Church: Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, Authorized Marriages, 1682-1756, Philadelphia, PA. Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Joe Patterson OCR'd and proofread by Judy Banja USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information are included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. NOTE: This file is a combined groom and bride alpha listing so each couple should appear twice. It is as shown in the book. Pennsylvania Archives. Second Series. Vol. IX. Published under direction of Matthew S. Quay, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Edited by John B. Linn and Wm. H. Egle, M.D. Harrisburg: Lane S. Hart, State Printer, 1880. "Marriages Authorized by the Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1682-1756," pages 201-216. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MEETING. 203 6/27/1686 Acton, Benjamin, and Christina England. 8/28/1687 Adams, Seamerey, and Mary Brett. 1/28/1718 Allen, Mary, and Joseph Webb. 1/27/1713 Allen, Nathaniel, and Hannah Webb. 7/26/1718 Allen, Nehemiah,Jr.and Hannah Lownes. 11/9/1682 Allen, Priscilla, and Thomas Smith. 4/27/1718 Allen, Richard, and Mary Goforth. 12/29/1752 Allen, Susanna, and John Drinker, [acc. 1, 1753. 9/30/1688 Ambler, Joseph, and Sarah Jerman. 8/25/1689 Andrews, Thomas, and Elizabeth Owen. 4/3/1684 Annis, Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Itle. 7/27/1728 Armitt, John, and Mary Emblen. 7/26/1701 Armitt, Richard, and Sophia Johnson. 11/6/1710 Armstrong,Christina,and Thomas Broadgate. 7/28/1688 Arnott, Mary, and John Barnes. 7/30/1715 Badcock, Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Griffitts. 10/26/1718 Badcock, Hannah, and John Knight. 11/30/1729 Bailey, Sarah, and Joseph England. 12/24/170 Baker, Robert, and Susanna Packer. 3/31/1689 Baldwin, John, and Catherine Turner. 5/26/1689 Barber, Ellin, and James Thomas. 7/28/1688 Barnes, John, and Mary Arnott. 4/3/1684 Barrett, Ann, and Charles Lee. 9/30/1688 Basnett, Richard, and Elizabeth Frampton. 2/1/1684 Batchelor, Jane, and Richard Tucker. 1/27/1730 Batterson,Benjamin,and Mary Thompson, [acc. 2, 1730. 12/21/1694 Beasor, John, and Esther Whitehead. 3/25/1757 Bell, Mary, and John Panock, [acc. 4, 1757. 11/29/1696 Bellows, Matthias, and Maudlin Wright. 1/28/1690 Benks, William, and Elizabeth Woniloe. 10/7/1685 Bennett, Edmund, and Elizabeth Potts. 11/27/1687 Bethell, William, and Eleanor Claypoole. 8/30/1754 Bettle, Hannah, and John Watterman, [acc. 9, 1754. 1/31/1721 Bettle, John, and Lydia Bolton. 8/29/1742 Biddle, Elizabeth, and Joshua Pearson, [acc. 9, 1742. 6/29/1718 Birchfield,Matthew,and Alice Goforth. 204 MARRIAGES AUTHORIZED. 6/30/1717 Bissel, William, and Hannah Warrington. 1/30/1722 Blackbourn,Rebecca,and John Smith, Jr. 1/31/1721 Blackfan, William, and Eleanor Wood. 8/29/1686 Blinston, Mary, and John Otter. 1/31/1721 Bolton, Lydia, and John Bettle. 8/30/1719 Bomstead, Dorothy, and David Hews. 12/23/1699 Borden, Dinah, and John Davies. 1/30/1694 Boulton, Edward, and Eleanor Jones. 12/1/1685 Bowling, Martha, and Nathaniel Walton. 6/27/1725 Boyden, Mary, and Jacob Shute. 8/31/1712 Bradford, Thomas, and Priscilla Parker. 8/28/1687 Brett, Mary, and Seamerey Adams. 12/23/1710 Brientnall,David,Jr.and Grace Parker. 7/12/1685 Brigham, Charles, and Hannah Renager. 12/27/1701 Brightwen, Susanna, and Thomas Worrilaw. 10/27/1723 Brintnall, Joseph, and Esther Parker. 11/6/1710 Broadgate, Thomas, and Christina Armstrong. 6/5/1684 Brock, John, and Elizabeth Rowden. 3/27/1748 Brooks, Thomas, and Martha Hart, [acc. 4, 1748. 5/27/1711 Brooksby, Ann, and Reese Peters. 3/29/1754 Brown, Abraham, and Mary Trotter. 8/25/1689 Brown, Agnes, and Anthony Morris. 