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81. The National Archives National Register Of Archives Browse The Smiles, Samuel (18121904) Author and Social Reformer (5). Smiles, Samuel (1877-1953)Chemist (2). Smiles, Sir Walter Dorling (1883-1953) Knight Irish http://www.nra.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/person_SM.htm | |
82. Project Gutenberg Titles Richard Harding, 18641916 Men of Forty Mile, The, by London, Jack, 1876-1916Men of Invention and Industry, by Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904 Men of Iron, http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/pg-titles.html | |
83. University Of Delaware: SHIRLEY BROOKS LETTERS Other letters included ones to RJ Spiers of Oxford, Samuel Smiles (18121904),well-known author and social reformer, President of the National Provident http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/brooks_s.htm | |
84. Adam Smith Institute Blog - The 10 Greatest Scots Of All Time Samuel Smiles (18121904) was born in Haddington, East Lothian. He studied medicineat Edinburgh University, and went on to become a political reformist and http://www.adamsmith.org/blog/archives/000469.php | |
85. Guide 2 Positive Thinking - Very Large File 1860 Samuel Smiles (18121904) Self Help with illustrations of character, conduct,and perseverance 1887 Julius A. Dresser - Mental Science - The true http://www.steamboats.com/positivethinking/books.html | |
86. Smiles Samuel - Neue Und Benutzte Bücher Mehr Ergebnisse für die Abfrage Smiles Samuel von Amazon.ca verständlichenAbhandlungen des schottischen Autors Samuel Smiles (18121904), Mediziner, http://de.isbn.pl/A-Smiles-Samuel/ | |
87. PPE - Working Class Encyclopedia S7 Smiles, Samuel (18121904) Physician in Leeds who lectured to a group of youngmen on the self help method of Working Class advancement. http://www.embassy.org.nz/encycl/s7encyc.htm |
88. BBC - History - Samuel Smiles (1812 - 1904) The political reformer and moralist was born in Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland,and was the eldest of eleven children. He left school at the age of 14 http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/smiles_samuel.shtml | |
89. Chronological Author List "1810 To 1814" Compiled By GIGA Samuel Smiles, Scottish author, biographer and social reformer (1812 1904) -READ QUOTES (5) BUY AMAZON BOOK Charles Duke Yonge, English historical http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1810.htm | |
90. Overview Of Samuel Smiles Samuel Smiles. 1812 1904. Author and reformer. Born in Haddington, the eldestof eleven children, Smiles took his medical degree at the University of http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/people/famousfirst363.html | |
91. Details Of Samuel Smiles Gazetteer for Scotland Places, people and events relating to Samuel Smiles () Samuel Smiles. 1812 1904. References and Further Reading http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/people/famousdetails363.html | |
92. Smiles Samuel Smiles (1812 1904). The Scots writer and social reformer studied medicineat Edinburgh and published Physical Education in 1838. http://online.northumbria.ac.uk/faculties/art/humanities/cns/m-smiles.html | |
93. Samuel Smiles Quotes - ThinkExist Quotations Samuel Smiles quotes. Popularity Samuel Smiles popularity 5/10 Samuel Smilesquotes. Similar Quotes. Add to my book http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/samuel_smiles/ | |
94. Crystal Clouds Quotations: Source Profile Smiles, Samuel (1812 1904), Click For External Online Reference Scottish Writer.Quotations By This Source. Hope Pop-Up Tools Menu Hope is the companion http://www.crystalclouds.co.uk/search.php?option=ThisSource&searchbioid=331 |
95. Samuel Smiles Quotes Samuel Smiles quotes and quotations, quotes by Samuel Smiles. They are.Lived 1812 1904 Email Samuel Smiles quotes to a friend http://www.saidwhat.co.uk/quotes/s/samuel_smiles_964.php | |
96. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database Samuel Smiles, 18121904. For a list of all references in the database, includinga list of any letters exchanged with Charles Darwin, click on Refs above http://darwin.lib.cam.ac.uk/perl/nav?pclass=name;pkey=Smiles, Samuel |
97. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Christopher (1722 1771) Smiles, Samuel (1812 - 1904) SMITH, Adam (1723 -1790) SMITH, Charlotte (1749 - 1806) SMITH, F. Hopkinson (1838 - 1915) SMITH, http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
98. Samuel Smiles Translate this page Samuel Smiles. 1812 - 1904. Der Müßiggang, nicht die Arbeit ist der Fluch desMenschen. Nicht zu arbeiten, ist schlimmer, als sich zu überarbeiten. http://www.otium-bremen.de/autoren/a-smiles.htm | |
99. 1904 In History Christian Nestell Bovee 1820 1904 Samuel Smiles 1812 - 1904 Kate Chopin 1850 -1904 George Graham Vest 1830 - 1904 Isabelle Eberhardt 1877 - 1904 http://www.brainyhistory.com/years/1904.html | |
100. EVENE - Samuel Smiles Vacances pas chères ? Les contemporains de Samuel Smiles (1812 - 1904) http://www.evene.fr/celebre/fiche.php?id_auteur=5408&topic=Samuel_Smiles |
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