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Shaw Anna Howard: more detail | ||||||
81. SandyPac 1887) wife of a Confederate officer Arvazine Angeline Cooper (18451929) pioneer across the plains Dr. Anna Howard Shaw (1847-1919) minister and http://ipac.sdccd.net/ipac20/ipac.jsp?uri=full=1100001@!273949@!23&ri=2&aspect=b |
82. Central Michigan University Women's Biography And Autobiography Shaw, Anna Howard. 18471919 Shaw, Anna Howard. The Story of a Pioneer. NYHarper, 1915. 337 p. Woman suffrage leader, minister, physician. Shaw, Mabel. http://clarke.cmich.edu/women.bio.htm | |
83. Shaw - Definition By Dict.die.net Henry Wheeler Shaw, Josh Billings 2 United States physician andsuffragist (18471919) syn Shaw, Anna Howard Shaw 3 English playwright (born in http://dict.die.net/shaw/ | |
84. Biography Of Suffragists Civil War. Anna Howard Shaw (18471919). In 1878 Anna Howard Shaw graduatedfrom Boston University with a degree in theology. In http://www.lm.liverpool.k12.ny.us/Whacked/Createdequal/suffrag.html | |
85. A Celebration Of Women Writers: S Listings Shaver, Stephanie (fl.1999); Shaw, Anna Howard (18471919). The Story of a Pioneer.illustrated HTML at Virginia HTML and page images at LOC http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-S.html | |
86. Characters Appearing In Humanities Chautauquas - The Complete Chautauquan Shaw, Anna Howard (18471919) Suffragist. Elaine M. Buker Michigan. Shelley,Mary (Wolstoncraft), nee Godwin (1797-1851) Writer. Elizabeth Francis http://members.aol.com/AlphaChautauquan/charactr.html | |
87. General Resources: Virtual Libraries The escape of William and Ellen Craft from slavery; Arthur Ransome, Russia in1919; Samuel Smiles (18121904), Self Help; Anna Howard Shaw (1847-1919), http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/hist/library/internet/general/virtual.shtml | |
88. Erminia Thompson Folsom: An Inventory Of Papers At The Texas State Archives, 185 Shaw, Anna Howard, 18471919. Gillett, Emma M. Corporate Names. Austin WomanSuffrage Association. Subjects. Social reformers. Suffrage. Prison reformers. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tslac/40035/tsl-40035.html | |
89. Women's History Sources: Index Of Personal And Corporate Names (Rutgers Universi 1 ) ( 2 ) Shaw, Anna Howard, 18471919. Shaw, Sarah C. (Sarah Cornell), 1870-1955.Sheltering Arms (Orphanage New York, NY) Sheltering Arms Children s http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/libs/scua/womens_fa/womenname.shtml | |
90. Frauenbewegung - Bedeutung, Definition, Erklärung Anna Howard Shaw (1847-1919); Judith Butler (*1944). Schweiz. http://www.calsky.com/lexikon/de/txt/f/fr/frauenbewegung.php | |
91. Matilda Joslyn Gage Website: Feminist Foremothers Anna Howard Shaw (18471919) The Story of a Pioneer (1915 Illustrations) (HTMLat Virginia, 550 KB) TOC. Jesse Clement ( - ) Noble deeds of American http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/gage/features/4moms.html | |
92. Letters And Documents Collection - S | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr College L Gift of JoAnna Semel Rose 52, 1995 Shaw, Anna Howard Shaw, 18471919 TLS, 1917December 20, to M.Carey Thomas Criticizes inaction of Pennsylvania citizens in http://webtest.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/letterboxs.shtml | |
93. National Women's Hall Of Fame - Women Of The Hall Reverend Doctor Anna Howard Shaw (1847 1919) Theology the religious socialthought of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Anna Howard Shaw. http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewone&id=141 |
94. National Women's Hall Of Fame - Women Of The Hall Reverend Doctor Anna Howard Shaw (1847 1919) A leader in the women s suffragemovement, Shaw was a master orator for social justice, and the first woman http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewProfile&letter=S |
95. 53420. Shaw, Anna Howard. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION Anna Howard Shaw (18471919), US suffragist. As quoted in The Lifeand Work of Susan B. Anthony, ch. 43, by Ida Husted Harper (18981908). http://www.bartleby.com/66/20/53420.html | |
96. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - S Etexts by Title. S S Index Main Index Story of a Pioneer, The AUTHORShaw, Anna Howard, 18471919 ADD. AUTHOR Jordan, Elizabeth http://www.informika.ru/mac/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_s12.html |
97. Early Childhood - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library 2. Shaw, Anna Howard. Encyclopedia article; The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition,2004. Anna Howard 1847 1919, American womansuffrage leader, b. England http://www.questia.com/SM.qst?act=search&keywordsSearchType=1000&keywords=Early |
98. History's Women An Online Magazine Anna Howard Shaw (1847 1919). Anna Howard Shaw was one of the first women givena license to preach in the Methodist Episcopal church. http://www.historyswomen.com/socialreformer/AnnaHowardShaw.html | |
99. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Ernest (Henry) (1874 1922) SHAKESPEARE, William (1564 - 1616) SHARP,William (1855 - 1905) Shaw, Anna Howard (1847 - 1919) Shaw, George Bernard (1856 http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
100. List Of Ebook Authors Spurious and doubtful works Sharp, William, 18551905 Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950 Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950 Shelley, Mary http://www.irqpa.org/lphs/1948/library/AUTHORS.HTM | |
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