1/28/1701 Brown, Sarah, and Joseph Hood. 3/26/1699 Brown, William, and Catharine Williams. 10/31/1755 Buckingham, Alice, and Edward Jones, [acc. 11, 1755. 2/26/1689 Budd, Sarah, and John Murray. 2/5/1686 Bullock, Mary, and Thomas Harding. 2/29/1737 Cadwallader,Hannah,and Samuel Morris, [acc. 3, 1737. 11/27/1708 Calvert, George, and Mary Wilson. 8/27/1693 Canby, Thomas, and Sarah Jervis. 3/29/1713 Carlton, Susannah, and Richard Parks. 10/26/1701 Carpenter,Hannah,Jr.and William Fishbourn. 3/25/1711 Carpenter,Samuel,Jr.and Hannah Preston. 1/25/1687 Carter, Katherine, and Edward Turner. 5/28/1721 Carter, William, and Mary Sutton. 8/31/1729 Carver, Hannah, and William Williams, [acc. 9 mo. 12/24/1715 Cassel, Veronica, and Isaac Warner. 11/29/1730 Cathrall, Edward, and Rachel Harron, [acc. 12, 1730. 7/29/1710 Chadler, Edward, and Grace Day. 3/3/1686 Chambers, Benjamin, and Hannah Smith. 3/29/1754 Chapman, Isaac, and Mary Mason. 5/29/1737 Clark, David, and Elizabeth Eastbourn, [acc.6, 1737. 1/29/1728 Clark, Elizabeth, and Reese Peters, [acc. 2, 1728. 11/27/1687 Claypoole, Eleanor, and William Bethell. 12/23/1699 Claypoole, George, and Mary Righton. 5/29/1737 Claypoole, James, and Rachel Shenton, [acc. 6, 1737. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MEETING. 205 4/24/1687 Claypoole, Mary, and Francis Cook. 8/30/1719 Clifton, Sarah, and Thomas Knight. 7/25/1696 Coate, Thomas, and Beulah Jacocs. 2/28/1721 Coates, Elizabeth, and Joseph Pascal. 2/26/1723 Coates, Enoch, and Rose Tidmarsh. 2/29/1726 Coates, Mary, and Samuel Nichols. 3/29/1724 Coates, Sarah, and Benjamin Shoemaker. 10/29/1689 Cobron, Martha, and Daniel Riggs. 3/25/1722 Coburn, Thomas, and Elizabeth Cockfield. 3/25/1722 Cockfield,Elizabeth,and Thomas Coburn. 8/29/1697 Cockin, Mary, and Randolph Spikeman. 8/28/1715 Cockshall,Jonathan,and Martha Kite. 4/27/1701 Coleman, Sarah, and Caspar Hoodt. 3/25/1722 Combs, Mary, and Thomas Hart. 4/24/1687 Cook, Francis, and Mary Claypoole. 7/29/1739 Cooper, Daniel, and Mary West, [acc. 8, 1739. 9/27/1754 Cooper, Deborah, and Restore Lippincott, [acc. 10, 1754. 6/28/1713 Cooper, Joseph,Jr.and Mary Hudson. 1129/1713 Cordery, Esther, and George Mifflin. 8/28/1720 Cordery, Mary, and Isaac Lenoire. 2/29/1709 Corker, William, and Mary Fisher. 2/30/1714 Cox, Abraham, and Martha Nicholas. 10/30/1692 Craven, Ann, and Isaac Warner. 11/26/1693 Croasdale Alice, and David Potts. 5/28/1727 Cubet, Mary, and Jacob Horner. 1/27/1691 Cutler, Margaret, and Joseph Walker. 12/23/1699 Davies, John, and Dinah Borden. 6/26/1737 Davis, Elizabeth, and William Horne, [acc. 7, 1737. 10/30/1692 Davis, Mary, and John Hutchins. 5/26/1717 Davis, Samson, and Christina Shute. 2/26/1723 Davise, Hannah, and John Ogden. 7/29/1710 Day, Grace, and Edward Chadler. 4/28/1700 Decow, Hannah, and Thomas England. 7/27/1700 Delavall, Hannah, and Richard Hill. 5/30/1725 Denise, Cornelius, and Mary Durborow. 10/28/1688 Densey, John, and Sarah Hollyman. 10/27/1700 Doe, Mary, and John Parker. 2/7/1685 Dole, Sarah, and Andrew Griscom. 2/27/1756 Drinker,John,Jr.,and Rachel Renier, [acc. 3, 1756. 12/29/1752 Drinker, John, and Susanna Allen, [acc. 1, 1753. 6/27/1708 Drinker, Joseph, and Mary Janney. 2/24/1719 Dubery, James, and Elizabeth Waln. 10/31/1686 Duckett, Thomas, and Ruth Wood. 8/29/1736 Duncan, Robert, and Esther Marle, [acc. 9, 1736. 11/27/1720 Dunn, William, and Sarah Garrett. 2/29/1687 Duplonvis, John, and Whanky Taney. 206 MARRIAGES AUTHORIZED. 4/24/1720 Durborow, John, and Rebecca Haywood. 5/30/1725 Durborow, Mary, and Cornelius Denise. 6/28/1741 Durborow, Sarah, and William England. [acc. 7, 1741. 1/27/1757 Duvar, Ann, and Lawrence Rice, [acc. 2, 1757. 5/29/1737 Eastbourn,Elizabeth,and David Clark, [acc. 6, 1737. 2/27/1694 Eastbourn, John, and Margaret Jones. 