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Savage Ernest Albert: more detail | ||||
61. New Materials List 1937 History of ideas in American psychology / Ernest Keen. Day, Frank A. Life ofJohn Albert Johnson, three Jesuit and Savage in New France / by JH Kennedy. http://lib.nmsu.edu/depts/bibsvs/NBL_Nov01.html |
63. Bright Sparcs Function Browse List - S Sanderson, JG, Computer scientist Savage, Joan Katherine George, Surveyor Counsel,Edward Albert ( 1939), Surveyor Surveyor Day, Theodore Ernest (1866 - 1943 http://austehc.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bs_brs_function.htm | |
64. Oceanview (IOOF) M40 Frank White, 1858 - 1932 B-41 Albert Seavey Kennedy EE Shall 49-14-21 same US,Ernest Mayhew by 2 392-24-50 ? EJ Horton by Chas Savage appears crossed http://forensictec.net/oceanside/html/oceanview__i_o_o_f__.html |
65. INDEX Albert (18411917) Albert Fletcher (1906-1906) Albert Harlan (1865-1940) Ernest Emmett (1867-1931) Gary Edward (1942-1991) Amanda (1877-1966) http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~mvyoung1/cvaught/fowndx.htm | |
66. Artrades.com , Risultati D'asta Translate this page Bièler Ernest 1863-1948 Bieling Herman 1887-1964 Bierstadt Albert 1830-1902 Pushman Hovsep 1877-1966 Pusole Pierluigi 1963 Puthod Dolores 1934 http://artrades.com/risultatidasta.htm | |
67. This Is Project Gutenberg The, by Dickens, Charles, 18121870 Old English Libraries, by Savage, ErnestAlbert, 1877-1966 Old Friends, Epistolary Parody, by Lang, Andrew, http://www.irvl.net/TITLES.htm | |
68. American Artists: Artcyclopedia Ernest Haskell, 18761925, Painter/Printmaker. Anna V. Hyatt Huntington Hovsep Pushman, 1877-1966, Painter, Hovsep Pushman Oriental Still Life with Two http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/American-artists-20th.html | |
69. Fredericton Rural Cemetery, Part 7 LOCKE, H. Jean (see Douglas A. Savage. LOGAN, - Ernest A. 1891 - 1968 LYNCH,- T. Harvey 1877 - 1966 h/w Stella May 1874 - 1950 - Thomas 1897 - 1965 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nbyork/cem/rural7.html | |
70. Taylors Of Darke Co., OH 5 Joanna Josie BARRETT (18771966) sp-James F. SENSENBAUGH (1880-1966) TAYLOR (1891) 5 Thelma TAYLOR (1893) sp-Ernest L. MENDENHALL 5 Sinia http://www.calweb.com/~wally/darke/w-tayl1.htm | |
71. INDEX John A. Jr. ( 1805) John Savage (1785-1821) Mary Ann Custis (1814-1848) Levin Albert Joynes (1852-1873) Levin Joynes (1793- ) Martha S. ( - ) http://www.espl.org/mearscol/pagendxj/james/fowndx.htm | |
72. Names Index Page SCHWARTZE, Carl Ernest Julius (16 Jan 183416 Apr 1835) SCHWARTZE,Ernest (1876-1877-1966) SCHWARTZE, Ferdinand (1884-2 Jan 1889) http://www.usgennet.org/family/baicon/data/names35.htm | |
73. Texas 1930 Census md 23 Aug 1905, Laura Kate, 52, f, TX, wife JOHNSON 18771966. Margaret Winfield,22, f, TX s/o Albert D. Elizabeth, see 1920 Smith Co. TX http://members.aol.com/ralsup7/1930tx.htm | |
74. Ford County, IL Drummer Township Cemetery. We owe many thanks to Ernest (Ernie) and Betty Schroeder of Gibson City, children Florence Huff, Russell, Dale, Albert, Richard, Vanita Roberts http://www.iltrails.org/ford/drummer_shr3.html | |
75. Henderson City Cemetery, Chester County, Tennessee Ozier, Albert R., Died 1947 (Newspaper Obit Date May 23, 1947, Savage,Granville N., youngest child of HG EJ Savage, March 21, 1861Oct. 24, http://www.tngenweb.org/records/chester/cemeteries/hcity-a.htm | |
76. Henderson City Cemetery, Chester County, Tennessee Savage, Granville N., youngest child of HG EJ Savage, March 21, 1861Oct. 24, Ozier, Albert R., Died 1947 (Newspaper Obit Date May 23, 1947, http://www.tngenweb.org/records/chester/cemeteries/hcity.htm | |
77. Marysville ARNAST, WILLIAM HENRY 18771966. ASHBAUGH, JOHN ELMER 1863-1940 BIGHAM, EMMAHENRIETTA 9/28/1894-8/6/1981BIGHAM, Ernest ROY 1876-1954 http://www.slsoft.com/vos/necropolis/Marysville.htm | |
78. New Page 1 Savage s maternal grandfather, who must have been the. father of *131 since *132was Savage s uncle. 5 Albert Bdges Netterville Toulmin (Smith) Mother http://www.toulmin.family.btinternet.co.uk/DescendentsAbrahamChard.htm | |
79. Lincoln County Cemeteries Scripture, Albert M (18901959) Cpl OR 642 Aero SQ WWI; Schuler, 1910).Ms York, the w/o Ernest N York, is probably bur Bayview Cemetery on Drift Creek. http://users.wi.net/~census/lesson46.html | |
80. Leonard Cemetery "M-Z" Fannin Co. Cemeteries Of TX McCrary, Ernest A. 18921972 same stone with wife Pearl McCrary, Ernest D.8 Dec.1892-25 July Roberson, Albert 18 Mar.1863-28 Mar.1940 next to Nannie http://www.cemeteries-of-tx.com/Etx/Fannin/cemetery/leonardm.htm | |
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