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81. British & Irish Authors On The Web (11/15/99 Rimfire s tip) Rafael Sabatini (18751950); (11/15/99) Tolkien HoBBiTSite; (11/15/99) Virginia Woolf Monday or Tuesday; (11/15/99) Graham http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~soumen/doc/sigir2001/talk/2Q22.htm | |
82. Literature On The Age Of Napoleon: Fiction & Drama (Digital Texts) Sabatini, Rafael (18751950)The Life Work of Rafael Sabatini Website The Snare (1917) Literature on the Age of Napoleon Ed. Revolves around http://napoleonic-literature.com/AgeOfNapoleon/E-Texts/Fiction.html | |
83. Literature On The Age Of Napoleon: Napoleonic Fiction, Drama & Poetry Sabatini, Rafael (18751950)The Life Work of Rafael Sabatini Website.Venetian masque a romance (New York, 1934) This story appeared in Liberty under http://napoleonic-literature.com/AgeOfNapoleon/Bibliography/Napbiblio8.html | |
84. This Is Project Gutenberg This List Has Been Downloaded From The Edgar Rice, 18751950 Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345 Butler, Ellis Parker, 1872-1970 Ryan, Kenneth, Father Sabatini, Rafael Saki, 1870-1916 Salza, http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/authors9809a1.txt |
85. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - M AUTHOR Sabatini, Rafael LANGUAGE English SUBJECT NOTES Sabatini 1 AUTHOR Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 18751950 LANGUAGE English http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_m8.html | |
86. General Rafael Sabatini (18751950) Captain Blood . Sebold, Alice (1963- ) The LovelyBones . JRR Tolkien (1892-1973) The Hobbit, Fellowship Of the Ring, Two http://www4.ncsu.edu/~aygovan/Anjela/books.htm | |
87. Böcker Den italienfödde engelska författaren Rafael Sabatini (18751950) skapade en avde mest kända hjältepiraterna; Kapten Blod. http://www.commersen.se/pirater/bocker/bocker.html | |
88. Quick Connections-March 14, 2003 Lost Book The Fortunes of Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini, Bar code 33043000120007, 18751950, has been in transit from Watseka Publc Library (WAN) to http://www.ltls.org/qc/qc03142003.html | |
89. Www.fagboginfo.dk - Andersen - Litteraturårbogen produktive (førhen kendte og nu glemte) romanforfatter Rafael Sabatini (18751950) . Sabatini, Rafael (af Hans Henrik Møller). MOMENTS OF BEING. http://www.fagboginfo.dk/lunulfir/lnulfirr.htm | |
90. J.F. Knight: Rafael Sabatini Rafael Sabatini bibliography, book liners, brief descriptions of content, web links. http://www.pangloss.ca/flashman/Knight.html | |
91. Captain Blood - Rafael Sabatini The Life and Work of Rafael Sabatini Good overview, bibliography. Rafael Sabatini Checklist Useful bibliography, biography, information http://www.complete-review.com/reviews/frasergm/sabatr.htm | |
92. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Autor, Sabatini, Rafael, 1875 - 1950. Título, Bardelys the Magnificent. Recursos,Archivo texto Archivo comprimido Requiere programa WinZip (1.23 MB), http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?idioma=0&sop=10&aut=S |
93. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Autor, Sabatini, Rafael, 1875 - 1950. Recursos, Archivo texto Archivocomprimido Requiere programa WinZip (1.23 MB), bájelo aquí http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?dewey=853&tipo_contenido=1 |
94. Rafael Sabatini (Scaramouche, Captain Blood, The Sea Hawk, Le Faucon Des Mers, P littéraire sans doute sous-évaluée, Rafael Sabatini souffre dune http://www.roman-daventures.info/auteurs/angleterre/sabatini/SABATINI.htm | |
95. Chronological Author List "1875 To 1879" Compiled By GIGA Rafael Sabatini, Italian novelist and dramatist (1875 1950) - READ QUOTES (4)CHECK READING LIST (3) BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1875.htm | |
96. Rafael Sabatini Bibliography A bibliography of Rafael Sabatini s books and short stories, with book coversand links Rafael Sabatini s picture. Rafael Sabatini Italy (1875 1950) http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Rafael_Sabatini.htm | |
97. Rafael Sabatini Rafael Sabatini, 1875 1950 Italský spisovatel. Narozen 29. 4. 1875 ve mesteJesi v jiní Itálii. Rafael Sabatini, 1875 - 1950 V KOD vydány tyto knihy http://kod.pecinovsky.cz/aut_sabatini.htm | |
98. Bestsellers On Project Gutenberg Of Australia Mistress Wilding, Rafael Sabatini (1875 1950). 10. The Homemaker, DorothyCanfield Fisher (1879 - 1958). NONFICTION. 1. Diet and Health, Lulu Hunt Peters http://gutenberg.net.au/bestsellers.html | |
99. Rafael Sabatini http://www.livres-online.com/auteur_Rafael_Sabatini--9591.html | |
100. Rafael Sabatini Bibliography FantasticFiction Authors S Rafael Sabatini. Fantastic Fiction, Rafael SabatiniItaly (1875 1950). Search Authors. Search Books. About Rafael Sabatini, Top http://www.fantasticfiction.com/authors/Rafael_Sabatini.htm | |
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