7/24/1725 Elfreth, Caleb, and Mary Roberts. 6/30/1734 Elfreth, Elizabeth, and John Marle, [acc. 7, 1734. 12/27/1701 Elfreth, Henry, and Sarah Gilbert. 4/27/1753 Elfreth,Mary,Jr., and Henry Shute, [acc. 5, 1753. 3/26/1732 Emblen, Ann, and William Miller, [acc. 4, 1732. 9/29/1728 Emblen, Joshua, and Deborah Powell. 7/27/1728 Emblen, Mary, and John Armitt. 3/25/1694 Emlen, George, and Hannah Garrett. 9/25/1726 Emlen, Joshua, and Mary Hudson. 3/31/1728 England, Abraham, and Jane Rawle. 6/27/1686 England, Christina,and Benjamin Acton. 11/30/1701 England, Jemima, and John Guy. 11/30/1729 England, Joseph, and Sarah Bailey. 4/28/1700 England, Thomas, and Hannah Decow. 6/28/1741 England, William, and Sarah Durborow, [acc. 7, 1741. 10/27/1717 Estaugh, James, and Hannah Mereday. 8/28/1752 Evans, Rebecca, and Jonathan Mifflin, [acc. 9, 1752. 1/31/1699 Ewen, Mary, and Nathan Stanbury. 9/24/1710 Fawcett, Jane, and John Harper. 2/24/1702 Fincher, Joshua, and Elizabeth Harwood. 2/26/1689 Fincher, Mary, and Christopher Sibthorpe. 11/28/1755 Fishbourn, Sarah, and John Mifflin, [acc. 12, 1755. 10/26/1701 Fishbourn, William, and Hannah Carpenter, Jr. 6/29/1729 Fishbourn, William, and Jane Roberts, [acc. 7, 1729. 2/29/1709 Fisher, Mary, and William Corker. 11/28/1686 Fisher, William, and Bridget Hodgkins. 2/29/1709 Fisher, William, and Tabitha Janney. 4/3/1684 Fitzwater, Thomas, and Elizabeth Palmer. 4/30/1699 Folle, Ann, and Paul Saunders. 3/29/1724 Fordham, Abel, and Jane Ireson. 1/31/1699 Fox, James, Jr., and Ann Wills. 9/30/1688 Frampton,Elizabeth,and Richard Basnett. 7/25/1696 French, Thomas, and Elizabeth Stanton. 4/3/1684 Gardner, John, and Elizabeth Walter. 3/25/1694 Garrett, Hannah, and George Emlen. 11/27/1720 Garrett, Sarah, and William Dunn. 7/17/1700 Gibbons, John, and Sarah Haywood. 8/7/1684 Gibbs, Ann, and John Holstone. 12/27/1701 Gilbert, Sarah, and Henry Elfreth. 11/25/1722 Gilpin, Samuel, and Jane Parker. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MEETING. 207 8/25/1717 Goforth, Aaron,Jr.and Mary Pool. 6/29/1718 Goforth, Alice, and Matthew Birchfield. 4/27/1718 Goforth, Mary, and Richard Allen. 11/29/1696 Goldsmith, George,and Ellen Harrison. 4/24/1687 Gooden, Sarah, and George Smedley. 3/30/1701 Goodson, Elizabeth,and John Warder. 4/25/1697 Gottschick, George,and Elizabeth Oliver. 8/25/1717 Gray, Joseph, and Mary Hastings. 10/26/1753 Greenleaf, Isaac,and Catharine Wister, Jr., [acc. 12, 1753. 8/30/1713 Greenup, Margaret,and John Nailor. 7/24/1742 Griffiths, Abraham,and Elizabeth Lynn, [acc. 8, 1741. 12/23/1699 Griffith, Thomas,and Elizabeth Knowles. 7/30/1715 Griffitts,Nathaniel,and Elizabeth Badcock. 2/7/1685 Griscom, Andrew,and Sarah Dole. 2/29/1737 Griscomb, Tobias,and Grace Rakestraw, [acc. 3, 1737. 1/30/1705 Growdon, Elizabeth,and Francis Richardson. 9/29/1695 Guest, Elizabeth, and Arthur Holton. 6/26//1701 Guest, John, and Mary Signy. 2/29/1737 Guest, John, and Susanna Truman, [acc. 4, 1737. 7/27/1717 Guinley, Deborah, and Richard Hough. 11/30/1701 Guy, John, and Jemima England. 9/2/1685 Hall, Elizabeth, and Isaac Pearson. 11/29/1713 Hanson, Samuel, and Joan Townsend. 3/27/1715 Harding, Francis, and Elizabeth Jackson. 2/5/1686 Harding, Thomas, and Mary Bullock. 2/1/1684 Hardy, Elizabeth, and John Mifflin. 9/24/1710 Harper, John, and Jane Fawcett. 11/29/1696 Harrison, Ellen, and George Goldsmith. 11/29/1730 Harron, Rachael, and Edward Cathrall, [acc. 12, 1730. 3/27/1748 Hart, Martha, and Thomas Brooks, [acc. 4, 1748. 3/25/1722 Hart, Thomas, and Mary Combs. 2/24/1702 Harwood,Elizabeth,and Joshua Fincher. 3/29/1724 Hastings, John, and Hannah Townsend. 8/25/1717 Hastings, Mary, and Joseph Gray. 5/28/1721 Haywood, Mary, and John Stacy. 4/24/1720 Haywood, Rebecca, and John Durborow. 7/27/1700 Haywood, Sarah, and John Gibbons. 