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61. English Poetry, Second Edition Bibliography: S Smith, Horace, 17791849 / Smith, James, 1775-1839, Horace in London Smith,James, 1775-1839, Memoirs, Letters, and Comic Miscellanies in Prose and http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/html/ep2/bibliography/s.htm | |
62. D & E Lake Ltd. ABAC/ILAB At Antiqbook.com SITmiSMI70 Smith, James 17751839. - Comic Miscellanies In Prose And Verse With ASelection From His Correspondence, And Memoirs Of His Life. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/lak/books12000.shtml | |
63. National Portrait Gallery A-Z Of Portrait Sitters (T) Sir Herbert Taylor (17751839), Lieutenant-General. 1 portrait. Border HoraceTaylor (1881-1934), James Havard Thomas (1854-1921), Sculptor. 1 portrait. http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/a-z/sitT.asp | |
Nicholas Taafe, 6th Viscount Taafe (1677-1769), General in the Austrian army. 1 portrait. Robert Tabor . 1 portrait. (1892-1985), Writer, journalist and diplomat. 14 portraits. Mr Tabrum . 1 portrait. George Grant Tabuteau (1881-1940), Major-general; surgeon to King. 1 portrait. (Ernest) William ('Bill') Tacon (1917-2003), Air-Commodore. 8 portraits. William Howard Taft (1857-1930), President of the USA. 1 portrait. Marie Taglioni (1809-1884), Ballerina. 14 portraits. Sir Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Poet and philosopher. 2 portraits. Raja Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore (1840-1914), Founder of Bengal Music School and Bengal Academy of Music; Landowner. 1 portrait. Adrien Jean Baptiste Amable Ramon du Bosc, comte du Taillis (1760-1851), French general. 1 portrait. Archibald Campbell Tait (1811-1882), Archbishop of Canterbury. 8 portraits. Catherine Tait (1819-1878), Established cholera orphanage. 1 portrait. John Tait (1662-1772), Broom-maker. 1 portrait. | |
64. Horace Smith And James Smith Quotes And Quotations Compiled By GIGA excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Horace Smith and James Smith. HORACE Smith AND James Smith. English poets (1779 1849 / 1775 - 1839) http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/authors/smithhsmithj_a001.htm | |
65. Biographical List Of Names (SM - SMZ) Compiled By GIGA Horace Smith and James Smith, English poets (1779 1849 / 1775 - 1839) - READQUOTES (15) James Smith, English poet (1775 - 1839) - BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/qubiosm.htm | |
66. Wu, Romanticism, 2nd Ed. Charles Lloyd (17751839). From Blank Verse by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb (1798) James Mackintosh, Popular Excesses which Attended the Revolution http://www.orgs.muohio.edu/anthologies/wu2.htm | |
67. Taylor 4 2 letters (18131823) 1 to Sir Charles James Napier and 1 to My dear Webster 1 letter to Dear Sir at The Cornhill Magazine (probably George Smith http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/taylor/taylor3.html | |
68. The Political Graveyard: Politicians Who Died In 1839 Jan 26 Stephen Van Rensselaer (17641839); Feb 2 James Boyd (1792-1839) Nov 12 Nahum Parker (1760-1839); Nov 30 Philemon Beecher (1775-1839) http://politicalgraveyard.com/chrono/died-1839.html | |
69. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: S] Horace Smith and James Smith, English poets (1779 1849 / 1775 - 1839) J.Smith, English churchman (commonly as John Smith of Cambridge ) (1618 - 1652) http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfaths.htm | |
70. Updated 5th February 2005 KALER - KELLEHER John Merthyr Tydfil GLA 1867 GLA 1880+ 6264 LANE James Keturah Llwynypia GLA 1904+ 5583 LANE John West Bromwich WOR 1860 - 1920 6255 Smith William Cardiff - St. Mary GLA http://www.rootsweb.com/~wlsglfhs/mem_intk-z.txt |
71. Loyalist Collection At The University Of New Brunswick Name, Hazen, William, 1738 1814, and White, James, 1738 - 1814. Name,Nelles, Abraham, 1775-1839. Title, Papers 1792-1893. http://www.lib.unb.ca/collections/loyalist/browse.php?cmd=oneSection&value=Famil |
72. DigitalBookIndex: ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, IRISH, AUSTRALIAN Authors (72,000 E-Books, James VI (King of Scotland; James I King of England), 16031625 Smith,Charlotte, 1749-1806 Smith, James Edward, 1759-1828 (botanist) http://www.digitalbookindex.org/_help/helpauthors03a.asp | |
73. Contents By Author Charlotte Smith (née Turner) (17491806) George Crabbe (1754-1832) CharlesLloyd 1775-1839 Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan 1776-1859 http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/wumiall/contents_author.htm | |
74. John Palmer Papers (Coll. 53) Palmer, James, 1/1. Palmer, Jonas, 1/1. Palmer, Mary, 1/7. Palmer, Moses, 1/1 Correspondence and Miscellaneous Documents; 17751839. http://www.mysticseaport.org/library/manuscripts/coll/coll053/coll053.cfm | |
75. Mystic Seaport: Digital Library Subject Listing Log kept by Alexander Boyd Jr., on board the schooner SPRAY, James Hall, (Havens Smith agents) during a voyage to the Pacific Ocean whaling grounds. http://www.mysticseaport.org/library/initiative/SubjectList.cfm | |
76. People With Literary Connections With The West Midlands Of England Lloyd, Charles (17751839); Lodge, David (1935- ); Lyall, Edna (1857-1903) Samuda-Smith, Norman (1958-); Sage, Lorna (1943-2001); Saville, http://www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/people.htm | |
77. Timeline Of People With Literary Connections With The West Midlands Of England 17751839 Charles Lloyd 1778-1830 William Hazlitt 1935- Guy N. Smith 1935-1996Tom Wakefield 1940- Keith Miles 1942- Craig Thomas 1942- Bob Bibby http://www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/etime.htm | |
78. WALTERS Descendants Index 46 Thomas James Walters (1925 .) 51 Thomas Jefferson Walters (1820-1901) 50 William Walters (1775-1839) 48 William Walters (1817-1873) http://apdew.com/wal/walix019.htm | |
79. H DATA020 BARTON Francis James Gilbert 18481931 pages 93,95100104111115117,1 BARTON Gabriel 1775-1839 page 69 BARTON Gabriel UE bef1755- page 210 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160h020.htm | |
80. Delaware United States Senators James Asheton, Jr. ( 1799-1880 ) - Later became a US Senator Possibly more Susan Hunn - (1775-1839 ) - Daughter of Capt. John Hunn ). Children http://www.russpickett.com/history/sentbio.htm | |
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