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61. [StatCompute] Re: [OSXForum] Winn Schwartau Switches To Mac OS X Previous message StatCompute Winn Schwartau switches to Mac OS X; Messages sorted by date thread subject author http://lists.stat.ucla.edu/pipermail/statcompute/2005-May/000777.html | |
62. [StatCompute] Winn Schwartau Switches To Mac OS X Next message StatCompute Re OSXForum Winn Schwartau switches to Mac OS X; Messages sorted by date thread subject author http://lists.stat.ucla.edu/pipermail/statcompute/2005-May/000776.html | |
63. [ISN] REVIEW: "Time Based Security", Winn Schwartau (repost) RVW 990305 Time Based Security , Winn Schwartau, 1998, 0672-31341-3, U$49.99/C$70.95/UK 46.95 %A Schwartau, Winn %C n/a %D 1999 %E n/a %G 0-9628700-4-8 %I http://lists.virus.org/isn-9903/msg00017.html | |
64. Philosophy Of A Computer Hacker According to hacker Winn Schwartau, computer hacking is a healthy form of Schwartau, Winn. The Happy Hacker. http//www.happyhacker.org . http://www.llp.armstrong.edu/reese/courses/4700/thomas/p3.html | |
65. Re: Nettime: Winn Schwartau On Infowar At Electronic Frontiers Forum To cyberdawg@sig.net; Subject Re nettime Winn Schwartau on Infowar at Electronic Frontiers Forum; From Jon Lebkowsky jonl@onr.com ; Date Thu, http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9702/msg00085.html | |
66. A Network Administrator Responds To Winn Schwartau's 'Mad As Hell' Declaration Rich Rumble, a security administrator and network engineer for a large dotcom with over 3000 employees worldwide and more than 700 servers in use, http://mac.zicos.com/news.php/n/210899/ | |
67. Category Browsing Results Schwartau, Winn, 2000 Hacking for Evidence; Denial of Service Taking Down the Net; Schwartau to Congress - HERF This; Weapons of Mass Disruption; http://opamp.com/cf/browse.cfm?Main=COMPUTERS&Sub1=SECURITY |
68. Alisa Mike S World Of Books Winn Schwartau leads readers through the basics (What s hacking? Who hacks?), introduces actual hacking tools and techniques, and using corporate, http://alisaandmike.com/scybershock.html | |
69. Winn Schwartau 2 Winn Schwartau 2 Winn Schwartau 2. http://mii.lps.org/archives/2002/photos2002/Pages/Image18.html |
70. COSC 511 Schedule And Readings Winn Schwartau, Prologue to the Second Edition, pp. 1622. Winn Schwartau, An Introduction to Information Warfare, pp. 27-42. http://www.cs.georgetown.edu/~denning/cosc511/spring97/schedule.html | |
71. COSC 511 Schedule And Readings Winn Schwartau, Ch. 18, Outline of a National Information Policy Winn Schwartau, Ethical Conundra of Information Warfare, in Campen et al., pp. http://www.cs.georgetown.edu/~denning/cosc511/spring98/schedule.html | |
72. MacIntosh Vs. Windows: Choosing To Take A Bite Of The Apple Disgusted by security issues and poor performance, Winn Schwartau makes the switch from Winn Schwartau switches from Windows to Mac and tells why. http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/general/0,295582,sid14_gci1094430,00.html?O |
73. Mad As Hell: I -- Switching To Mac Winn Schwartau switches from Windows to Mac and tells why. Disgusted by security issues and poor performance, Winn Schwartau makes the switch from Windows http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/columnItem/0,294698,sid14_gci1094398,00.htm | |
74. ETEXT.TEXTFILES.COM: MODERN Terminal Comprimise by Winn Schwartau The World s First NovelOn-The-Net Shareware Project Gutenberg Terminal Compromise, by Winn Schwartau http://www.textfiles.com/etext/MODERN/ | |
75. University Of Georgia: EITS: Information Security Schwartau, Winn. TimeBased Security. Seminole, FL Interpact Press, 1999. Stevens, W. Richard. Winn Schwartau, 1999 Interpact Press ISBN 0-9628700-4-8 http://www.infosec.uga.edu/ciso/bookshelf.php | |
76. InfoWarCon Brussels (fwd) Breakout II Industrial Espionage An Update Moderator Winn Schwartau Phillipe Parant, Diecteur, DST, France (invited) Miguel Chamorro, Exec. http://mailman.anu.edu.au/pipermail/link/1996-January/023379.html | |
77. Don’t Techno For An Answer The False Promise Of Information Warfare Schwartau, Winn. Information Warfare Chaos on the Information Superhighway. Barbarians at the Gate Schwartau and Shukman. Winn Schwartau sounds an http://www.iwar.org.uk/iwar/resources/nwc-review/false-promise-of-iw.htm | |
78. Precedence Bulk Subject Risks Digest 21.07 RISKS-LIST Risks Subject REVIEW CyberShock , Winn Schwartau BKCBRSHK.RVW 20000625 CyberShock , Winn Schwartau, 2000, 156025-246-4, U$24.95 %A Winn Schwartau http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/risks/risks-21.07 | |
79. Security Scene Errata Winn Schwartau was called Chicken Little several years ago, when he said the United It s a title Tampa Bay s Winn Schwartau does not wear lightly. http://attrition.org/errata/www/winn.006.html | |
80. Secretaria De Seguridad Publica Winn Schwartau. 2000. ISBN 156025-246-4. Fisher Royal. *Schwartau, Winn, Cybershock, Ed. Thunder s Mouth Press, New York, 2000. http://www.ssp.gob.mx/application?pageid=pcibernetica_sub_2&docName=Bibliografà |
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