2/26/1700 Heaton, Robert, and Grace Pearson. 9/2/1685 Herd, Hannah, and Thomas Masters. 1/28/1701 Heskett, Ann, and Nathaniel Wycombe. 8/30/1719 Hews, David, and Dorothy Bomstead. 727/1700 Hill, Richard, and Hannah Delavall. 10/23/1711 Hillary, Samuel, and Jane Waterman. 6/29/1718 Hinton, William, and Jane Knubly. 12/25/1703 Hodges, Thomas, and Hannah Waller. 208 MARRIAGES AUTHORIZED. 11/28/1686 Hodgkins, Bridget, and William Fisher. 11/25/1688 Hollyman, Mary, and William Rodney. 10/28/1688 Hollyman, Sarah, and John Densey. 8/7/1684 Holstone, John, and Ann Gibbs. 9/29/1695 Holton, Arthur, and Elizabeth Guest. 12/24/1715 Holton, Mary, and Samuel Hudson. 8/25/1717 Hood, Elizabeth, and John Koster. 1/29/1723 Hood, John, and Mary Sneed. 1/28/1701 Hood, Joseph, and Sarah Brown. 1/28/1701 Hood, Samuel, and Mary Hudson. 4/27/1701 Hoodt, Caspar, and Sarah Coleman. 2/24/1719 Hoodt, Daniel, and Esther Oldman. 9/27/1719 Hoodt, Mary, and Daniel Smith, Jr. 6/26/1737 Horne, William, and Elizabeth Davis, [acc. 7, 1737. 5/28/1727 Horner, Jacob, and Mary Cubet. 9/26/1768 Horton, Thomas,Jr.and Elizabeth Stanly. 7/27/1717 Hough, Richard, and Deborah Guinley. 10/29/1699 Howell, Elizabeth, and Solomon Walker. 10/26/1753 Howell, Joshua, and Catharine Warner, [acc. 11, 1753. 3/3/1686 Howell, Philip, and Jane Tuffe. 1/29/1700 Howell, Thomas, and Sarah Kilcup. 4/24/1752 Hudson, Elizabeth, and Anthony Morris, Jr., [acc. 5, 1752. 6/28/1713 Hudson, Mary, and Joseph Cooper, Jr. 9/25/1726 Hudson, Mary, and Joshua Emlen. 1/28/1701 Hudson, Mary, and Samuel Hood. 12/24/1715 Hudson, Samuel, and Mary Holton. 6/2/1686 Hudson, William, and Ann Ways. 11/30/1718 Hugg, Mary, and Ebenezer Robinson. 5/27/1694 Hughs, Gwen, and William Laycock. 12/24/1726 Humphris,Benjamin,and Esther Warner. 9/25/1692 Humphris,Elizabeth,and Nicholas Ireland. 12/28/1689 Hun, Priscilla, and Thomas Walton. 10/30/1692 Hutchins, John, and Mary Davis. 4/27/1690 Hutchinson, Mary, and James Stanfield. 9/25/1692 Ireland, Nicholas, and Elizabeth Humphris. 3/29/1724 Ireson, Jane, and Abel Fordham. 4/3/1684 Itle, Nathaniel, and Elizabeth Annis. 12/27/1712 Iylife, Elizabeth, and Richard Witten. 3/27/1715 Jackson, Elizabeth, and Francis Harding. 12/28/1723 Jacobs, Caleb, and Mary Widdowfield, 7/25/1696 Jacocs, Beulah, and Thomas Coate. 6/27/1708 Janney, Mary, and Joseph Drinker. 8/31/1701 Janney, Randal, and Frances Righton. 2/29/1709 Janney, Tabitha, and William Fisher. 9/30/1688 Jerman, Sarah, and Joseph Ambler. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MEETING. 209 8/27/1693 Jervis, Sarah, and Thomas Canby. 10/31/1755 Jones, Edward, and Alice Buckingham, [acc. 11, 1755. 1/30/1694 Jones, Eleanor, and Edward Boulton. 11/28/1686 Jones, Ellis, and Jane Jones. 12/25/1686 Jones, Henry, and Rachel Walner. 11/28/1686 Jones, Jane, and Ellis Jones. 6/3/1685 Jones, Jane, and Thomas Morris. 2/27/1694 Jones, Margaret, and John Eastbourn. 4/30/1704 Jones, Mary, and Owen Morris. 7/26/1701 Johnson, Sophia, and Richard Armitt. 12/27/1729 Kearny, Elizabeth, and James Morris, [acc. 1, 1730. 6/31/1722 Kelly, William, and Elizabeth Person. 1/28/1690 Kent, Margaret, and John Maddock. 6/2/1686 Kent, Robert, and Margt Thompson. 2/24/1730 Kilbourn, John, and Rachel Strickland, [acc. 3, 1730. 1/29/1700 Kilcup, Sarah, and Thomas Howell. 1/30/1722 Kinsley,Esther S.,and William Saunders. 8/28/1698 Kitchen, Mary, and James White. 10/7/1685 Kitchen, Thomas, and Mary Mace. 6/27/1708 Kite, Abraham, and Mary Peters. 2/26/1706 Kite, Grissell, and Samuel Lewis. 8/28/1715 Kite, Martha, and Jonathan Cockshall. 10/26/1718 Knight, John, and Hannah Badcock. 8/30/1719 Knight, Thomas,and Sarah Clifton. 12/23/1699 Knowles,Elizabeth,and Thomas Grifth. 6/29/1718 Knubly, Jane, and William Hinton. 