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         Pinkerton John:     more detail
  1. Scotish poems, reprinted from scarce editions ... with three pieces before unpublished Volume 2 by John, 1758-1826 Pinkerton, 2009-10-26
  2. Literary correspondence, now first printed from the originals in the possession of Dawson Turner Volume 2 by John, 1758-1826 Pinkerton, 2009-10-26
  3. Petralogy. A treatise on rocks Volume 1 by John, 1758-1826 Pinkerton, 2009-10-26
  4. Scottish tragic ballads by John, 1758-1826 Pinkerton, 2009-10-26
  5. Ancient lives of Scottish saints translated by W.M. Metcalfe ; w by Pinkerton. John. 1758-1826., 1895-01-01
  6. Select Scotish ballads Volume 1 by John, 1758-1826 Pinkerton, 2009-10-26
  7. Ancient Scottish poems, never before in print. But now published from the Ms. collections of Sir Richard Maitland, of Lethington, knight Volume 1 by John, 1758-1826 Pinkerton, 2009-10-26
  8. The Percy Letters: The Correspondence of Thomas Percy and John Pinkerton (Vol 8) by Thomas Percy, 1985-09-10

81. Pinkerton Family Genealogy Forum (Page 3)
John Pinkerton, esq. 17581826, UK - Robert B Pinkerton 1/31/99. TN Mary Magdalene Pinkerton - Judy Hutchison 1/23/99. William J. Pinkerton/ Illinois
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82. VÖBAM - Din Källa Till Den äldre Bild- Och Kartvärlden
Pinkerton, John (17581826), skotsk historiker. Född i Edinburgh, död i Paris. Efter att ha studerat rättsvetenskap under en tid, utvecklade han från 1780
Back to - main page. Kartografer, kartgravörer, karttryckare, kartutgivare och karthandlare Här presenteras kartografer m.fl. inom kartbranschen verksamma i alfabetisk ordning. Under fortlöpande arbete. Vi mottager gärna bidrag! Kontakta VÖBAM Klicka på valfri bokstav. A B C D ... H I J K L M ... P Q R S T U ... W X Y Z
A AA, PIETER VAN DER (1659-1733), holländsk boktryckare och kartograf. 1694 blev han boktryckare för Waalsche College i Leiden, och fick senare titeln stads- och akademiboktryckare. 1714 utgav han en "Atlas Nouveau et Curieux" med 139 kartor, och samma år "Atlas Nouvel" med 98 kartor. 1729 fullföljde han med "Gallerie Agreeable du Monde", ett storverk i 66 band med ca. 3000 planscher. Upplagan var begränsad till 100 exemplar. (Nederl. biogr., I. - Tooley)
ALLARD, CAREL (1648-1709?), holländsk kartförläggare. Född och död i Amsterdam där han drev en omfattande konst- och kartaffär. 1699 sökte han privilegium för utgivningen av en ny "Atlas Minor" och 1706 gav han samtidigt ut både en "Atlas Minor" som innehöll 521 av den tidens bästa landskartor, och två mindre atlaser med uppskattningsvis 25 kartor. Från 1708 finns bevarat en förteckning över hans samling av kopparstick, som ger ett bra bild av hans verksamhet. Förutom kartorna finner vi här en rad med prospekt och skeppskonstruktioner, porträtt och bilder med historiska och bibliska motiv. Flera av tidens främsta konstnärer finns representerade, däribland Rembrandt med 6 målningar. (Kleerkooper)

83. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926
Theophilus Goldridge, 18561934 Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826 Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821 Plaatje, Sol Plato, circa 427-347 BC Plato, circa 427-347 BC. NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm

