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Seward Albert Charles: more detail |
81. I Remain - Digital Archive - Search Gallatin, Albert, 17611849, Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933, Galton, Francis,Sir, 1822-1911 Spencer, John Charles Spencer, 3d Earl, 1782-1845. http://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/remain/search.php | |
82. D & E Lake Ltd. ABAC/ILAB At Antiqbook.com Edited By Olive Risely Seward L Alliance Russe Et La Restauration La PolitiqueFREctSOR49 SOREL, Albert 1842-1894. ARLagSOR98 SORLIER, Charles. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/lak/books13000.shtml | |
83. Berry Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) James Frank Berry and Nellie Mae Seward Berry family Georgia Ferry 10/04/03 Charles Albert BERRY b.ENGLAND TO TX - THOMAS BERRY 7/02/01 http://genforum.genealogy.com/berry/all.html | |
84. DR WIDGER'S LIBRARY (By Anthony HamiltonEdited with Notes by Sir Walter Scott) V 1. V 2. V 3. V 4.V 5. V 6. V 7. Edited by Alexander Johnston and James Albert Woodburn http://gutenberg.net.au/widger/home.html | |
85. Se - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors a 1913 Prof, William (Hamilton) SEWALL (M 1909 2001) Sir, Albert CharlesSEWARD (M 1863 - 1941) 1909 Darwin And Modern Science e c1909 Anna (Hunter) http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/se.htm | |
86. Brf - Brn - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors The Tale Of Your Dog n 1934 The King s Dogs n 1935 Seward BRICE (M 1846 1914 Dec 9283 Grandma s Memories 1888 Charles H BRINER {US?} (M ? - ? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/br2.htm | |
87. A Ivory, Sir James (17651842), 17th and 18th C Mathematicians Vallee Poussin,Charles Jean Gustave Nicolas de la (1866-1962), Maths Archive Includes http://members.aol.com/jayKplanr/images.htm | |
88. ARTISTS LIST WITH LINKS TO THEIR WORK Jaques, Bertha Clauson (1863 1941) Jasper, Theodore (18 - ) Waltner,Charles Albert (1846 - 1925) Ward, Lynd (1905 - 1985) http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/namelist.htm | |
89. A Celebration Of Women Writers: M Listings Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Comprising Their Life and Work asRecorded in Murfree, Mary Noailles aka Mary Knowles Murfree; Charles Egbert http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-M.html | |
90. G DATA015 GIBBS Albert DALE page 725 GIBBS Annie Christina {WILLIAMSON} 19021974 page 273 GIBBS Charles NICHOLSON page 668 GIBBS Daniel pages 271519 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160g015.htm | |
91. Petymol.l.html Charles Darwin may , despite that he never acknowledged any of his and thelibrary of the physician, naturalist and collector Sir (Baronet) Hans Sloane, http://www.tmbl.gu.se/libdb/taxon/personetymol/petymol.l.html | |
92. Guide To The Album File[ca. 1880-ca. 1980](Bulk 1860-1920)PR-002Processed By Jan House and garden of the Charles Hawley Brantingham home in Larchmont, Sulzer,presumably William Sulzer, 18631941, as a child and a young man. http://dlib.nyu.edu:8083/nyhsead/servlet/SaxonServlet?source=/album.xml&style=/s |
93. DR WIDGER'S LIBRARY Albert Bigelow Paine (18611937) Complete Biography of Mark Twain (3.15 mb) (The American Author who is no relation of the British Sir Winston) http://www.worldlibrary.net/WidgerLibrary.htm | |
94. Acquistion , Pam-Ref, Call , Author Code, Location, County A Journal of Kansas Philomathic Institute for 1857.,Charles W. Hill,1985,G, Edited by Albert Bushnell, David Maydole Matteson and Herbert E. Bolton, http://members.cox.net/ubert/TGSLibraryListMarch2004.csv |
95. KeyID Year Source ID PageNumber BeginningWords Date Length com votes 3/31/1948 9 0 House com votes funds for bldg SewardAnchorage rd 19 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7106 1956 NYT Index 1956 p.255 135 255 US Sir H http://www.policyagendas.org/txt/nyt46-60TabDelim.txt |
96. Archive.gr - Óýíäåóìïé âéâëéïèÞêçò The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.archive.gr/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlink&cid=15 |
97. Archive.gr - Óýíäåóìïé âéâëéïèÞêçò The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.archive.gr/modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlink&cid=15&orderby=ra |
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