8/251717 Koster, John, and Elizabeth Hood. 9/29/1700 Langston, Sarah, and John Walker. 8/28/1709 Large, John, and Sarah Moore. 7/28/1722 Lawrence, Joshua, and Amy Liberty. 5/27/1694 Laycock, William, and Gwen Hughs. 4/3/1684 Lee, Charles, and Ann Barrett. 8/28/1720 Lenoire, Isaac, and Mary Cordery. 9/24/1710 Lewis, Adam, and Mary Watson. 6/29/1729 Lewis, James, and Sarah Wright. 9/30/1739 Lewis, Joseph, and Susanna Waln, [acc. 10, 1739. 2/26/1706 Lewis, Samuel, and Grissell Kite. 7/28/1722 Liberty, Amy, and Joshua Lawrence. 5/27/1722 Linton, John, and Joan Watlin. 9/27/1754 Lippincott,Restore,and Deborah Cooper, [acc. 10, 1754. 1/29/1700 Lloyd, Elizabeth, and Daniel Zachary. 12/23/1727 Lloyd, Peter, and Mercy Masters. 3/31/1734 Lloyd, Thomas, and Susannah Owen, [acc. 4, 1734. 3/29/1713 Low, Joseph, and Elizabeth Taylor. 7/26/1718 Lownes, Hannah, and Nehemiah Allen, Jr. 3/26/1721 Lownes, Joseph, and Sarah Tidmarsh. 14-VOL. IX. 210 MARRIAGES AUTHORIZED. 7/24/1742 Lynn, Elizabeth, and Abraham Griffiths, [acc. 8, 1742. 10/7/1685 Mace, Mary, and Thomas Kitchen. 1/28/1690 Maddock, John, and Margaret Kent. 8/29/1736 Marle, Esther, and Robert Duncan, [acc. 9, 1736. 6/30/1734 Marle, John, and Elizabeth Elfreth, [acc. 7, 1734. 1/29/1714 Marshall, Anna, and Richard Smith. 10/28/1716 Marshall,Thomagine,and Samuel Mickle. 3/29/1754 Mason, Mary, and Isaac Chapman. 2/29/1726 Massey, Sarah, and Joseph Oldman. 12/23/1727 Masters, Mercy, and Peter Lloyd. 9/2/1685 Masters, Thomas, and Hannah Herd. 4/30/1699 Matthews, Margaret,and Emanuel Walker. 5/25/1701 May, Mary, and John Morton. 6/21/1688 McCoomb, John, and Elizabeth Middleton. 10/2/1784 Medlicott, Daniel, and Martha Tankee. 10/27/1717 Mereday, Hannah, and James Estaugh. 12/27/1729 Merton, John, and Abigail Watson, [acc. 1, 1730. 12/25/1686 Michael, Archibald,and Sarah Watts. 10/28/1716 Mickle, Samuel, and Thomagine Marshall. 6/21/1688 Middleton,Elizabeth,and John McCoomb. 5/29/1737 Middowfield,Elizabeth, Samuel Pennock, [acc. 6, 1737. 11/29/1713 Mifflin, George, and Esther Cordery. 6/30/1717 Mifin, Jane, and John Waller. 2/1/1684 Mifflin, John, and Elizabeth Hardy. 11/28/1755 Mifflin, John, and Sarah Fishbourn, [acc. 12, 1755. 8/28/1752 Mifflin, Jonathan, and Rebecca Evans, [acc. 9, 1752. 2/26/1723 Mifflin, Jonathan, and Sarah Robinson. 3/26/1732 Miller, William, and Ann Emblen, [acc. 4, 1732. 10/27/1700 Minshall, Rachel, and Thomas Taylor. 1/30/1705 Mitchener, Sarah, and Thomas Palmer. 8/25/1689 Moon, Martha, and James Shaddock. 2/29/1709 Moore, Elizabeth, and Michael Walton. 3/27/1709 Moore, Richard, and Margaret Preston. 8/28/1709 Moore, Sarah, and John Large. 8/25/1689 Morgan, Elizabeth, and William Walker. 8/25/1689 Morris, Anthony, and Agnes Brown. 4/24/1752 Morris, Anthony, Jr., Elizabeth Hudson, [acc. 5, 1752. 11/29/1730 Morris, Anthony, Jr., Sarah Powell, [acc. 12, 1730. 3/4/1685 Morris, David, and Mary Phelpen. 12/27/1729 Morris, James, and Elizabeth Kearny, [acc. 1, 1730. 1/31/1749 Morris, Luke, and Mary Richards, [acc. 2, 1749. 4/30/1704 Morris, Owen, and Mary Jones. 2/29/1737 Morris, Samuel, and Hannah Cadwallader, [acc. 3, 1737. 6/3/1685 Morris, Thomas, and Jane Jones. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MEETING. 211 5/25/1701 Morton, John, and Mary May. 2/26/1689 Murray, John, and Sarah Budd. 8/30/1713 Nailor, John, and Margaret Greenup. 2/30/1714 Nicholas, Martha, and Abraham Cox. 11/31/1723 Nichols, John, and Jane Roberts. 2/29/1726 Nichols, Samuel, and Mary Coates. 5/26/1728 Nicholson, Elizabeth, Michael Poince. 9/29/1717 Nickson, Jane, and Benjamin Waite. 6/29/1718 Norris, Humphrey, and Rachel Williams. 2/26/1723 Ogden, John, and Hannah Davise. 2/24/1719 Oldman, Esther, and Daniel Hoodt. 2/29/1726 Oldman, Joseph, and Sarah Massey. 