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81. 4831. Ann (Ward) Radcliffe. 1764-1823. John Bartlett, Comp. 1919. Familiar Quota John Bartlett (18201905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919. NUMBER4831. AUTHOR Ann (Ward) Radcliffe (17641823). QUOTATION | |
82. Works Referenced In Supernatural Horror In Literature By H. P. Lovecraft Radcliffe, Ann Ward (17641823). A Sicilian Romance; Gaston de Blondeville;The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne; The Italian; The Mysteries of Udolpho http://www.gordon-fernandes.com/hp-lovecraft/other_authors/ | |
83. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 17641823 Raimund, Ferdinand, 1790-1836 Raine, WilliamMacLeod, 1871-1954 Raleigh, Walter Alexander, Sir, 1861-1922 http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
84. Principal Authors In The English Poetry Database fl.1570; Radcliffe, Alexander, fl.16801682; Radcliffe, Ann, 1764-1823;Radford, Ernest, 1532; Walton, John, fl.1410; Ward, EdWard, 1667-1731; Ward, http://www.letrs.indiana.edu/epd/epd-auth.html | |
85. UK Buying Info: Books And Music And Video/DVD And Software, Games And Electronic Business, Finance Law, Software Engineering, Miniature objects., Higher, War,Photography / Photojournalism, Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 17641823, Road Transport http://www.everything.buying-cheaper-in-uk.com/145.html | |
86. Ann Radcliffe of The Castle of Otranto (1764) saw the birth of Mrs. Ann Radcliffe (Ward), As interest in Gothic Literature grows, devotion to Ann Radcliffe http://members.aol.com/iamudolpho/radcliffe.html | |
87. Page 456. John Bartlett, Comp. 1919. Familiar Quotations, 10th Ed. with tarnished gold! Illustrations of Sterne. Bibliomania. Line 137. Ann(Ward) Radcliffe. (17641823). 4831. Fate sits on these http://bartelby.org/100/pages/page456.html | |
88. Biographical List Of Names (R - RAM) Compiled By GIGA Mrs. Ann Ward Radcliffe, English novelist (1764 1823) - READ QUOTES (4) BUYAMAZON BOOK Cyril John Radcliffe, Lord Radcliffe, English lawyer and public http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/qubior.htm | |
89. Why Try Britannica Online? (17641823). She was born Ann Ward on July 9, 1764, in London, England In 1787 shemarried William Radcliffe, a journalist who encouraged her literary pursuits http://www.britannica.com/ebi/print?tocId=9334073&fullArticle=true |
90. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (R) Radcliffe, Ann (Radcliffe, Ann ). Ranasinghe, Anne (Ranasinghe, Anne ). edited byGerald MacLean, Donna Landry, Joseph Patrick Ward Cambridge University Press, http://literarydictionary.com/php/speople.php?no=0&golist=true&init=R |
91. Ann Radcliffe At LiteratureClassics.com -- Essays, Resources Ann Radcliffe free essays, eTexts, resources and links from LiteratureClassics.com . Tells of a nameless deed. -none. Ann (Ward) Radcliffe http://www.literatureclassics.com/authors/Radcliffe/ | |
92. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: R] Mrs. Ann Ward Radcliffe, English novelist (1764 1823) Gilda Radner, Americanactress and comedienne (1946 - 1989) Ma Rainey, American blues singer (1886 http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathr.htm | |
93. Gothic Fiction - Chronology Voltaire publishes the Dictionnaire philosophique. Birth of Ann Ward, laterRadcliffe (17641823), novelist. The outbreak of quarrels between Britain and http://www.adam-matthew-publications.co.uk/digital_guides/gothic_fiction/Chronol | |
94. Battaglia Beatrice Translate this page Ann Ward Radcliffe (1764- 1823), introduzione alla traduzione di tre poesiein «Antologia delle Potesse Romantiche Inglesi» a cura di L.Crisafulli, Carocci, http://www.lingue.unibo.it/Romanticismo/membri/Battaglia/Battaglia_Beatrice.htm | |
95. Ann Radcliffe: Definition And Much More From Answers.com People Radcliffe, Ann Ward. Current Topic Search Web Partners Encyclopedia;Dictionary; Rad·cliffe (rad klif ) pronunciation, Ann Ward 17641823. http://atomica.com/t1-deid-213642061-dsid-1538-curtab-1538_1-method-5 | |
96. Ëþäè è ñîáûòèÿ 9 èþëÿ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.2day.ru/09-07days.asp | |
97. §sï(Kokusho Kankohkai)/Ps{(Hard Cover) Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://homepage1.nifty.com/ta/koku/e.htm | |
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