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81. Lincolnshire UK - Genealogy, Surnames, Family And Local History. The Cockings farmed at Grimoldby from 17751839. Any information on MaudeSmith born Grimsby 1878 daughter of John Henry Smith. the family then moved to http://www.curiousfox.com/history/lincolnshire_7.html | |
82. Regmeister Quotations Logan Pearsall Smith (18651946) Those who dream by day are cognizant of many Charles Lamb (1775-1839) If men are to be precluded from offering their http://www.regmeister.net/quotes.htm | |
83. Page Not Found died 7 29 1879, father David Smith, mother Elizabeth Arndt). They had twochildren, Mary Elizabeth Reinhardt and James Edgar Reinhardt. http://www.mindspring.com/~wsgriffi/reinrsch.htm | |
84. Famous Addresses - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Smith, HORATIO 1779 1849, and James Smith, 1775 1839, English parodists, brothers.They wrote the famous Rejected Addresses (1812) which burlesqued such http://www.questia.com/search/famous-addresses | |
85. Names Index Page ROBERTSON, Deborah Smith (176013 MAR 1826) ROBINSON, Elsie Vern (25 OCT 1843-15FEB 1906) SHERIDAN, James Edward (23 MAR 1909-13 SEP 1994) http://www.oberlins.com/html/names2.htm | |
86. Badsey: Houses That No Longer Exist John Jones, Edward Appelbee, William Collett and William Henry Smith signed their OLDAKER, Samuel (17751839) BlackSmith, son of Richard Oldaker, http://www.badsey.net/past/nolonger.htm | |
87. Washington County, OH Cemetery Index SHOCKLEY - SMILEY SHRADER, James M, d. 1860, Decatur Chapel, Decatur Twp. SHRADER, Jasper, d. SLOCOMB, Selah Cushing, 17751839, Mound, Marietta Twp. http://www.wchs-ohio.org/cem_shockleysmiley.htm | |
88. Johann Christian Reil (www.whonamedit.com) E. Smith Beobachtungen und Versuche über das Vermögen der Galle, Karl JosephHieronymus Windischmann (17751839) Über den einzig möglichen und einzig http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1176.html | |
89. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Kempt, Sir James (17641854) Knight General Governor General of Canada (10) Taylor, Sir Herbert (1775-1839) Knight Lieutenant General (35) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=26 |
90. MILLENARIANISM AND POPULAR METHODISM IN EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND AND CAN The First Century of Methodism in Canada, I 17751839 (Toronto Briggs, 1908); Moorhead, James H. 1978. American Apocalypse Yankee Protestants and http://wesley.nnu.edu/wesleyan_theology/theojrnl/26-30/29-05.htm | |
91. East Tennessee Pre-1796 TNGenWeb Queries We are looking for info re LEWIS Smith SCRIBNER. Reportedly born1765. Susan MURRAY; William BARRON, 17751839 m. Mary MURRAY;Henry BARRON, 1757-?; http://www.tngenweb.org/queries/east/etnaug98.htm | |
92. Catholic Records Volume List 1-76 Part II Papers relating to Dr Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon, James DominicDarbyshire OP Standish and Borwick Hall, Lancs, 1728; Gifford Hall, http://www.catholic-history.org.uk/crs/records.htm | |
93. Carroll Descendants James H. Downing Wichita Falls, TX bgandy007@aol.com (17741838) +SamuelCROFTS/CRAFTS (1775-1839) Joseph CARROLL (4)(1760-1838) http://members.aol.com/bgandy007/genealgy/carrdesc.html | |
94. Napoleonic War Art Lieutenant John James, (later Captain Sir John James ScottDouglas Bt), (1775-1839). Lieutenant-General. 1 portrait. NPG. Taylor. Thomas William http://www.napoleon-series.org/research/bibliographic/c_art1.html | |
95. Grey Box Collection James and Elizabeth Cameron, Parks Falls, Sutherlands River and Their Edward Smith Fraser / Elizabeth Bishop (see Our Pictou County Ancestors, http://www.parl.ns.ca/pages/resources/greyboxes.html | |
96. Mary And Charles Lamb - Their Web Biographies Sarah James, the Lambs companion and nurse, was born about 1775 (no more thanfive years Charles Lloyd (17751839) born, Birmingham. (external link) http://www.mdx.ac.uk/www/study/ylamb.htm | |
97. WebGED: Edward Hands's Tree Data Page spouse Waller, James ( 1759 1796) - m. 11 MAY 1775 in Cumberland, Alston spouse Smith, John ( 1807 - 1825) - m. 22 JUN 1823 in Durham, Stanhope http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/kings/537/wga19.html | |
98. Descendants Of JOSEPH NOEL 6 Cianda NOEL* (12 Dec 1838 - 12 Feb 1919) Daniel James DAVIS 1m. 4 Jul 1856,Siskiyou Co., CA (div. Joseph Noel (abt 1775-1839) Maria Kreitzer http://www.angelfire.com/wi/snevets/NoelJos.html | |
99. Index Of People - Henry-1 WHITNEY Family Hester (1725 ) Clements, James (1784-1870) Clements, John Tompkins (1808-1870) Smith, Eli (1765-1845) Smith, Elizabeth (1650-1741) Smith, http://www.whitneygen.org/families/henryw/ctwhiti.html | |
100. Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries Transcription Project Last Name First Name (Maiden) Birth Death Cemetery Smith SANDFORD B 1816 16 JUN 1830 PV001 Smith THOMAS 1775 1839 PV001 Smith THOMAS 1761c - 31 MAY http://www.rootsweb.com/~rigenweb/cemetery/cemetery334.html | |
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