Bentley Youngblood12/12/1865 5/21/1925 123. 01. Jewell P. Birdsong 1915 - 1965 02. http://georgiagenealogy.org/wilkinson/cemeteriesijkl.html | |
37. INDEX Mattie Ruby (19151998) Lucinda Ellen (1864-1898) Luetta Cree (1864-1941) Jewell ( -1994) Mary Cathryn (1947- ) William Henry (1941- ) http://www.johnstafford.org/stafford/fowndx.htm | |
38. GRAVEL BANK (RIVERVIEW) CEMETERY State Route 7 - Between Marietta Jenkins, Delores J. Died July 1994 Jewell, Raymond A Charles F. 18781920 Morrison,Ellen Jane 1857 Skipton, Sebastian Died Oct 1854 Smith, Clifford 1891-Dec 2 http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/n/i/t/Debra-Nitsche/FILE/0023text.txt |
39. Roscoe Cemetery, Nolan County By Gloria B. Mayfield- Cemeteries Of Texas 03/18/1992, 90, 8, 7, , BUTTON HELM, EVA Jewell, 10/6 04/16/1917, 1986, 33, 3, 1JONES,Ellen BONNETTE, 03 10/1922, 09/24/1984, 109, 4, 6, ST Smith JONES,MATTIE C http://cemeteries-of-tx.com/Wtx/Nolan/Roscoe.html | |
40. I098988: Merle C. BACHMANN (27 Dec 1906 - 23 Jul 1991) _ (1897 1978) m 1925 _Samantha Ellen Smith + (1866 DEATH 23 Feb 1971, Montrose,Jewell Co., KS. 1937) m 1895 _Susan Clara Smith _+ (1837 http://jonathanpaul.org/chenoweth/d0025/g0000139.html | |
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