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Slowinski David: more detail | |||||
81. Big Prime Discovered David Slowinski confirmed the find on January 31st. Roland is a 19 yearoldsophmore at California State University Dominguez Hills. http://math.berkeley.edu/~ribet/Math115/big_prime.html | |
82. University Of Calgary: Special Collections: About Special Collections Discovered, with David Slowinski, the then largest known prime number in 1978.Editor of the Journal of Recreational Mathematics for five years; http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/nelson.htm | |
83. [prime] The Largest Known Primes [1/27/98 New Record Prime The primality of this number was verified by David Slowinski who has found severalof the recent record primes. The complete decimal expansion of this http://w3.impa.br/~gugu/mersenne/largest.txt |
84. Boston Alumni Chapter We occasionally get together with other 1988 MSIA grads David Slowinski andRichard Mizuno and their families. Gotta go! Dave Submitted by David Damery http://alumni2.tepper.cmu.edu/alumniweb/alumnichapters/sandbox/morenews.asp?pref |
85. Nombres Premiers Translate this page 2^1257787-1 (378632 chiffres), David Slowinski et Paul Gage en 1996 2^859433-1 (258716chiffres) 33ème nombre de Mersenne, David Slowinski et Paul Gage en http://www.fatrazie.com/nb_premiers.htm | |
86. Nanobiographies Shamir, Adi ; Shanks, Daniel Charles (1917) ; Slowinski, David ; Spiro, http://pauillac.inria.fr/algo/banderier/Recipro/node53.html |
87. Mersenneforum.org - Miscellaneous Data Stuff Does anyone else remember the days when David Slowinski s Cray results held anunchallengeable lead atop the rankings with a whopping 40+ CPU years? http://www.mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?t=1112 |
88. Mersennesche Primzahlen Translate this page Als erste gigantische Zahl spürten Harry Nelson und David Slowinski im Jahr 1978die Zahl 244497-1 auf. Im Jahre 1995 trat George Woltmann, http://www.jeckle.de/mersenne.html | |
89. - David Slowinski,1985. 30, 2132049-1, 39751, David Slowinski, 1983 http://free3.e-168.cn/lllyyy/archives/60.html |
90. ATHENA: Literature, Books; Pierre Perroud Slowinski, David · The 32nd Mersenne Prime, Predicted by Mersenne (in English,at PG). SNELLING, Henry Hunt · History and Practice of the Art of http://un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/html/sc_txt.html | |
91. Findings:@Everything2.com David Slowinski David Grossman David Frost David Corwin David Thrussell David Seaman If you Log in you could create a David Bishop node. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=David Bishop |
92. Advisory Committee On Patents And Copyrights | Office Of University Research Advisory Committee on Patents and Copyrights. Current Membership 7/14/05.Hamid Rahai; Kris Forney; Praveen Soni. Kris Slowinski; David Whitney http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/research/our/information/committees/acpc/ | |
93. Game Reports the Arab Strap Chad Gerson 0 2 10, Ramey Ko 1 1 5, David Press 2 0 20, BenWood 0 0 0 Quentin Roper 2 0 20, Stephanie Slowinski 0 0 0, Drake 0 0 0 http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/quiz/tournaments/acffall2003/acffall2003_games.htm | |
94. Minutes Of April 12, 2005 RAB Meeting K. Slowinski asked if that could have been David Oats. G. Schilling asked K.Slowinski if he knew where David Oats is or where the munitions the buried http://www.nab.usace.army.mil/projects/WashingtonDC/springvalley/RAB/april122005 | |
95. GIMPS MERSENNE PRIME WORLD RECORD LARGEST FOUND BY GORDON SPENCE David Slowinski has verified the result on a Cray T90 Supercomputer. This newnumber is 895932 digits in length. George Woltman s announcement http://www.rugeley.demon.co.uk/gimps/prime.htm | |
96. September 19 Events In History September 19, 1983 David Slowinski on 2 CRAY1 comp s find 2^132049-1 prime September 19, 1983 St. Kitts and Nevis declares independence from UK http://www.brainyhistory.com/days/september_19.html | |
97. What Happened On September 19th Chic Bears 100 and Streetcars stop running on Market St after 122 years ofservice 1983 David Slowinski on 2 CRAY-1 comp s find 2^132049-1 prime and http://www.electricscotland.com/history/today/0919.htm | |
98. China Natural History Project - Yunnan 2000 The Academy zoologists, Joe Slowinski and Dave Catania, together with mammalogist,Richard Tenaza, an Associate from the University of the Pacific and Carl http://www.calacademy.org/research/cnhp/html/index_main.html | |
99. California Wild Spring 2002 - Here At The Academy The Academy s ichthyology collections manager, Dave Catania, Deep in thejungle of Myanmar, Academy snake expert Joe Slowinski was bitten while handling http://www.calacademy.org/calwild/2002spring/stories/hereat.html | |
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