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61. Floyd College Library -- What's New? -- Recent Acquistions -- April 2001 S55 A4 1999, Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 18201891. Sherman s CivilWar selected correspondence of William T. Sherman, 1860-1865 / http://www.floyd.edu/academics/library/new/april.htm | |
62. Territorial Kansas Online - Browse By Keyword Authors Sherman, William T. ((William Tecumseh), 18201891 Date January 13,1859 For the Leavenworth law firm which was, after January 1, 1859, http://www.territorialkansasonline.org/cgiwrap/imlskto/index.php?SCREEN=keyword& |
63. MSN Encarta - William T. Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman 1 item. Sherman, WilliamTecumseh (18201891), United States general in the American Civil War http://ca.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572785/Sherman_William_Tecumseh.html | |
64. MSN Encarta - Search Results - William T Sherman William Tecumseh (SEF/Art Resource, NY) Sherman, William Tecumseh (18201891), Sherman, William Tecumseh photograph by Mathew B. Brady (National http://ca.encarta.msn.com/William_T_Sherman.html | |
65. Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman. American General 18201891. The following is from aspeech given to the Lotos Club in New York City on January 11, 1908, http://members.cruzio.com/~varese/dickens/gallery/sherman.html | |
66. Untitled Document Sherman, William Tecumseh, 18201891 The general who marched to hell; WilliamTecumseh Sherman and his march to fame in infamy. New York, Knopf, 1951. http://clarke.cmich.edu/civilwar/cwpublished/leadsherma.htm | |
67. Clarke Historical Library Central Michigan University Civil War Bibliography Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 18201891. Champion, Julius, 1845- Diary,1864-1865. 1 item (34 pages). Typescript of diary with entries about http://clarke.cmich.edu/civilwar/cwunpublished/cwsherman.htm | |
68. William Tecumseh Sherman - BlueRider.com William Tecumseh Sherman. Your search results he captured Atlanta and leda destructive march to the sea that cut the Confederacy in two (18201891) http://william_tecumseh_sherman.bluerider.com/wordsearch/william_tecumseh_sherma | |
69. Noted Relations: SHERMAN Family Sherman, William Tecumseh, General 18201891 American army commander SHER320 16./ ?, STIMSON, Henry Lewis, Esq , 1867-1950 American lawyer and http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/people/SHERMAN.htm | |
70. USCWC -- Civil War Soldiers And Units Information 2 William Tecumseh Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman (18201891) William TecumsehSherman a North Georgia Notable William Tecumseh Sherman Union http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/links/cwsuinfo2.htm | |
71. WT Sherman - Definition Of WT Sherman By The Free Online William Tecumseh Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman United States general who was march to the sea that cut the Confederacy in two (1820-1891). Sherman http://www.thefreedictionary.com/W. T. Sherman |
72. Subject Guide To The Civil War -- The University Of Iowa Libraries Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 18201891. Letter to ? Tourtelotte.New York, NY. 1887 Feb. 4. Concerning attempts to bring dishonor on Grant s http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/Subject Guides/subgd_civilwar.htm | |
73. Rare And Beautiful : Jesseph Collection -- W.T. Sherman General William Tecumseh Sherman (18201891); photo courtesy Library of Congress,Washington, DC. General William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/special/digproj/rarebooks/jesseph_wts.html | |
74. Jay Family Papers 1828-1943. Schurz, Carl, 18291906.; Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872.; Sherman, William T.(William Tecumseh), 1820-1891.; Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874.; Whittier, http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/archives/collections/html/4078948.htm | |
75. Cinema Treasures | The Sherman Theatre Civil War General officer of the Union Army, William Tecumseh Sherman (18201891),when the street was created in 1909 by a land development company. http://cinematreasures.org/theater/4291_0_2_0_C/ | |
76. Civil War References William Tecumseh Sherman, 18201891, Letter from William Tecumseh Sherman to JohnSherman, 1866, in The Sherman Letters Correspondence between General and http://www2.arts.gla.ac.uk/CAS/Civil/readings.htm | |
77. Cousins S William Tecumseh Sherman (18201891), General and Commander of the Army 1869-1884,Civil War General 1861-1865 at Bull Run, Shiloh, Vicksburg, http://kinnexions.com/kinnexions/cousinss.htm | |
78. Civil War History, Volume 48 - Table Of Contents Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 18201891. McKnight, Brian D. JeffersonDavis Unconquerable Heart (review) Access article in HTML Access article http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/civil_war_history/toc/cwh48.2.html | |
79. Journal Of Folklore Research, Volume 40 - Table Of Contents Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 18201891 Legends. Legends Georgia.Abstract. While the overriding mythology in the South is that during the http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_folklore_research/toc/jfr40.3.html | |
80. The Civil War: Diaries & Collected Papers The papers of William Tecumseh Sherman (18201891) consist of correspondence, ajournal of Mexican War service, military documents, printed matter http://www.mtsu.edu/~library/microtxt/cw-diaries.html | |
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