4/25/1697 Oliver, Elizabeth, and George Gottschick. 8/29/1686 Otter, John, and Mary Blinston. 8/25/1689 Owen, Elizabeth, and Thomas Andrews. 3/31/1734 Owen, Susanna, and Thomas Lloyd, [acc. 4, 1734. 12/24/1709 Packer, Susanna, and Robert Baker. 4/7/1686 Pain, Eleanor, and Nathaniel Sikes. 2/29/1687 Palmer, Elizabeth, and Isaac Ricketts. 4/3/1684 Palmer, Elizabeth, and Thomas Fitzwater. 1/30/1705 Palmer, Thomas, and Sarah Mitchener. 1/27/1730 Parker, Alexander, and Sarah Thompson, [acc. 2, 1730. 10/27/1723 Parker, Esther, and Joseph Brintnall. 12/23/1710 Parker, Grace, and David Brientnall, Jr. 11/25/1722 Parker, Jane, and Samuel Gilpin. 10/27/1700 Parker, John, and Mary Doe. 8/31/1712 Parker, Priscilla, and Thomas Bradford. 3/29/1713 Parks, Richard, and Susanna Carlton. 3/25/1757 Panock, John, and Mary Bell, [acc. 4, 1757. 3/1741 Paschal, Hannah, and Isaac Roberts, [acc. 4, 1741. 2/28/1721 Pascal, Joseph, and Elizabeth Coates. 2/26/1700 Pearson, Grace, and Robert Heaton. 9/2/1685 Pearson, Isaac, and Elizabeth Hall. 8/29/1742 Pearson, Joshua, and Elizabeth Biddle, [acc. 9, 1742. 5/29/1737 Pennock, Samuel, and Elizabeth Middowfield, [acc. 6, 1737. 7/28/1688 Pennock, Sarah, and William Salway. 2/29/1720 Penrose, Margaret, and John Smith. 12/23/1699 Peppiatt, Barbara, and Benjamin Wright. 6/31/1722 Person, Elizabeth, and William Kelly. 6/27/1708 Peters, Mary, and Abraham Kite. 5/27/1711 Peters, Reese, and Ann Brooksby. 1/29/1728 Peters, Reese, and Elizabeth Clark, [acc. 2, 1728. 3/4/1685 Philpin, Mary, and David Morris. 10/29/1732 Piggot, Aletta, and Daniel Thomas, [acc. 11, 1732. 2/25/1713 Pile, Nicholas, and Ann Webb. 212 MARRIAGES AUTHORIZED. 5/30/1714 Pilkington,Edward,and Mary Webb. 5/26/1728 Poince, Michael, and Elizabeth Nicholson. 8/25/1717 Pool, Mary, and Aaron Goforth, Jr. 1/29/1723 Pool, Rebecca, and Richard Warder. 11/261693 Potts, David, and Alice Croasdale. 10/7/1685 Potts, Elizabeth, and Edmund Bennett. 6/25/1727 Pound, Mary, and Joseph Wood. 1/25/1687 Powell, Ann, and Joseph Willcox. 9/29/1728 Powell, Deborah, and Joshua Emblen. 11/31/1700 Powell, Samuel, and Abigail Wilcox. 9/27/1730 Powell, Samuel, and Sarah Roberts, [acc. 10, 1730. 11/29/1730 Powell, Sarah, and Anthony Morris, Jr., [acc. 12, 1730. 1/26/1731 Pratt, Rachel, and Caleb Ranstead, [acc. 12, 1731. 3/25/1711 Preston, Hannah, and Samuel Carpenter, Jr. 3/27/1709 Preston, Margaret, and Richard Moore. 2/28/1699 Pryor, Thomas, and Lydia Sinart. 6/27/1697 Rakestraw, Grace, and Nathaniel Zane. 2/29/1737 Rakestraw, Grace, and Tobias Griscomb, [acc. 3, 1737. 1/26/1731 Ranstead, Caleb, and Rachel Pratt, [acc. 2, 1731. 7/27/1689 Rawle, Francis, and Martha Turner. 1126/1756 Rawle, Francis, and Rebecca Warner, [acc. 12, 1756. 3/31/1728 Rawle, Jane, and Abraham England. 6/27/1742 Read, Sarah, and Thomas Shoemaker, [acc. 7, 1742. 10/31/1697 Realow, John, and Mary Rencho. 7/12/1685 Renager, Hannah, and Charles Brigham. 10/31/1697 Rencho, Mary, and John Realow. 2/27/1756 Renier, Rachel, and John Drinker, Jr., [acc. 3, 1756. 8/28/1692 Rhoads, John, and Hannah Wilcox. 1/27/1757 Rice, Lawrence, and Ann Duvar, [acc. 2, 1757. 1/31/1749 Richards, Mary, and Luke Morris, [acc. 2, 1749. 1/30/1705 Richardson, Francis, Elizabeth Growdon. 5/28/1704 Richardson, Samuel, and Elizabeth Webb. 2/29/1687 Ricketts, Isaac, and Elizabeth Palmer. 10/29/1689 Riggs, Daniel, and Martha Cobron. 8/31/1701 Righton, Frances, and Randal Janney. 12/23/1699 Righton, Mary, and George Claypoole. 2/24/1724 Roberts, Elizabeth, and Jacob Shoemaker. 3/1741 Roberts, Isaac, and Hannah Paschal, [acc. 4, 1741. 11/31/1723 Roberts, Jane, and John Nichols. 6/29/1729 Roberts, Jane, and William Fishbourn, [acc. 7, 1729. 7/24/1725 Roberts, Mary, and Caleb Elfreth. 