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Platt Rutherford Hayes: more detail | |||||
81. MSN Encarta - Search View - Benjamin Harrison In 1879, Harrison was appointed by President Rutherford B. Hayes to the During the 1894 state campaign and the 1896 national campaign he spoke for the http://encarta.msn.com/text_761564367__1/Benjamin_Harrison.html | |
82. Morningside Bookshop 1894. Chickamauga, Atlanta and Nashville. 285 pp., leather bound, Series I,William Charles Richard The Life of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Vol . http://www.morningsidebooks.com/cgi/bookshop/usedrarelist.cgi | |
83. UZUHASHI CORPUS Ì BIBLIOGRAPHY Hope, Anthony The Prisoner of Zenda (1894) / Rupert of Hentzau / FrivolousCupid / Dolly Dialogues Platt, Rutherford First Book of Adam and Eve http://bunbun.toyo.ac.jp/eibun/biblio.html | |
84. Dictionary Of British Classicists Ashmole, Bernard (18941988 ) dg Austin, Reginald Percy (1900?1943) dg Platt, John Arthur (1860-1925) ge Pole, Reginald (1500-1558) ge http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/class_entries.htm | |
85. FC M-Z Morton, Georgia, b.3/23/1894, d.11/6/1975, age 81 Platt, Christie, Ann,b.9/17/1969, d.2/27/1972, age 2 Tower, Clara, Hayes, d.1935, age 66 http://home.att.net/~tombstone.bob/fcm-z.htm | |
86. The Political Graveyard: Miscellaneous Areas, Ohio Eugene D. Millikin 1891 Edmund Rowe 1892 Thomas Dyer Tway 1894 Thomas H. Hunter William White - Alphonso Hart - Rutherford B. Hayes - Benjamin http://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/OH/ZZ.html | |
87. Record Unit 7050 - George Brown Goode Collection, Circa 1814-1896 And Undated, W 18931894 Smithsonian representative, World s Columbian Exposition Folder,88, Hayes, Rutherford B., 1882. To Spencer F. Baird. http://siarchives.si.edu/findingaids/FARU7050.htm | |
88. Sam Houston State UniversitySpring 2002 Rutherford B. Hayes Ulysses S. Grant. Industrialism largescale business small-scalebusiness Pullman Plant Strike of 1894 Homestead Strike of 1892 http://www.shsu.edu/~his_bxp/2004.htm | |
89. Author Pseudonyms Rubel, James L(yon) (1894) Timothy Hayes, Mason MacRae Ruben, William S. Rutherford, Douglas James Douglas Rutherford McConnell Ruthin, Margaret http://www.trussel.com/books/pseud_r.htm | |
90. Untitled Document 590, 1891/12/26, Miller, Henry Rutherford, John, Rebecca Edminston, NG, Corncamble 452, 1894/12/04, Higgins, William David, William, Annie Hayes http://mcn.ie/crossroads/genealogy/births_date1877on.html | |
91. Dates Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel J. Tilden, and the Compromise of 1877 Pullman strike,1894 Eugene Debs William Graham Sumner and conservative Social http://yhspatriot.yorktown.arlington.k12.va.us/~mallen/dates.html | |
92. Aug 11 - Author Anniversaries 1Mrs KRAMER 1894 Marie (Henriette) GOOSSENS, Mrs LAURENCE 1894 RutherfordHayes Platt, Jr 1895 Sir, Charles Drummond ELLIS 1896 Enid (Mary) BLYTON, http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/aug11.htm | |
93. Rutherford County, NC Marriages This is marriages of Rutherford Co., NC from the mid 1800 s to about 1925. Mary Mar 19, 1894 N48 Neal, CP McKinney, Pearl Apr 23, 1916 Q76 Neal, http://rfci.net/wdfloyd/grmnr.html | |
94. Kiowa-Apache Lands In 1894, Apache John (Gonkon, Stays in tipi ) a concientious leader, sent adelegation to Washington, DC To meet with President Rutherford hays. http://rebelcherokee.labdiva.com/itkiowapache.html | |
95. MOSS MARRIAGES 1857-1938 The Data Was Taken From The Original 08/30/1894, MOSS, Walter, Francis HORN, 13, 251. 09/13/1894, MOSS, BL, Lucy FULLER,13, 261 11/16/1931, MOSS, Freeman, Alice Rutherford, 39, 327 http://www.rootsweb.com/~lanatchi/mossmar.htm | |
96. American Paintings: American Impressionism, Hudson River School And Connecticut Hay, Dewitt Clinton, (1819 1887) Hays, Barton Stone (1826 - 1914) Hubbard,Charles Daniel (1876 - 1951) Hubbard, Platt (1889 - 1946) http://www.cooleygallery.com/inventory.htm | |
97. Some Switzerland County Marriages Demaree, Leah, Platt, John P, 5/07/1846. Demaree, Lulie, Tevis, Clay R Hays, Emeline, Moore, John, 11/09/1873. Hays, Estella, Taylor, Joseph H http://myindianahome.net/gen/switz/records/marriage/marr1.html | |
98. Sanders Family Marriages Records, Part 9, Illinois Howard James A. 9 Jan 1894 Lucia Warner William R. 10 Apr 1894 Mrs. Katie Smith SANDERS, Francis 30 Jan 1848 Jane Hayes James 20 Jun 1850 Mary Davis http://www.geocities.com/~rewoodham/sandmar9.html | |
99. , Spiva Library Also included is a reproduction of an 1894 Jasper County Courthouse Dedication Reports 1 Folder Annual reports of Leggett Platt incorporated of http://www.mssu.edu/spivalib/FRARHistoricalManuscript.shtml | |
100. Emory Alumni Living In 1926, G-N Surnames Jane C. 1925G Glenn, John Wesley 1919 Glenn, Platt Everett 1897 Glenn, JEG 1912m Greer, John Marvin 1912 Greer, John Wesley 1894 Greer, http://www.ancestorinfo.com/emory_alumni, 1926, g-n.htm | |
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