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         Sheridan Richard Brinsley:     more books (35)
  1. A Traitor's Kiss: The Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1751-1816 by Fintan O'Toole, 1998-11-30
  2. The rivals and The school for scandal. Two comedies by Richard Brinsley Sheridan by Richard Brinsley (1751-1816) Sheridan, 2222
  3. The rivals and The school for scandal. Two comedies by Richard Brinsley Sheridan by Richard Brinsley (1751-1816) Sheridan, 1990
  4. The Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Dramas, Poems, Translations, Speeches, Unfinished Sketches, and Ana by Richard Brinsley (1751-1816) Sheridan, 1913-01-01
  5. Sheridan's comedies: The rivals and The school for scandal;
  6. Recollections of the life of the late Right Honorable Charles James Fox; exhibiting a faithful account of the most remarkable events of his political career, and a delineation of his character by B. C Walpole Sheridan Richard Brinsley 1751-1816, 1807-12-31
  7. The Critic
  8. The School For Scandal; A Comedy
  9. A Traitor's Kiss: The Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1751-1816 by Fintan; Farrar Straus & Girouxt Otoole, 1998
  10. A TRAITOR'S KISS. The life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1751-1816 by Fintan. O'TOOLE, 1998-01-01
  11. The school for scandal. a comedy in five acts by Richard Brinsle by Sheridan. Richard Brinsley. 1751-1816., 1891-01-01
  12. The Filipino martyrs a story of the crime of February 4. 1899 by by Sheridan. Richard Brinsley. 1751-1816., 1900-01-01
  13. Works. With a memoir by James P. Browne, containing extracts from the life by Thomas Moore Volume 1 by Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 Sheridan, 2009-10-26
  14. Dramatic works. With a memoir of his life by Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 Sheridan, 2009-10-26

101. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley /1751 - 1816/WWW.MLP.CZ
Mestská knihovna v Prazeoficiální internetové strány.
Mìstská knihovna v Praze / Municipal library of Prague Seznam autorit / A list of personages
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley /1751 - 1816
(ir. dramatik)
Záhlaví: Název OCH Rok Signatura Druh dokumentu Svazky : Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (soubor výstøižkù) soubor výstøižkù svazky LEGGATT, Alexander: English stage comedy 1490-1990 X 6093 kniha svazky MACKINTOSH, Iain: Architecture, actor and audience S 18523 kniha svazky SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley: Škola pomluv BC 515 divadelní hra svazky SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley: The school for scandal AG 3851 divadelní hra svazky STYAN, J. L.: Prvky dramatu X 1937 kniha svazky STYAN, J. L.: Prvky dramatu X 1937 kniha svazky STYAN, J. L.: The English stage S 18225 kniha svazky TRUSSLER, Simon: The Cambridge illustrated history of British theat S 16782 kniha svazky WELLS, Stanley: Vìèný Shakespeare S 19111 kniha svazky Poslední aktualizace: 12.8.2005; Generováno systémem Perlie 1.2

102. EVENE - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751 - 1816)
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Auteur dramatique et homme politique britannique
Né à en 1751
Décédé à en 1816 Faites découvrir RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN à un ami TOUT RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN SUR... ET VOUS?... Si vous aviez eu l'occasion de lui parler ou de lui écrire... que lui auriez-vous dit ? Ecrire un message SES CITATIONS > L'huître aussi a des chagrins d'amour. The critic > Le crime comporte son propre châtiment. L'école de la médisance > Au silence qui suivit, je conclus qu'il avait fait une plaisanterie. Les 5 citations de Richard Brinsley Sheridan dans Citations du Monde Besoin d'argent ? Investir ? Assurances aux meilleurs prix ? Offrez des fleurs ! ... Vacances pas chères ? Les contemporains de RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN (1751 - 1816) : Toutes les célébrités de la catégorie THÉÂTRE ET SCÈNE Invitez un ami à découvrir la biographie de RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN EVENE BOUTIQUE LES CADEAUX CULTURE Porte-clés Mme de Sévigné "Le coeur n'a pas de rides" Carte musicale "Gauguin" Symbolisme et couleur LIENS UTILES Besoin d'argent ?

103. Il Teatro Dell'età Romantica
Translate this page Richard Brinsley Sheridan era il terzo figlio di Thomas e Frances Sheridan, ATTENZIONE (rif. diverso)Richard Brinsley Sheridan by John Russell.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Battezzato il 04/11/1751 a Dublino, Irlanda. Morto a Londra il 07/07/1816.
Drammaturgo, impresario teatrale, oratore e uomo politico Whig. Richard Brinsley Sheridan era il terzo figlio di Thomas e Frances Sheridan, il primo autore di un dizionario di pronuncia ed educatore, la seconda scrittrice per il teatro con qualche fortuna. Il nonno paterno era stato amico e confidente di Jonathan Swift. The Rivals , la farsa breve St. Patrick's Day e l'opera comica The Duenna The Rivals fu rappresentata al Covent Garden malapropismo The Duenna , prodotta nel novembre 1775, ebbe moltissimo successo: fu rappresentata 75 volte di seguito (segnando un nuovo record dalle 62 rappresentazioni di The Beggar's Opera -1728-, di John Gay). Le musiche di questa ballad opera erano state composte dal suocero di Sheridan, Thomas Linley. David Garrick , manager del Drury Lane La gestione Sheridan del Theatre Royal Drury Lane manager del Drury Lane fino al 1809, ma dal 1788 in poi il famosissimo John Philip Kemble ne fu direttore artistico e attore principale.

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