9/27/1730 Roberts, Sarah, and Samuel Powell, [acc. 10, 1730. 11/30/1718 Robinson, Ebenezer, and Mary Hugg. 2/26/1723 Robinson, Sarah, and Jonathan Mifflin. 11/25/1688 Rodney, William, and Mary Hollyman. 6/5/1684 Rowden, Elizabeth, and John Brock. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MEETING. 213 12/5/1683 Russel, John, and Mary Woodward. 12/27/1718 Sallaway, Hannah, and Thomas Skelton. 7/28/1688 Salway, William, and Sarah Pennock. 2/26/1695 Sanders, Sarah, and John Wood. 4/30/1699 Saunders, Paul, and Ann Folle. 6/29/1718 Saunders, Richard, and Sarah Steel. 1/30/1722 Saunders, William, and Esther S. Kinsley. 4/27/1753 Say, Mary, and James Wilson, [acc. 5, 1753. 9/29/1700 Scott, Dorothy, and William Woodmancy. 8/25/1689 Shaddock, James, and Martha Moon. 1/28/1718 Shelton, Dinah, and Joseph Trotter. 4/28/1728 Shenton, Mary, and Jonathan Zeanes. 5/29/1737 Shenton, Rachel, and James Claypoole, [acc. 6, 1737. 3/29/1724 Shoemaker, Benjamin, Sarah Coates. 2/24/1724 Shoemaker, Jacob, and Elizabeth Roberts. 6/27/1742 Shoemaker, Thomas, and Sarah Read, [acc. 7, 1742. 5/26/1717 Shute, Christina, and Samson Davis. 4/27/1753 Shute, Henry, and Mary Elfreth, Jr., [acc. 5, 1753. 6/27/1725 Shute, Jacob, and Mary Boyden. 4/30/1721 Shute, William, and Elizabeth Steel. 2/261689 Sibthorpe, Christopher Mary Fincher. 6/29/1701 Signy, Mary, and John Guest. 4/7/1686 Sikes, Nathaniel, and Eleanor Pain. 4/29/1757 Sim, Mary, and Henry Steel, [acc. 5, 1757. 5/27/1711 Simcock, Jacob, and Sarah Waller. 2/26/1706 Simcock, John, and Mary Waller. 2/28/1699 Sinart, Lydia, and Thomas Pryor. 8/27/1693 Sisam, Thomas, and Priscilla Smith. 12/27/1718 Skelton, Thomas, and Hannah Sallaway. 4/24/1687 Smedley, George, and Sarah Gooden. 9/27/1719 Smith, Daniel, Jr., and Mary Hoodt. 6/5/1684 Smith, Elizabeth, and Edward Tuffe. 8/25/1700 Smith, Grace, and Randolph Spikeman. 3/3/1686 Smith, Hannah, and Benjamin Chambers. 1/30/1722 Smith, John, Jr., and Rebecca Blackbourn. 2/29/1720 Smith, John, and Margaret Penrose. 8/27/1693 Smith, Priscilla, and Thomas Sisam. 1/29/1714 Smith, Richard, and Anna Marshall. 8/30/1719 Smith, Richard, and Sarah Wait. 11/9/1682 Smith, Thomas, and Priscilla Allen. 1/29/1723 Sneed, Mary, and John Hood. 10/28/1688 Sneed, William, and Mary Thomas. 9/26/1686 Songhurst, Sarah, and Zachary Whitpain. 8/25/1700 Spikeman, Randolph, and Grace Smith. 8/29/1697 Spikeman, Randolph, and Mary Cockin. 5/28/1721 Stacy, John, and Mary Haywood. 214 MARRIAGES AUTHORIZED. 1/31/1699 Stanbury, Nathan, and Mary Ewer. 4/27/1690 Stanfield, James, and Mary Hutchinson. 9/26/1686 Stanley, Elizabeth, and Thomas Horton, Jr. 7/25/1696 Stanton, Elizabeth, and Thomas French. 4/30/1721 Steel, Elizabeth, and William Shute. 4/29/1757 Steel, Henry, and Mary Sim, [acc. 5, 1757. 6/29/1718 Steel, Sarah, and Richard Saunders. 2/24/1730 Strickland, Rachael, John Kilbourn, [acc. 3, 1730. 5/28/1721 Sutton, Mary, and William Carter. 2/29/1687 Taney, Whankey, and John Duplonvis. 10/2/1684 Tankee, Martha, and Daniel Medlicott. 3/29/1713 Taylor, Elizabeth, and Joseph Low. 10/27/1700 Taylor, Thomas, and Rachel Minshall. 10/29/1732 Thomas, Daniel, and Aletta Piggot, [acc. 11, 1732. 12/28/1689 Thomas, Gwenlin, and Micah Thomas. 2/26/1695 Thomas, James, and Ann Warner. 5/26/1689 Thomas, James, and Ellin Barber. 10/28/1688 Thomas, Mary, and William Sneed. 12/28/1689 Thomas, Micah, and Gwenlin Thomas. 6/2/1686 Thompson, Margt., and Robert Kent. 1/27/1730 Thompson, Mary, and Benjamin Batterson, [acc. 2, 1730. 1/27/1730 Thompson, Sarah, and Alexander Parker, [acc. 3, 1730. 2/26/1723 Tidmarsh, Rose, and Enoch Coates. 3/26/1721 Tidmarsh, Sarah, and Joseph Lownes. 3/29/1724 Townsend, Hannah, and John Hastings. 11/29/1713 Townsend, Joan, and Samuel Hanson. 