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61. Kalendar' Fantastiki: Pamyatnye Daty 2004 G. (iyun'). 205 let nazad rodilsya Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin (17991837), russkii poet ipisatel , avtor poem Ruslan i Lyudmila , Mednyi vsadnik , povesti Pikovaya http://www-lat.rusf.ru/fc/d0406.htm | |
62. Ñ Usleter 65 -barajado De Divulgación Literaria- Contacto Translate this page Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, ruso, tuvo una vida breve (1799-1837) que terminócon un tiro del amante de su esposa, cuando ambos se batieron a duelo. http://www.niusleter.com.ar/usleter/usleter65.html | |
63. New Circulating Books At ARC Library, Fall 2004 The collected stories, Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 17991837. PG3347 .A15 1999.Eugene Onegin and other poems, Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837. http://www.arc.losrios.edu/~library/newtitles/new_circF04M_Z.htm | |
64. University Libraries, Virginia Tech Author, Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 17991837. Publisher, Moskva Gos.izd-vo khudozh. lit-ry, 1952. Location, NEWMAN. Call, PG3365 A6 1989b http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/September2002/P.php | |
65. University Libraries, Virginia Tech Author, Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 17991837. Publisher, Sankt-Peterburg Kult Inform Press Letnii Sad, 1999. Location, NEWMAN http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/January2001/P.php | |
66. Early 19th-Century Russian Readership & Culture Author Pushkin, Aleksandr Seergevich,17991837. Title Razgovor knigoprodavtsas poetom an electronic Author Turgenev,Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883. http://media.library.uiuc.edu/cgi/t/text/rusreadtc | |
67. Belly Button Window: Death Is Painful In Any Culture, Anywhere. ie the world of Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin (17991837). Aleksandr SergeevichPushkin is a superlative one but not the only one of those things http://www.bellybuttonwindow.com/archives/000191.html | |
68. WU Libraries 19th Century Russian Literature Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 17991837Characters Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich,1799-1837Criticism and interpretation. Tolstoy, Leo, Graf, 1828-1910 http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/germanlit/russianlit.html | |
69. Puskin, Russia SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collections And Aleksandr Sergeevich Puskin Country House Museum; Aleksandr Sergeevich Puskin Special Collections Aleksandr Sergeevich Puskin (17991837), writer http://www.sibmas.org/idpac/europe/rup004.html | |
70. Collections: Pu / SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collections Translate this page Puskin, Aleksandr Sergeevich (1799-1837), writer Muzej-daca Aleksandr SergeevichPuskina (Puskin, Russia) Muzej Licej (Puskin, Russia) Vsesojuznyj http://www.sibmas.org/idpac/collections/pu.html | |
71. Aleksandr Pushkin: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Aleksandr Pushkin was a Russian poet and a founder of modern Russian literature After Pushkin versions of the poems of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin by http://www.answers.com/topic/aleksandr-pushkin | |
72. BiblioVault - The Little Tragedies Publisher Yale University Press, 2000 ISBN 0300-08025-5 (Cloth) Subject headingsPushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837 Translations into English. http://www.bibliovault.org/BV.book.epl?BookId=4960 |
73. Internet Book List :: Author Information: Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin Author Information Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin 1799 1837. Collections.Mammoth Book of Thrillers, Ghosts and Mysteries, the (1936) http://www.iblist.com/author144.htm | |
74. Aleksandr Pushkin Life Stories, Books, & Links FIND BOOKS ABOUT Aleksandr Pushkin AT Powell s Books TinL and music abound in Pushkin sideas, plots with contributions by by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Nikolai V http://todayinliterature.com/biography/aleksandr.pushkin.asp | |
75. Literary Encyclopedia: Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (17991837). Poet, Playwright, Novelist, StoryWriter, Historian . Active 1820-1837 in Russia, Continental Europe http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=3668 |
76. Pushkin Sergeyevich Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich , 17991837, Russian poet and prosewriter, among the foremost Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich - Pushkin http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/world/A0840572.html | |
77. Librettist - Opera Project HU303 Alexandr S. Pushkin (1799 1837) Childhood Years Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkinwas born in Moscow on May 26, 1799 (Old Style). http://media.poly.edu/opera/librettist.html | |
78. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 17991837 At an exam in January, Pushkin publiclydeclaims Recollections at Tsarskoe Selo, which synthesizes the styles http://max.mmlc.northwestern.edu/~mdenner/Demo/poetpage/pushkin.html | |
79. Books Of The Poet: Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin - Book Works Writings Work By Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin; PublisherDistribooks; Release Date January, 1999; ISBN 2877142566 http://www.poemhunter.com/alexander-sergeyevich-pushkin/books/poet-3117/ | |
80. SZTE Egyetemi Könyvtár -- Online Katalógus P. Tchaikovsky and K. Shilovsky on the subject of A. Pushkin s novel of 4. Puskin,Aleksandr Sergeevic (17991837) Izbrannye proizvedeniâ / AS Puskin ; vstup http://corvina.bibl.u-szeged.hu/opac?auth=Puskin Aleksandr Sergeevic 1799 1837 |
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