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121. :: SIRIUS :: Empresa de planejamento e desenvolvimento de solu§µes web. Presta servi§os de consultoria em usabilidade e acessibilidade. http://www.sirius.com.br | |
122. An Interview With RU Sirius, By Malvolio Rutteledge Tripzine.com is dedicated to the exploration of psychedelic and visionary drugsubculture. Topics include drugs, psychedelics, marijuana, lsd, mdma, http://www.tripzine.com/articles.asp?id=sirius |
123. Uddannelsen Til Patruljemand I Slædepatruljen Sirius - FVR Patruljemand i Sl¦depatruljen Sirius Oplevelser og udfordringer udover det s¦dvanlige. 26 m¥neders tjeneste p¥ verdens mest ¸de tjenestested i Nord og Nord¸stgr¸nland. Vi kan kun bruge folk med selvkritk, selvtillid og vilje til at indordne sig under primitive forhold. http://forsvaret.dk/FVR/Job og Uddannelse/Uddannelser/Slædepatruljen Siri | |
124. An Interview With RU Sirius, By Malvolio Rutteledge An Interview with RU Sirius, by Malvolio Rutteledge A look inside the mind ofMondo s errant editor and the man who might have been president. http://www.tripzine.com/print.asp?id=sirius |
125. OpenMindz - Home Page Contains information on personal philosophy as it pertains to belief, mind control, creation, and faith. http://www.geocities.com/sirius86ly/index.html | |
126. R.u. Sirius :: The Revolution® : Quotations From Revolution Party Chairman R. U An entry from the reading log of Jeremy P. Bushnell, featuring notes on books,experimental music, cooking, and anything else that passes through his mind. http://www.imaginaryyear.com/raccoon/books/sirius.html | |
127. Sirius Global Animal Organisation - Introduction Offers news archive, status of animal abuse in various countries, how to help, related links, and contacts. New Zealand. http://sirius.2kat.net/ | |
128. David Pearce Interviwed By RU Sirius David Pearce in Conversation with RU Sirius. This manifesto outlines a strategyto eradicate suffering in all sentient life. So begins David Pearces http://www.hedweb.com/hedethic/interview.html | |
129. SIRIUS Satellite Radio Bluegrass Commercialfree music around the clock across the US. Artist list, song request form. http://www.sirius.com/Bluegrass | |
130. Www.feralhouse.com/cgi-bin/store/commerce.cgi?page Paracelsus Rambles More RU Sirius nostalgiaMore RU Sirius nostalgia for the Elder Days of the early 1990s. Whatever Happenedto MONDO 2000s Cyber Revolution. Posted at 1038 PM. Comments http://www.feralhouse.com/cgi-bin/store/commerce.cgi?page=revol.html |
131. SIRIUS Jazz And Standards Service offers offers contemporary, smooth, and classic jazz channels by satellite broadcast to the continental US as well as online to subscribers. http://www.sirius.com/JazzAndStandards | |
132. » R.U. Sirius Launches Mondo Globo Technoccult: Where Art, Science, And The RU Sirius Rushkoff Sacred Whore Sauceruney Sensual Liberation Army Three Rivers Online Weird Events Wes Unrue Vortex Egg. Periodicals http://www.technoccult.com/archives/2005/06/13/ru-sirius-launches-mondo-globo/ | |
133. Nicolae Sirius - Poetry The White Century by Walter Tonetto. English transcreations from the Romanian of Nicolae Sirius. http://www.romanianvoice.com/poezii/poeti_tr/sirius_eng.php | |
134. CTHEORY.NET > 30 Cyber-Days: The R.U. Sirius Interview: Its Better To Be Inspire RU Sirius Mondo had its moment on the tip of the wave. RU The RU Siriusproject has always been largely about reenergizing the forgotten ideology http://www.ctheory.net/text_file.asp?pick=19 |
135. Diana Wynne Jones Book Reviews Bibliography with a description of most of her books. http://www.sirius-books.com/revjones.html | |
136. Datacloud: RU Sirius On Counterculture RU Sirius on Counterculture. Mark Frauenfelder at Boingboing has an interviewwith influential cyberculture figure RU Sirius on his new book, http://www.clarkson.edu/~johndan/datacloud/archives/000913.html | |
137. Village Voice > News > Free Radical By R. U. Sirius by RU Sirius February 16 22, 2000, alert me by e-mail write to us RU Siriuswas the founder and editor in chief of Mondo 2000 from 1989-1993. http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0007,sirius,12574,8.html | |
138. Sirius Publications Electronic And Print Book Store Original ebooks and trade paperbacks, plus book reviews and many free resources for authors and readers. http://www.sirius-books.com | |
139. Village Voice > News > Blurred Visionaries By R.U. Sirius Blurred Visionaries Ye Olde Cyber Prophets Age by the Nanosecond. by RU SiriusMarch 1 7, 2000, alert me by e-mail write to us e-mail story http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0009,sirius,12898,8.html | |
140. ì리ì°ì¤ì ì¤ì 걸 íìí©ëë Modernized awakening method as channeled to Master Gunoong. http://www.sirius.ne.kr/ |
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