84. Tyrvännön Joulu 1999, Vermasvuori
Skotlantilainen John Pinkerton (17581826) tutustui Hermelinin kartastoon heti 1800-luvun alussa, mahdollisesti 1803, jolloin Vermasvuoren maiseman piirtänyt
    Tyrvännön Joulu 1999
    Sampo Honkala VERMASVUORI ELI ILMOLAN MÄKI - UNOHDETTU KANSALLISMAISEMA Peruskartan lehdeltä 2132 08 löytyy yksi Hämeen ja aikoinaan koko Suomen tunnetuimmista näköalapaikoista - Vermasvuori. Kirjassaan Häme vuodelta 1908 kuvailee F.O.Rapola Vermasvuoren näköalaa seuraavalla tavalla: "Seudun korkein kohta on Vermasvuori Hauhon, Pälkäneen ja Tyrvännön rajalla. Siltä on laaja ja kaunis näköala monelle suunnalle: Silmänkantamattomain metsäin lomassa aukeaa lännen puolella väljä Vanajanselkä, jonka takaa Tyrvännön niemi ja Sääksmäen rannat siintävät, kaakon puolella vilahtavat näkyviin Hauhon vedet Hauhon kirkon seutuvilla, ja pohjoisessa näkyy Ilmoilan selkä ja sen takaa Mallasveden siintävät metsärannat." Vermasvuoren vanha maine näköalapaikkana perustui osaksi vuoren sijaintiin valtaväylän varrella. Maantie Hämeenlinnasta pohjoiseen kulki jo ennen Tampereen kaupungin perustamista Pälkäneen, Kangasalan ja Tammerkosken kautta. Kuivia ja helppokulkuisia kangasmaita noudatteleva reitti nousee useassa kohdassa korkeille paikoille, joilta avautuu järvien halkomaan maisemaan komeita näköaloja. Vermasvuoren kallioinen laki on näistä vanhan kulkuväylän kohdalle osuvista näköalapaikoista ensimmäisiä Hämeenlinnasta lähdettäessä, ja sen maine on aikoinaan ollut yhtä suuri kuin Kangasalan ja Hattelmalan harjujen. Vermasvuori on ensimmäisiä suomalaisia tyyppimaisemia - se on saanut edustaa koko maata samalla tavoin kuin nykyään Punkaharju tai Koli, olla tyypillisenä ja edustavana esimerkkinä suomalaisesta maisemasta. Vermasvuorelta avautuvaa näköalaa esittävä kuparipiirros julkaistiin S.G.Hermelinin Suomen kartaston nimilehdellä jo vuonna 1799. Punkaharju ei tuolloin olisi Suomen kartastoon kuulunutkaan; sehän sijaitsi Vanhassa Suomessa ja oli 1700- luvun lopulla siten osa kauneinta Venäjää. Koli sijaitsi vielä tuntemattomassa ja tavoittamattomassa erämaassa.

85. Browse By Author S Last Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R
Pinkerton, John, 17581826.A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in various parts of America; Pinkerton, John
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86. Authors List - Alphabetical
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge (18561934) - 1 item(s); Pinkerton, John (1758-1826) - 1 item(s); Piozzi, Hester Lynch (1741 - 1821) - 1 item(s); Pliny,
Browse categories... * Book Specials * Bestsellers List * Newest Titles * View all Authors Anthologies Biology Comedy Criticism Drama Economics Fiction - General Historical Horror Law Military Mythology Non-Fiction Occult Philosophy Poetry Politics Romance Science Fiction Travel Yoga Keywords: View all Titles View all Authors Authors list - Alphabetical A

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Books by Pinkerton, John (17581826), Go back. Early Australian Voyages Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier by Pinkerton, John (1758-1826). In, John (175

88. Map Collections 1500-2004 Creators 20
Pingré, AG (Alexandre Guy), 17111796, tr. Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián, 1774-1829. Pitt, Moses, fl. 1654-1696.

89. 3000(?)(?)
Translate this page Susan Lenox Her Rise and Fall Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge (1856-1934) The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria Pinkerton, John (1758-1826) Early Australian

90. The National Archives Search The Archives National Register Of
Pinkerton, John (17581826) Historian and Antiquary (8). Pitcairn, Robert (1793-1855) Antiquary (6). Pitcairne, Archibald (1652-1713) Physician and Poet (10

91. The National Archives Search The Archives National Register Of
Pinkerton, John (17581826) Historian and Antiquary (8). Plomer, William Charles Franklyn (1903-1973) Author (17). Plumptre, Edward Hayes (1821-1891) Dean

Phil. mag. July 1799.. IN Pinkerton, John, 17581826. A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels (London, 1808-14).
Svalbard Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Tor SVEUM, Per Kyrre REYMERT, Marit Anne HAUAN: Svalbardlitteratur: en bibliografi = Svalbard literature: a bibliography / . [Tromso: Universitetsbiblioteket i Tromso, Avd. Tromso museum, 1987] Marie TREMAINE (compiler): Arctic Bibliography (U.S. Dept of Defense and the Arctic Institute of North America, 15 vols.) GENERAL Patrick D. BAIRD: The Polar World Felice BELLOTTI, The Great North translated from the Italian by James Cadell (London A. Deutsch [1957]) Julius BUDEL and Walter IMBER: Spitsbergen: Lonely Isle Under the Midnight Sun (1970 Berne, Kummerly and Frey) Abel CHAPMAN, Wild Norway: with chapters on Spitsbergen, Denmark, etc.,. (London; New York: E. Arnold, 1897) Louis Herbert GRAY: Spitsbergen and Bear Island (1919, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office) (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1974; the Inquiry handbooks v. 9) Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section. Spitsbergen. London : H.M. Stationery Office, 1920. Handbook no. 36. Tim GREVE: Svalbard: Norway in the Arctic (1975, Oslo, Grodahl)

93. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING
Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective; Jim Cummings. Pinkerton, John, 17581826 Early Australian Voyages Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier. Piozzi
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<% Dim ObjCounterFile, ReadCounterFile, WriteCounterFile Dim CounterFile Dim CounterHits Set ObjCounterFile = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") CounterFile = Server.MapPath ("p.txt") Set ReadCounterFile= ObjCounterFile.OpenTextFile (CounterFile, 1, True) If Not ReadCounterFile.AtEndOfStream Then CounterHits = Trim(ReadCounterFile.ReadLine) If CounterHits = "" Then CounterHits = Else CounterHits = End If ReadCounterFile.Close Set ReadCounterFile = Nothing CounterHits = CounterHits + 1 Set WriteCounterFile= ObjCounterFile.CreateTextFile (CounterFile, True) WriteCounterFile.WriteLine(CounterHits) WriteCounterFile.Close Set WriteCounterFile = Nothing Set ObjCounterFile = Nothing %> A B C D ... Z Paramananda, Swami
The Upanishads
[Read Online] [Buy Printed] [Download] Parker, Dewitt H.
The Principles Of Aesthetics
[Read Online] [Buy Printed] [Download] Parmele, Mary
The Evolution of an Empire
[Read Online] [Buy Printed] [Download] Paterson, Andrew Barton `Banjo'
The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses
[Read Online] [Buy Printed] [Download] Patterson, John Henry

94. Catalogue Of The Papers Of William Beckford, 1772-1857
Pinkerton (John) 17581826. Copy of letter from W. Beckford, 1800. MS. Beckford c. 16, pp. 48-9. PITT (Hester) Baroness Chatham, 1720-1803
Catalogue of the papers of William Beckford, 1772-1857
Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
T. D. Rogers
Department of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts Bodleian Library Broad Street Oxford United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1865 277046 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 277182 E-mail:
Conversion to EAD supported by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
Papers of William Beckford, 1772-1857
Papers of William Beckford (1760-1844), author
Shelfmarks: MSS. Beckford a. 1-4, b. 1-8, c. 1-89, d. 1-29, e. 1-5, f. 1-5, g. 1-2
Extent: 142 shelfmarks
Biographical History
William Beckford (1760-1844) was the author of the oriental tale Vathek and of several volumes of travel-writings, the builder of Fonthill Abbey, and an important collector of paintings, objets d'art and books. Fonthill has almost disappeared, most of his collections and his library have been dispersed, but his writings and this substantial collection of his papers remain.
Scope and Content
The journals are mostly fragmentary, but include the long journal which Beckford kept during his visit to Portugal and Spain in 1787-8, with a later copy containing some entries missing from the original journal. The later copy was not available to Boyd Alexander for his edition of the journal (1954). The travel-writings, often based on the journals, include drafts of

95. Arts Literature Authors P Pinkerton, John
Top Arts Literature Authors P Pinkerton, John (1) Biography. Pinkerton, John (17581826). —Historian and Antiquary, b

96. Library Books Beginning With "E" - Free Classics Online - EBooks - ETexts
Early Australian Voyages Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier, by Pinkerton, John, 17581826. Early Kings Of Norway, by Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. Titles=E

Pinkerton, John (17581826), Scottish archaeologist, numismatist and author, was born at Edinburgh on the i7th of February 1758.
PINKERTON, JOHN ALLAN PINKERTON PINNACE To properly cite this JOHN PINKERTON article in your work, copy the complete reference below: "JOHN PINKERTON." LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia.
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98. English Classics 3000 Table Of Contents ( Listed By Author ) A
Theophilus Goldridge (18561934) The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria Pinkerton, John (1758-1826) Early Australian Voyages Piozzi, Hester Lynch

99. Arts Literature Authors P Pinkerton, John
Top Arts Literature Authors P Pinkerton, John (1) Biography. Pinkerton, John (17581826). —Historian and Antiquary, b. in,_John/
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Arts: Literature: Authors: P: Pinkerton, John
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project home submit content become an editor Top ... P : Pinkerton, John
Biography PINKERTON, JOHN (1758-1826). —Historian and Antiquary, b. in Edin., was apprenticed to a lawyer, but took to literature, and produced a number of works distinguished by painstaking research, but disfigured by a controversial and prejudiced spirit. His first publication was Select Scottish Ballads (1783), some of which, however, were composed by himself. A valuable Essay on Medals (1784) introduced him to Gibbon and Horace Walpole. Among his other works are Ancient Scottish Poems (1786), Dissertation on the Goths (1787), Medallic History of England (1790), History of Scotland (1797), and his best work, Treatise on Rocks (1811). One of his most inveterate prejudices was against Celts of all tribes and times. He d. in obscurity in Paris.
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100. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors
Peter (1738 1819) PINERO, Arthur Wing (1855 - 1934) Pinkerton, John (1758 - 1826) PIOZZI, Hester Lynch (1741 - 1821) PIRANDELLO, Luigi (1867 - 1936)
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List of birth and death dates The following list shows the birth and death dates of a number of authors. The dates shown may not be accurate, as the list has been compiled from existing sources on the internet, and dates have not been verified by Project Gutenberg of Australia. A comprehensive list of authors and translators, together with birth and death dates, is available from The New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors at the Kingkong web site. Other sites which may be of interest to Project Gutenberg volunteers are listed on the Links page. SURNAME, Christian Name(s) (Born - Died) Home Updated 30 Mar 05

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