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Schlaf Johannes: more detail | |||||
21. --- Admit2 : Collaborative Archive --- Arno Holz (18631929) Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941) - Papa Hamlet Ein TodLernmaterialen 1889. (under the pseudonym Bjarne P. Holmsen), Die Familie http://www.admit2.net/collaborative_archive.htm | |
22. Arno Holz: Phantasus Translate this page Der atomisierend-impressionistische lyrische Stil des Phantasus ist ein Pendantzur Technik des von Holz und Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941) gemeinsam für Drama http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/kaiserreich/kunst/phantasus/ | |
23. HANDELt Waldsonne (Johannes Schlaf). Benjamin Britten The Holy Sonnets of John Donne by Dehmel and the last one to a poem by Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941). http://www.meridian-records.co.uk/newreleases/517daphnaright.htm | |
24. LiTLiNks Translate this page 1862-1941 Johannes Schlaf 1862-1931 Arthur Schnitzler 1862-1949 Wilhelm Weigand1862-1947 Augustin Wibbelt 1863-1920 Richard Dehmel 1863-1929 Arno Holz http://www.litlinks.it/chr/1851.htm | |
25. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations To Lieder, Mélodies, C a text in German by Johannes Schlaf (18621941). Set by by Alban Berg (1885-1935) ,1907 Autumn sunlight. The lovely evening peers so quietly in. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/assemble_texts.html?LanguageId=7&SongCycleId=2 |
26. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations To Lieder, Mélodies, C Translate this page Language GERMAN Authorship by Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941). Set by by Alban Berg(1885-1935) , 1907 See other settings of this text Available translations http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/assemble_texts.html?SongCycleId=2&PRINTABLE=1 |
27. Collections: Sc / SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collections Antonie, opera singer Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien (Vienna, Austria);Schlaf, Johannes (18621941), writer Stadtarchiv Halle/Saale (Halle/Saale, http://www.sibmas.org/idpac/collections/sc.html | |
28. Halle/Saale, Germany SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collectio Translate this page Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941), writer Walter Serauky (1903-1959), musicologistHans-Hasso von Veltheim (1885-1956), writer Paul Zarper (1867-195? http://www.sibmas.org/idpac/europe/deh006.html | |
29. Classical Music Dictionary Translate this page Text by Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941), text also set by other composersHerbstsonnenschein. Der liebe Abend blickt so still herein. Ein Feuerlein rot http://www.karadar.com/Lieder/berg.html | |
31. Edition Einst@jetzt | H. H. Ewers Translate this page Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941) Erich Schlaikjer (1867-1928) Paul Schlenther (1854-1916)Freiherr von Schlicht (1867-1926) Lothar Schmidt (1862-1931) http://www.revonnah.de/einst@jetzt/ewers/ | |
32. Gideon Toury: Enhancing Cultural Changes By Means Of Fictitious Translations the small book were original German texts, the first results of the jointliterary efforts of Arno Holz (18631929) and Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941). http://www.tau.ac.il/~toury/works/fict.htm | |
33. Food For Thought: Biographies Schlaf, Johannes (German writer), 18621941. Schlafli, Ludwig (Swiss mathematician),1814-1895. Schlafly, Phillis née Steward (American activist), b.1924 http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_S.htm | |
34. Biography Search German resistance fighter and lawyer, born in Halle/Saale, EC Germany. Schlaf,Johannes, (18621941). Writer, born in Querfurt, C Germany. http://www.biography.com/find/results.jsp?alpha=18&subpg=7 |
35. Jan Magnussons Bibliografi över Svenska Och Vissa Utländska GLBTQ-romaner Samt Translate this page 1906 Schlaf, Johannes (1862-1941), Walt Whitman Homosexueller? Kritische Revisioneiner Whitman-Abhandlung von Dr.Eduard Bertz.- Minden in W., 1906 http://www.janmagnusson.se/bibliografigay2.html | |
36. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page Authorship Translation from German to English copyright © by Emily Ezust Basedon a text in German by Johannes Schlaf (18621941). Autumn sunlight. |
37. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page Wenn mein Auge so in deinem ruht, Wie leise die Minuten zieh n. Authorship by JohannesSchlaf (18621941) a text in German by Johannes Schlaf (1862-1941). |
38. Hergemöller Mann Für Mann. Register Schlaf, Johannes (1862-1941);Fürstenberg, Max Egon II. zu (1863-1941); Simon, Heinrich Heinz (1880-1941) http://maennerschwarm.de/regchr.html |
39. Hergemöller Mann Für Mann. Register Schlaf, Johannes (1862-1941); Schleehaider,NN (belegt 1868); Schlegel, August Wilhelm (von) (1767-1845); Schlegel, http://maennerschwarm.de/regal.html |
40. CAMA - Student Program Notes - Renée Fleming - January 12, 2005 Text by Johannes Schlaf (18621941). Herbstsonnenschein. Der liebe Abend blicktso still herein. Ein Feuerlein rot Knistert im Ofenloch und loht. http://www.camasb.org/yad/fleming-yadnotes04.shtml | |
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