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81. Ãþâå÷ çà âåäåÃèÿ: ïðîãðà ìà , êëóáîâå, ðåñòîðà à Restaurant, CAPTAIN COOK ( 1214 Pencho Slaveikov Blvd ), phone 9549098 Restaurant, KIPARIS ( 38 P. Karavelov Str. ), phone 9530060 http://zavedenia.gbg.bg/search.phtml?rtype=1&lng=EN&cid=68134 |
82. Ivan_Pavlov - Info And Guide. harsh bits that he designed. (Margaret Cabell Self, Horsemastership, p.. KonstantinPreslavski Yordan Radichkov Radoi Ralin Pencho Slaveikov Petko Slaveikov http://pheeds.com/Ivan_Pavlov.html | |
83. Subject Index Page 71. 2001. The Encyclopedia Of World History 1592. Slave coast 358. Slaveikov, Petko (Pencho), writer 1304, 1308. slavery Sobranye,Bulgaria 1300. S Chaep il, Korean leader 1433. Sociaal http://www.bartelby.net/67/s71.html | |
84. Bulgaria Property - About Bulgaria - Central Northern Bulgaria - Tryavna Angel Kunchev. Petko R. Slaveikov lived there, too and his eminent son, the poetPencho P. Slaveikov was born in Tryavna. The exceptionally http://www.bulgaria-property.com/bulgaria/central_northern_bulgaria/123.cntns?pa |
85. RTA STARA PLANINA The follower of Vasil Levski, Angel Kunchev, and the poet Pencho 96, PRSlaveikov Str., Tryavna tel +359 677/22 29 BALYOVA HOUSE 42, P. Evtimyi Str., http://www.staraplanina.org/engl/triavna.php | |
86. Companies Companies, Sofia time 1213. VALKANOV TRADE COMPANY. address 18, Pencho SlaveikovBlvd., entr. B., 1606 Sofia. tel (+359 2) 9532572, 9525981, 85119158. |
87. Søgning.dk - Bulgarien Rejsen kan bestilles p? telefonnummer 33215100 Hjemmeside Pencho Slaveikov15a Sofia 1606 Bulgaria Tlf 00 359 2 52 1345 Fax 00 359 2 954 9593 http://www.soegning.dk/cgi/search?start=10&q=Bulgarien |
88. Untitled Document 1908 a director of the theatre became the great Bulgarian poet and critic PenchoSlaveikov. opera in the building of the national theatre, P.Slaveikov left his http://www.nukk.org/site/project2/cd1/pages/projects/researches/bulgarian.htm | |
89. New Bulgarian University 2. EPPI, email eppi@abv.bg, tel. + 359/ 02/ 952 22 23, Bulevard “PenchoSlaveikov” 13 on the corner of” Lulin planina” Street. http://www2.nbu.bg/english/index.asp?p=inter/accommodation.htm |
90. Dyrlægevagten - Andre Lande Sundhedsattest Skal kun benyttes ved indførsel af hund/kat, hvor der p.gr.a PenchoSlaveikov 15a Sofia 1606 Bulgaria Tlf 00 359 2 52 1345 Fax 00 359 2 954 http://www.hobbydyr.dk/frame.cfm/cms/id=419/sprog=1/grp=3/menu=17/ | |
91. ÊÃèãà çà Âúïðîñè è îòãîâîðè kade moga da namerq interpretacii na proizvedeniq na luben karavelovi na penchoslaveikov? Ako moje na bylgarski ezik P naikysno do 16.06.2005 http://www.triada.bg/faq/View.asp?id=16953&Pg=602 |
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