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61. IMPORT ALERT IA1210 E. coli 2123 Pencho Slaveikov Road 5/10/05 Sofia, Bulgaria FEI Mexico S.Aureus FEI 3004717434 12/8/04 Queseria Los Rosales,SC de E. coli P. der L.DE http://www.fda.gov/ora/fiars/ora_import_ia1210.html |
62. Companies Sofia time 0801. STROITEL 94 LTD. address 6, Pencho Slaveikov Str., 4000 Plovdiv.tel (+359 2) 9654548. fax (+359 2) 9654542. e-mail kiril@nchbg.com. web |
63. Foods And Drinks Bulgaria, Bulgarian Producers, Dealers, Distributors, BG, Impor V P. Supply and support of vending machines and components. address 1612 Sofia,hc Lagera Bogovets address 1606 Sofia, 5 Pencho Slaveikov blv. ent. http://www.need.bg/en/?c=66&page=7 |
64. Virtual Macedonia Forums - Macedonian Heroes ND Katranov and other Bulgarians (by the Russian scholar P. Bezsonov (Moscow forthe outstanding Bulgarian poets Ivan Vazov, Pencho Slaveikov, Kiril Hristov http://forums2.vmacedonia.com/2148.html |
65. Institutes In Europe Blv. Pencho Slaveikov 15A Sofia. INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL AND POLITICALSTUDIES ST. PETERSBURG DR OLGA P. DESHPANDE (CURATOR SEA COLLECTION) http://www.iias.nl/iiasn/iiasn4/guide/instit.html | |
66. Abloom.org | Leo's Den Engagement, Teddy Bears, Pencho Slaveikov, Poetry, Cancerians (authored byPencho Slaveikov) at http//blog.peio.org/index.php?p=374 bore an interesting http://abloom.org/ | |
67. Prodigyzone.com :: View Topic - Chestit 24ti Mai - Den Na Bulgarskata Pismenost Po tozi povod bih iskal da spodelia s vas niakoi liubimi stihove ot edin moite liubimibalgarski poeti Pencho Slaveikov * textovete svalih ot www.slovoto http://www.prodigyzone.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5888&sid=16d30c41118c11af5512c |
68. Shop Bulgaria Issue 1999 Nominal value 50 levs Size 136 x 76 mm, horizontal Watermark ahalftone image of Pencho Slaveikov s portrait In circulation since 5 July 1999. http://www.shopbulgaria.com/index.php?z=1&m=5&n=1027&s=0&id=1027&pid=1615&a=-1&p |
69. Cyber Café Directory RD Slaveikov next to Building 55 Burgas; Korona 98 ST 40 Morska Str. Burgas;Neotan Ltd. P 97 Pencho Nikolaev Ltd. 9 Stefan Karadzha Str. Razgrad http://www.steampowered.com/?area=cafe_directory&country=BG Bulgaria |
70. Ãþâå÷ çà âåäåÃèÿ: ïðîãðà ìà , êëóáîâå, ðåñòîðà à 9809012. Restaurant, FAVORIT ( 15 Pencho Slaveikov Blvd. ), phone. 088611499.Restaurant, KIPARIS ( 38 P. Karavelov Str. ), phone 9530060. http://zavedenia.netinfo.bg/search.phtml?rtype=1&lng=EN&cid=68134 |
71. List Of Bulgarians Actors And Actresses Authors Composers Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Konstantin Preslavski;Yordan Radichkov; Radoi Ralin; Pencho Slaveikov; Petko Slaveikov; http://www.masterliness.com/a/List.of.Bulgarians.htm | |
72. 00001 @0 42.615210 23.335880 0x2B00 22*33 00002 @0 43.072350 1VO RPU 00058 @0 42.698810 23.331510 0x2C05 1-VO SOU;Pencho Slaveikov 00059 @0 POLIKLINIKA 00098 @0 42.415920 25.614390 0x2C05 13-TO OU; P. HILENDARSKI 00099 http://htftp.domainbg.com/garmin_gps/POIextract/BG-POI/BULGARIA.poi |
73. Euroins 5000 Veliko Tarnovo, 7 Slaveikov sq., fl. 2 tel./fax ++359 62 644446 5400 Sevlievo, 8 Pencho Slaveikov str. tel. ++359 675 34706 http://www.euroins.bg/index.php?p=representatives&language=en |
74. Pickler Memorial Library Accessions List how to increase voter turnout / Donald P. Green, Alan S. Gerber. S52 S8 2001,Sun za shtastie / Pencho Slaveikov ; sustavitel Valeri Stefanov. PG1037. http://library.truman.edu/accessions/FY 05 Accessions/Sept-04-accessions-list.ht | |
75. Roma Schools In Bulgaria - 2001 Ct. Pavlikeni, PS P. Rachev Slaveikov ? 6. Vl. Kamen, PS St. Kliment Ohridski -70 % Ct. Kilifarevo, Pencho Tzonev str.N2, PS N. Rilski http://www.osi.hu/esp/rei/romaschools.bg.osf/en/data/veliko_tarnovo.html | |
76. Virtual Macedonia Forums - Macedonian Heroes ND Katranov and other Bulgarians (by the Russian scholar P. Bezsonov poets Ivan Vazov, Pencho Slaveikov, Kiril Hristov, Peyo Yavorov, etc. http://archives.vmacedonia.com/2148.htm |
77. Virtual Macedonia Forums - What Went Wrong In The Last 200 Yrs ND Katranov and other Bulgarians (by the Russian scholar P. Bezsonov (Moscow, poets Ivan Vazov, Pencho Slaveikov, Kiril Hristov, Peyo Yavorov, etc. http://archives.vmacedonia.com/2285.htm |
78. MSU - Sprague Library - New Acquisitions - July To Sept 2004 Slaveikov, Pencho P. Epicheski pesni. Sofiia Izdvo Zakharii Stoianov , 2002.PG1037.S53 D3 2003 Smirnenski, Khristo, 1898-1923. Da bude den!. http://library.montclair.edu/NewAcquisitions/newacqjulytosep04.html | |
79. Doradztwo I Usługi Różne Dla Firm : Yellow Pages Ul. P. Hitov 24 9300 Dobrich BULGARIA - Tel +359 (58) 60 01 60 - Fax +359 (58) Pencho Slaveikov 15a 1606 Sofia - BULGARIA - Tel +359 (2) 952 13 45 http://www.yellowpages.pl/EuroPages/BGR/0c/_109k__/7s/Doradztwo_i_usługi_rà| |
80. DICCIONARIO DE LA LITERATURA CUBANA Translate this page La Habana, Dirección de Cultura del Ministerio de Educación, 1952. p. y enel Homenaje internacional al poeta búlgaro Pencho Slaveikov, celebrado en http://cervantesvirtual.com/servlet/SirveObras/01159629211030412970035/254o.htm | |
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