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Slowinski David: more detail | |||||
61. ISTE | February (No. 5) by Joseph Slowinski, Erin Rosenberg, David Reider, and Bruce Goldberg Kids NMusic Projects are allowing students to learn subject matter content embedded http://www.iste.org/inhouse/publications/ll/28/5/index.cfm?Section=LL_28_5 |
62. ISTE | February (No. 5) Kids n Music Meeting Standards through ProjectBased Learning. By Joseph Slowinski,Erin Rosenberg, David Reider, and Bruce Goldberg http://www.iste.org/inhouse/publications/ll/28/5/32s/index.cfm?Section=LL_28_5 |
63. Largest Prime Number 4, 1994 by David Slowinski, who with Paul Gage proved (using a Cray C90 supercomputer)that it was prime. rcwinther Answer 3 Hmmm, just looked at my answer http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/math99/math99020.htm | |
64. MathsNet: Fraction Of The Benefits On the 3rd September this year David Slowinski and Paul Gage found that 2 to thepower of 1257787 minus 1 is prime. The number has 378632 digits and took a http://www.mathsnet.net/articles/article_fraction.html | |
65. Mersenne Newsletters Page Should you be lucky enough to pick a range that David Slowinski has not previouslytested I sent 6000 residues to David Slowinski for verification. http://www.garlic.com/~wedgingt/newsletters.html | |
66. GIMPS At Albany It was held by David Slowinski, who has already tested more than 25000 exponents,worth about 80 P90 CPU years. Of course, he works for Cray Research, http://hawk.fab2.albany.edu/mersenne/mersenne.htm | |
67. Charles Babbage Institute: EXHIBITS > The Computing Industry In Minnesota > Comp 1983 The 28th and 29th Mersenne prime numbers found by David Slowinski. 1984 THEUNICOS, based on AT T UNIX, is announced as a future operating system. http://www.cbi.umn.edu/exhibits/mncomputing/companylist.html | |
68. Algorithm 719; Multiprecision Translation And Execution Of FORTRAN Programs 29 Slowinski, n. Personal communication, 1991. 30 David M. Smith, Algorithm 693;a FORTRAN package for floatingpoint multiple-precision arithmetic, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=155767 |
69. Dict Nombre De Mersenne Translate this page David Slowinski, Paul Gage. 34. 1 257 787. 378 632 chiffres. 1996. David Slowinski,Paul Gage. 35. 1 398 269. 420 921 chiffres. 1996. Joel Armengaud http://www.recreomath.qc.ca/dict_mersenne_nombre.htm | |
70. As últimas Do Mundo Da Matemática COM David Slowinski of Cray Research finished verifying the primality on August The new Mersenne prime was independently verified by David Slowinski a http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jaimecs/ult/ult.html | |
71. Playboy Magazine Archive Newsstand Specials - 1993 Morgan Fox Liz Stewart Porchia Dallas Cady Cantrell Nancy Bright Jo Ann McMahanKimberly Page Shawna David Kendra Merrell Jenny Wray Laura Slowinski http://wonderclub.com/magazines/playboy/playboy_magazine_1993_newsstand_specials | |
72. IRI | SecA Slowinski, Gene, Farris, GF and Jones, David, Strategic Partnering ProcessInstead of Event, Vol. 36, No. 3, MayJune, 1993, pp. 22-25 http://www.iriinc.org/Template.cfm?Section=RTM_Bibliography&Template=/ContentMan |
73. IP: Hunt For Prime The head of the Cray efforts, David Slowinski, who also shares credit for the1992 discovery of the previous record Mersenne prime, M756839, http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/199606/msg00017.ht | |
74. Unicos.ms This paper reports an experiment in which the author and David Slowinski addeda limited version of the guest facility to Unicos, so that it can run itself http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/unicos.html | |
75. Hoops SA CABL Stats | David Bowley Scharnberg, Annoushka, Schinella, DeArna, Screen, Jenni, Sellick, Donna,Seward, Erin, Sheffield, Trudy, Shepherd, David, Slowinski, Tom, Smart, Jessica http://www.hoops.com.au/sa/stats/player_display.cfm?id=76 |
76. Delivered-To Luke@ndatech.com X-Sender Rugeley@pop3.demon.co.uk David Slowinski contacted George, asking him wether Prime95 could test numbers I had promised David. Ooof, so if Slowinski had gone out of town without http://ndatech.com/mersenne/archives/digest/v01_0915.txt | |
77. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Renascence Of Hebrew Literature (17431885), The. Slowinski, David. 32nd MersennePrime, The; predicted by Mersenne. Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904. Character http://www.globusz.com/authors_s.asp | |
78. Frogweb.org - People - David, P. Biographic details on Patrick David. Slowinski, JB. Smith, MA. Stoliczka, F.Stuart, B. Stuebing, R. Sukumaran, J. Sumontha, M. http://frogweb.org/People.aspx?PersonID=108 |
79. Frogweb.org - People - Slowinski, JB Biographic details on Joseph Bruno Slowinski. David, P. Denzer, W. Diesmos, AC.Dring, J. Dubois, A. Duméril, A.M.-C. Duméril, A.-H.-A. http://frogweb.org/People.aspx?PersonID=110 |
80. Breakthrough! #14 (96/09/17) The new number was discovered Paul Gage and David Slowinski at the company sfacility in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Finding prime numbers is a torture http://www.lucifer.com/~sean/BT/14.html | |
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