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Slowinski David: more detail | |||||
41. Slowinski Award The Joseph B. Slowinski Award for Excellence in Snake Systematics coauthoredwith Derrick J. Zwickl, Tracy A. Heath, and David M. Hillis http://www.naherpetology.org/slowinskiaward.asp | |
42. Findings:@Everything2.com David Slowinski David Grossman David Frost David Corwin David Thrussell If you Log in you could create a David Greenwalt node. http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=David Greenwalt |
43. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors S-Sl Slavitt, David . Dozens Equinox The Walls of Thebes. Slowinski, David.The 32nd Mersenne Prime, Predicted by Mersenne (SUBJECT Numbers, http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libs.htm | |
44. Large Numbers Over the past decade or so, David Slowinski of Cray Research has made a veritableart of discovering record primes. Slowinski and his co worker Paul Gage http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/largeno.html | |
45. Portage County, Wisconsin Public Library: Donors In honor of David Cindy Worth. The library thanks the following people fortheir nonmemorial cash Wallace Mary Lou Reabe Gary Judith Slowinski* http://library.uwsp.edu/pcl/donor98.htm | |
46. Joseph Slowinski S.F. Biologist, Expert On Snakes David Perlman, Chronicle Science Editor. Wednesday, September 19, 2001 Joseph B. Slowinski, a noted San Francisco biologist and one of the world s http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/09/19/MN1 |
47. American Scientist Online - Collective Wisdom Beginning in 1979, the primenumber pursuit was dominated by David Slowinski and his Slowinski, being a good sport, offered one of his supercomputers to http://www.amsci.org/template/AssetDetail/assetid/20836?&print=yes |
48. NAUKA.PL Sciaga Liczby Pierwsze David Slowinski 2?1 n=132049 39751 1983 David Slowinski 2?-1 n=216091 2?-1 n=756839 227832 1992 David Slowinski, Paul Gage 2?-1 n=859433 http://sciaga.nauka.pl/index.php/id=index/dept=54/cath=221/ext=7/sc_id=2700 |
49. NAUKA.PL Sciaga Liczby Pierwsze David Slowinski, Paul Gage 2?1 n=859433 258716 1994 David Slowinski, Paul Gage David Slowinski, Paul Gage Czego jeszcze nie wiemy o liczbach pierwszych http://sciaga.nauka.pl/index.php/id=index/dept=54/cath=221/sc_kat=38/sc_id=2700 |
50. George Leedom - April 3, 1999 From David Slowinski slow@marcusonline.net . George Leedom, one of the Craypioneers, passed away Saturday morning at his sister s home in Billings, http://www.excray.com/passings/GeorgeLeedom.html | |
51. Ivars Peterson's MathLand The new prime was discovered last spring by David Slowinski and Paul Gage in thecourse of routine testing of a new Cray T94 supercomputer in preparation http://www.maa.org/mathland/mathland_9_16.html | |
52. SFGate Joseph Slowinski SF biologist, expert on snakes David Perlman, Chronicle ScienceEditor Wednesday, September 19, 2001 ©2002 San Francisco Chronicle http://jacq.org/jbs-sfgate.htm | |
53. This Is A Mirror Of The Article By Mark W. Moffett From The April Outside, expedition leader and herpetologist Joe Slowinski and his best friend, The only one of us who knew was David Catania, a Cal Academy http://jacq.org/Slowinski/200204_bit.htm | |
54. Councils And Committee Program Review and Academic Planning Council (PRAP) Chris Slowinski (to S05) International Education - Dot Goldish - Chemistry/Biochemistry; David http://www.cnsm.csulb.edu/com.htm | |
55. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Slowinski, David Smiles, Samuel, 18121904 Smith, F. Hopkinson (Francis Hopkinson),1838-1915 Smith, George, 1833-1919 Smith, Jewell Ellen http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
56. Woodstock Tattoo & Body Arts Festival Slowinski TOM THEWES TRISTAN EATON MARK MOTHERBAUGH. ARIK ROPER. CHRIS RYNIAK David STOUPAKIS ALEX GROSS. WINSTON SMITH. VAN ARNO. DAZE. TOM THEWES http://woodstocktattoo.com/default.cfm?SiteMenu=Editorial&PageID=170 |
57. Article In The Times Is This Solution The End Of Maths? What Next Last week Paul Gage and David Slowinski of the Cray Research Unit To calculateGage and Slowinski s prime number,, multiply 2 by itself 1257787 times http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/~dusautoy/2soft/primesus.htm | |
58. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math 3, 1996 On 3 September 1996, Cray Research (a subsidiary of Silicon Graphics),announced that David Slowinski and Paul Gage have found a new record prime http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/57097.html | |
59. Math Forum: MacPOW 815: A Problem With The Elevators David Slowinski announced the finding of a new largest prime this past week.21257787 1. David s father, Emil, is Professor Emeritus in Chemistry at http://mathforum.org/wagon/fall96/p815.html | |
60. IngentaConnect Table Of Contents: ResearchTechnology Management Authors Goldheim David; Slowinski Gene; Daniele Joseph; Hummel Edward; Tao John.Strategies and Tactics for External Corporate Venturing pp. 4959(11) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/iri/rtm/2005/00000048/00000002 |
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