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Slowinski David: more detail | |||||
21. The 32nd Mersenne Prime By David Slowinski - Project Gutenberg Start here to download the Project Gutenberg eBook of The 32nd Mersenne Prime byDavid Slowinski. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/69 | |
22. Titan Biographies: David Slowinski Welcome to the Prover Database for the List of Largest Known Primes. These pagescontain a collection of records, resources and results all related to prime http://primes.utm.edu/bios/page.php?lastname=Slowinski |
23. A Prime Of Record Size! 2^1257787-1 clever program, said David Slowinski, a Cray Research computer scientist.Slowinski and fellow Cray Research computer scientist Paul Gage developed the http://primes.utm.edu/notes/1257787.html | |
24. Category:Mathematician Stubs - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia David Masser David Slowinski David van Dantzig Delfino Codazzi Derek Taunt Dicaearchus Diederik Korteweg Dilly Knox Diocles (mathematician) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mathematician_stubs |
25. Science & Technology > Mathematics > All Formats > Page 1 By David Slowinski Format Adobe Reader Availability Email Delivery 12 BusinessDays Platforms Windows Computers, Mac, Linux, more Learn more http://www.ebookmall.com/all-ebooks/group-206-all-ebooks-page1.htm | |
26. Science & Technology > Mathematics > Microsoft Reader > Page 1 By David Slowinski Format Microsoft Reader Availability Email Delivery 12Business Days Platforms Windows 98 or higher Desktop and Laptop Computers, http://www.ebookmall.com/microsoftreader/group-206-microsoft-reader-ebooks-page1 | |
27. S Sacks, David Jan93 (Clinical). 5005 River Road. Bethesda, MD 20816. (301) 986-8889 Slowinski, Julian May-77 (Clinical). 239-C Hutchinson Street http://gsappweb.rutgers.edu/Alumni/Directory/Directory_S.htm | |
28. Large Prime Numbers The discovery team David Slowinski left, CRAY T94 center ) Paul Gage Slowinski said the recent CRAY T90 series supercomputer test in which http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/math/prime/prime_press.html | |
29. SAVEgateway Document Delivery said David Slowinski, the other codiscoverer of the latest record number.Using a Cray T94 supercomputer, Slowinski and Gage found what is currently http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/math/prime/mercnews.html | |
30. Mersenne Primes -- From Harry J. Smith 1979 Landon Curt Noll (Cyber 174) 27 44497 13395 26790 1979 David Slowinski Harry L. Nelson (Cray 1) 28 86243 25962 51924 1982 David Slowinski (Cray http://www.geocities.com/hjsmithh/Perfect/Mersenne.html | |
31. A Comprehensive Introduction To Prime Numbers This prime was discovered by accident earlier this year by David Slowinski andPaul Gage at Cray Research. There s something special about this number http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3550/prime.htm | |
32. Primi Di Mersenne Noll (Cyber 174) 27 44497 13395 26790 1979 David Slowinski Harry L.Nelson (Cray 1) 28 86243 25962 51924 1982 David Slowinski (Cray 1) 29 110503 33265 http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/primi/primigrandi/elenco.html | |
33. Mersenne Prime Numbers 27, 44497, 197904-08, Harry Nelson David Slowinski, Cray 1 33, 859433,1994-02-01, David Slowinski Paul Gage, 7.2 hours, Cray C90 http://wwwhomes.uni-bielefeld.de/achim/mersenne.html | |
34. The Largest Known Primes The Five Largest Known Primes On January 4, 1994 David Slowinski announced onthe internet that he and Paul Gage have found a new record prime 2^8594331. http://www.math.unicaen.fr/~reyssat/largest.html | |
35. A1,28,Amdahl 6 - 1989 A2,30,Amdahl 6 - 1989 B1,64,Dave Boyd C1,64 D1,9,David Slowinski D2,10,David Slowinski D3,11,David Slowinski D4,12,DavidSlowinski D5,13,David Slowinski D6,14,David Slowinski D7,15,David Slowinski D8 http://www.mersenne.org/gimps/programs.txt | |
36. The Mersenne Newsletter, Issue 1 February 24, 1996 Status David Slowinski As most of you know, David Slowinski has been Should you be lucky enough to pick a range that David Slowinski has not http://www.mersenne.org/news1.txt | |
37. VACETS Technical Column - Tc48 2^12577871 (which denotes 2 multiplied by itself 1257787 times minus one) isthe 34th Mersenne prime, discovered by David Slowinski and Paul Gage. http://www.vacets.org/tc/tc48.html | |
38. Suspect Thoughts: A Journal Of Subversive Writing, Open Season #1 By David Salci email David Salcido email Tim Slowinski. Open Season 1 Confessions of a FlyingMonkey © 2001 David Salcido. Dearth of a Nation © 2001 Tim Slowinski http://www.suspectthoughts.com/open1.htm | |
39. The Valley Breeze : Lincoln High School Announces 4th Quarter Honor Roll Andrew Shuster, Annemary Sitnik, Amanda Slowinski, David St. Germain, LaurenStempien, Jennifer Thibault, Anthony Truppi, and Daniel Uyttebroek. http://www.valleybreeze.com/Free/327039041878758.php | |
40. McKay Messenger :: Alumni Spotlight David O. McKay School of Education MSE Calendar Contact Us Slowinski,who graduated from BYU with an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Foundations http://education.byu.edu/news/alumni/ | |
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