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61. The Sword Of Islam, Novel (1939) By Rafael Sabatini THE SWORD OF ISLAM (1939) Originally published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.By Rafael Sabatini (18751950). I. THE AUTHOR OF THE IGURIAD . XIX. http://gaslight.mtroyal.ab.ca/gaslight/SwrdIslm.htm | |
62. PACE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY S28 1971, Heroic lives Richard I Saint Francis of Assisi Joan of Arc Sir WalterRalegh Lord Nelson Florence Nightingale, Sabatini, Rafael, 18751950 http://www.pace.edu/library/pages/collection/dell.html | |
63. Pace Libraries Email Link Quick Jump Catalogs Databases Internet S28 1971, Heroic livesRichard I Saint Francis of Assisi Joan of Arc Sir WalterRalegh Lord Nelson Florence Nightingale, Sabatini, Rafael, 18751950 http://www.pace.edu/library/collection/dell.html | |
64. The Wordwizard Word Portal - Fiction Links Links Fiction - S. Sabatini, Rafael (1875-1950) Captain Blood - linksto different available electronic versions. Life and Work http://www.wordwizard.com/fictionlinkss.htm |
65. AP WATT - Authors Authors S. Sabatini, Rafael. Rafael Sabatini (18751950) was one of the foremostwriters of historical and adventure fiction of his time. http://www.apwatt.co.uk/authors.asp?letter=S |
66. Author Hitlist Author, Title, Call Number, Status. Book, Sabatini, Rafael, 18751950. Scaramouche.ClassicFIC SAB, IN. Book, Sabbagh, Antoine. Europe in the Middle Ages. http://cms.westport.k12.ct.us/wx/s.dll?d=s11&s1=Sabatini, Rafael, 18&LIMIT_STAT= |
67. Rare Eisner/ Making Of A Genius Rafael Sabatini (18751950) was a prolific Italian born writer, best known forhis swashbuckling tales of adventure. Having eventually settled in England http://www.comicartville.com/rareeisner.htm | |
68. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Sabatini, Rafael, 18751950 Saki, 1870-1916 AKA Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916Salza, Giuseppe Sand, George, 1804-1876 Sands, George W., ca. 1824-1874 http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
69. Sword And Sorcery -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article and (Click link for more info and facts about Rafael Sabatini) Rafael Sabatini States novelist and author of the Tarzan stories (18751950)) Edgar Rice http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/s/sw/sword_and_sorcery.htm | |
70. English Classics 3000 Sabatini, Rafael (18751950) Bardelys the Magnificent Captain Blood The HistoricalNights Entertainment The Lion s Skin Mistress Wilding Scaramouche The Snare http://book.nku.cn/book/english/s.html |
71. :: Literature On The Web :: S :: Sabatini, Rafael 18751950; Sa di of Shiraz ca .1200- ca .1292; Sagan, Carl 1934-1996; Saint Augustine 354-430; Saint-Exupery, http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/s/s.html | |
72. The British Columbia Digital Library: Collections By Subject: Literature: 20th C The Life and Work of Rafael Sabatini. Edited by Jesse F. Knight. the careerof Italianborn novelist and short story writer Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950), http://bcdlib.tc.ca/links-subjects-literature-20thcad.html | |
73. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Sa" To "Sabato" Sabatini, Rafael, 18751950. Caprichos de la Fortuna / basada en la obra I. Sabatini, Rafael, 1875-1950. I. Prieto Cab., Raúl. III. Rangel, Hugo. IV. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/srri/sa.htm | |
74. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Rang" To "Rangers Comics" I. Sabatini, Rafael, 18751950. I. Prieto Cab., Raúl. III. Rangel, Hugo. IV. F.Zavala, Alvaro. V. Bastien, Rémy. VI. Fortune s Fool. Spanish. Call no. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/rrri/rang.htm | |
75. Quotations On / About: Laughter LAUGHTER From Famous People. Quote Quotes (Rafael Sabatini (18751950), Italian-born British author. Scaramouche, bk. 1, ch.1 (1921). Opening words, describing the book s hero, André-Louis Moreau.) http://www.poemhunter.com/quotations/laughter/page-5/ | |
76. Biografia De Sabatini, Rafael Translate this page Sabatini, Rafael. (1875-1950) Escritor británico, n. en Jesi (It.) y m.en Adelboden (Suiza). Tras estudiar en Suiza y Portugal, inició su carrera de http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/sabatini_rafael.htm | |
77. Film Score Monthly.COM: Online Store The novels of Rafael Sabatini (18751950) gave birth to the greatest swashbucklingsoundtracks in the history of Hollywood, among them Captain Blood (1935, http://www.screenarchives.com/fsm/detailCD.cfm?ID=240 |
78. OpinionJournal - Taste by Norton, of three novels by Rafael Sabatini (18751950). This is not a namewith much currency now, but Sabatini (Italian-born, British citizen) was http://www.opinionjournal.com/taste/?id=110002630 |
79. Download E-books At Diesel Ebooks PS, Fiction, Sabatini, Rafael (18751950), Captain Blood. PS, Family planningBirth control, Sanger, Margaret (1879-1966), The Pivot of Civilization http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=freeauthor |
80. Download E-books At Diesel Ebooks PS, Fiction, Sabatini, Rafael (18751950), Captain Blood. D, History, Kippis, A (),Captain James Cook. F, Smith, John, 1580-1631, Warner, Charles Dudley http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=freetitle |
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