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Slaveykov Pencho P: more detail |
21. Albena Bakratcheva, Henry David Thoreau And The Spiritual Emancipation In Bulg (Plovdiv, 1894), p. 73. 5 Pencho Slaveykov, Selected works in two volumes, Vol.2 Essays Bulg. (Sofia Bulgarski Pisatel Publishing House, 1958), p. 54. http://web.hit.bg/alba/public/english/fb-study.htm | |
22. Albena Bakratcheva Bulgarian Literature Crossroad And Crucifix the poet Pencho Slaveykov, had received the same education in Germany, For Slaveykov the antinomy man and superman , well discussed then among many http://web.hit.bg/alba/public/english/bulglit.htm |
23. Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors P Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors P. Browse Authors P. Pellico,Silvio, 17891854; Pencho Slaveykov; Penrose, Margaret; Pepys, Samuel, 1633-1703 http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
24. Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Titles O Author Pencho Slaveykov Keywords Author Paine, Ralph Delahaye, 18711925 KeywordsAuthors P Paine, Ralph Delahaye, 1871-1925; Titles O ; Subject http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Ti |
25. Authors S-U Slaveikov, Pencho P. AKA Slaveykov, Pencho Slowinski, David Smiles, Samuel,18121904 Smith, Adam, 1723-1790 Smith, F. Hopkinson (Francis Hopkinson), http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/s-u.htm | |
26. Sl - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors (M 1876 1958) ( ps Jan VAN AVOND) Footpaths Thr The Veld p 1905 The Tod SLAUGHTER (see N Carter SLAUGHTER) Pencho Slaveykov (M 1866 Apr 27 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/sl.htm | |
27. Apr 27 - Author Anniversaries Ernest WEEKLEY 1866 Pencho Slaveykov 1871 Arthur Finley NEVIN 1873 Alfred McNAIR 1994 Wayne (P) WARGA 1995 Peter (Maurice) WRIGHT 1995 Prof, http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/apr27.htm | |
28. Authors - S Serviss, Garrett P. Seton, Ernest Thompson Seton, Julia Slaveykov, Pencho Sleeman, William Sleeper, John Sherburne Slemons, J. Morris http://manybooks.net/authors.php?alpha=s |
29. Epical Songs 1. Epical Songs. The Project Gutenberg Etext of Epical Songs, by Pencho Slaveykov 2 in our series by Pencho Slaveykov. These donations should be made to P. . http://manybooks.net/pages/slaveykoetext02epsng10/0.html | |
30. RTA STARA PLANINA Angel Kunchev, and the poet Pencho Slaveykov are born here. Among theattractive for tourists places are museums Slaveykov s house /1830/ and Angel http://www.staraplanina.org/engl/triavna.php | |
31. Albena Bakratcheva - Henry David Thoreau And The Spiritual Emancipation In Bulga (Plovdiv, 1894), p. 73. back. 5. Pencho Slaveykov, Selected works in two volumes,Vol. 2 Essays Bulg. (Sofia Bulgarski Pisatel Publishing House, http://liternet.bg/publish/alba/en/toro.htm | |
32. A Bibliographies Note The Bibliographies published by the Pencho Slaveykov Library are available Katalog na vazrojdenskite knigi i periodichni izdania, sahr. v NB P. http://www.libvar.bg/publications/index-eng.html | |
33. Public Library - Varna Pencho Slaveykov Bibliografski ukazatel. Varna, 2003. Katalog na vazrojdenskiteknigi i periodichni izdania, sahr. v NB P. Slavejkov . http://www.libvar.bg/publications/index-de.html | |
34. Welcome To American College Of Sofia N.Vapzarov; B.Dimitrova; J.Radichkov; V.Petrov; E.Stanev and P.Veginov. Pencho Slaveykov Peyo Yavorov - Elin Pelin - Dimcho Debelyanov http://www.acs.bg/departments.php?dep=2 |
36. AllRefer.com - Bulgarian Literature (Russian And Eastern European Literature) - The poet Pencho Slaveykov (18661912) introduced other European literatures intoBulgaria; his Song of Blood (191113) is an epic of the struggle against http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/BulgarLit.html | |
37. Subject Project Gutenberg Newsletter From Michael S. Hart than our Etext 2800 We will be releasing another version with much more completefootnoting Sep 2002 Epical Songs, by Pencho SlaveykovP. Slaveykov 2 http://www.gutenberg.net/newsletter/archive/PGWeekly_2001_04_18.txt | |
38. Subject Project Gutenberg Newsletter From Michael S. Hart diantxxx.xxx3016 Jan 2002 Our Androcentric Culture, Charlotte P. Gilman 3 llakexxx.xxx3011 Jan 2002 Olaf van Geldern, Pencho Slaveykov Bulgarianolafgxxx http://www.gutenberg.net/newsletter/archive/PGMonthly_2000_12_06.txt | |
39. Abacci EBook Authors Index: S Schoonmaker, James P. Cole and Oliver Schreiner, Olive Schulz, Bruno Slaveykov, Pencho Sleeper, John Sherburne Slemons, J. Morris http://www.abacci.com/msreader/authors.aspx?l=S |
40. Encyclopædia Britannica Slaveykov, Pencho Petkov (Bulg. au.) Slaveykov, Petko Rachev (Bulg. au.)Slavia orthodoxa (anc. Slavic community). Slaviansk (Ukraine) see Slovyansk http://www.britannica.com/eb/index?search=Slave |
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