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81. DigitalBookIndex HOME ECONOMICS Economic Aspects (e-Book, ETexts Schreiner, Olive, 18551920, Woman Labor, 1911 NY, Graphic Html, n/c, CornellU.Stevens, Bertha Morton, Boys Girls in Commercial Work Cleveland http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010homeecoecoaspectsa.asp | |
82. Victorian To Modern Long List Olive Schreiner (18551920). H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925). Vernon Lee VioletPaget (1856-1935). George Gissing (1857-1903). Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) http://www.engl.virginia.edu/graduatestudents/oralsonline/VictoriantoModernLongL | |
83. Qhist2005 - Keynotes theory of the feminist theorist and writer Olive Schreiner (18551920), Imperialism, Labour and the New Woman Olive Schreiner s Social Theory http://qhist2005.utu.fi/enkeynote.htm | |
84. PPE - Working Class Encyclopedia S2 Schreiner, Olive Emilie Albertina (18551920) South African novelist, feminist,and social reformer. Born in Basutoland. Daughter of a Lutheran missionary. http://www.embassy.org.nz/encycl/s2encyc.htm |
85. Penn State Libraries Special Collections Library Finding Aids Schreiner, Olive, 18551920. Sedgwick, Catharine Maria, 1789-1867. Sexton, Anne.Seymour, Beatrice Kean. Shattuck, Katharine http://www.libraries.psu.edu/speccolls/FindingAids/womenauth_s.html |
86. Best E-novels Of 1899 Olive Schreiner (18551920) The Story of an African Farm. Conan Doyle (1859-1930)The Firm of Girdlestone. JM Barrie (1860-1937) A Window in Thrums http://www.robotwisdom.com/jorn/1899.html | |
87. Table Of Contents For Library Of Congress Control Number 2003005944 Lesbians in literature, English fiction Women authors History and criticism,Schreiner, Olive, 18551920 Characters Women, Warner, Sylvia Townsend, http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip041/2003005944.html | |
88. Archive Record Schreiner Olive Emilie Albertina 18551920 South African Author Browne Stella Hall Radclyffe 1886-1943 Author http://www.genesis.ac.uk/archive.jsp?typeofsearch=i&term=notimpl&highlight=1&pk= |
89. ScSc Schreiner, Olive Emilia Albertina (18551920) South African author - South Africa607. SCHRIDDE, H. ( - ) German sportsman, horse racing - Chad (M)327 http://www.philately.com/philately/bioscsc.htm | |
90. Sackville-West To Tyler Schreiner, Olive, 18551920, Wittebergen, S. Africa, The Story of an AfricanFarm (1883). Shute, Neville, 1899-1960, Ealing, UK, A Town Like Alice (1950) http://www.factophile.com/show.content?action=view&pageid=57 |
91. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection JeanPaul (1905 - 1980) Sayer, Paul (1955 - ) Schreiner, Olive (1855 - 1920)Schwarz-Bart, Simone (1938 - ) Schwerner, Armand ( - 1999) Scott, http://www.ipl.org/div/litcrit/bin/litcrit.browse.pl?au=ST |
92. Women And Marxism Authors-Schreiner Portrait of Olive Schreiner. Women and Marxism Authors. Olive Schreiner.(Ralph Iron). (1855 - 1920). Biography. 1883 The Story of an African Farm http://www.marxists.org/subject/women/authors/schrein/ | |
93. Olive Schreiner Olive Schreiner Olive Schreiner (1855 1920) South Arican author Olive EmilieAlbertina Schreiner was born in Wittebergen, a href= ../atlas/country.asp? http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=279 |
94. Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner Quotes And Quotations Compiled By GIGA excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner . Olive EMILIE ALBERTINA Schreiner. South African novelist (1855 1920) http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/authors/olive_emilie_schreiner_a001.htm | |
95. Chronological Author List "1855 To 1859" Compiled By GIGA Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner, South African novelist (1855 1920) - READQUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (2) BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/quay1855.htm | |
96. Manas Journal Search Results: 'Schreiner, Olive' 52 DECEMBER 30, 1987 A TALE OF WONDER Olive Schreiner was born in 1988 5REVIEW ON Olive Schreiner WE had always thought of Olive Schreiner (1855 1920) http://www.manasjournal.org/cgi-bin/htsearch?config=htdig&restrict=&exclude=&wor |
97. Crystal Clouds Quotations: Source Profile Schreiner, Olive (1855 1920), Click For External Online Reference South AfricanFeminist. Pseudonym Ralph Iron. Quotations By This Source. Worry http://www.crystalclouds.co.uk/search.php?option=ThisSource&searchbioid=2262 |
98. Olive Schreiner At LiteratureClassics.com -- Essays, Resources Olive Schreiner free essays, eTexts, resources and links from Olive Schreiner.1855 - 1920 *. South African writer and political activist http://www.literatureclassics.com/authors/Schreiner/ | |
99. Schreiner, Olive /1855 - 1920/WWW.MLP.CZ Mestská knihovna v Prazeoficiální internetové strány. http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/S/91978.htm | |
100. Encyclopedia: Boers Athol Fugard Playwright (1922 ); Olive Schreiner Author (1855 -1920) Olive Schreiner (Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner) (March 24, 1855 - December http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Boers | |
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