3/29/1713 Trafford, Elizabeth, Thomas Wilson. 1/28/1718 Trotter, Joseph, and Dinah Shelton. 3/29/1754 Trotter, Mary, and Abraham Brown. 2/29/1737 Truman, Susanna, and John Guest, [acc. 4, 1737. 2/1/1684 Tucker, Richard, and Jane Batchelor. 6/5/1684 Tuffe, Edward, and Elizabeth Smith. 3/3/1686 Tuffe, Jane, and Philip Howell. 3/31/1689 Turner, Catherine, and John Baldwin. 1/25/1687 Turner, Edward, and Katherine Carter. 7/27/1689 Turner, Martha, and Francis Rawle. 12/23/1699 Usher, Jacob, and Ruth Wood. 9/29/1717 Waite, Benjamin, and Jane Nickson. 8/30/1719 Wait, Sarah, and Richard Smith. 4/30/1699 Walker, Emanuel, and Margaret Matthews. 9/29/1700 Walker, John, and Sarah Langston. 1/27/1691 Walker, Joseph, and Margaret Cutler. 10/29/1699 Walker, Solomon, and Elizabeth Howell. 8/25/1689 Walker, William, and Elizabeth Morgan. 12/25/1703 Waller, Hannah, and Thomas Hodges. 6/30/1717 Waller, John, and Jane Mifflin. PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY MEETING. 215 2/26/1706 Waller, Mary, and John Simcock. 5/27/1711 Waller, Sarah, and Jacob Simcock. 2/24/1719 Waln, Elizabeth, and James Dubery. 9/30/1739 Waln, Susanna, and Joseph Lewis, [acc. 10, 1739. 12/25/1686 Walner, Rachel, and Henry Jones. 4/3/1684 Walters, Elizabeth, and John Gardner. 2/29/1709 Walton, Michael, and Elizabeth Moore. 12/1/1685 Walton, Nathaniel, and Martha Bowling. 12/28/1689 Walton, Thomas, and Priscilla Hun. 3/30/1701, Warder, John, and Elizabeth Goodson. 1/29/1723, Warder, Richard, and Rebecca Pool. 2/26/1695, Warner, Ann, and James Thomas. 10/26/1753, Warner, Catharine, and Joshua Howell, [acc. 11, 1753. 12/24/1726, Warner, Esther, and Benjamin Humphris. 10/30/1692, Warner, Isaac, and Ann Craven. 12/241715, Warner, Isaac, and Veronica Cassel. 10/28/1722, Warner, Mary, and Thomas Wyner. 11/26/1756, Warner, Rebecca, and Francis Rawle, [acc. 12, 1756. 6/30/1717, Warrington, Hannah, and William Bissel. 10/28/1711, Waterman, Jane, and Samuel Hillary. 8/30/1754, Waterman, John, and Hannah Bettle, [acc. 9, 1754. 5/27/1722, Watlin, Joan, and John Linton. 12/27/1729, Watson, Abigail, and John Merton, [acc. 1, 1730. 9/24/1710, Watson, Mary, and Adam Lewis. 12/25/1686, Watts, Sarah, and Archibald Michael. 6/2/1686, Ways, Ann, and William Hudson. 2/25/1713 Webb, Ann, and Nicholas Pile. 5/28/1704 Webb, Elizabeth, and Samuel Richardson. 1/27/1713 Webb, Hannah, and Nathaniel Allen. 1/28/1718 Webb, Joseph, and Mary Allen. 5/30/1714 Webb, Mary, and Edward Pilkington. 7/29/1739 West, Mary, and Daniel Cooper, [acc. 8, 1739. 8/28/1698 White, James, and Mary Kitchen. 12/21/1694 Whitehead, Esther, and John Beasor. 9/26/1686 Whitpain, Zachary, and Sarah Songhurst. 12/28/1723 Widdowfield, Mary, and Caleb Jacobs. 11/31/1700 Willcox, Abigail, and Samuel Powell. 8//28/1692 Willcox, Hannah, and John Rhoads. 1/25/1687 Willcox, Joseph, and Ann Powell. 3/26/1699 Williams, Catharine, William Brown. 6/29/1718 Williams, Rachel, and Humphrey Norris. 8/31/1729 Williams, William, and Hannah Carver, [acc. 9, 1729. 1/31/1699 Wills, Ann, and James Fox, Jr. 4/27/1753 Wilson, James, and Mary Say, [acc. 5, 1753. 11/27/1708 Wilson, Mary, and George Calvert. 3/29/1713 Wilson, Thomas, and Elizabeth Trafford. 216 MARRIAGES AUTHORIZED. 10/26/1753 Wister, Catharine,Jr. Isaac Greenleaf, [acc. 12, 1753. 12/27/1712 Witten, Richard, and Elizabeth Iylife. 1/31/1721 Wood, Eleanor, and William Blackfan. 2/26/1695 Wood, John, and Sarah Sanders. 6/25/1727 Wood, Joseph, and Mary Pound. 4/29/1739 Wood, Mary, and Daniel Worthington, [acc. 5, 1739. 12/23/1699 Wood, Ruth, and Jacob Usher. 10/31/168 Wood, Ruth, and Thomas Duckett. 9/29/1700 Woodmancy, William, and Dorothy Scott. 12/5/1683 Woodward, Mary, and John Russel. 12/27/1701 Worrilaw, Thomas, and Susanna Brightwen. 1/28/1690 Worriloe, Elizabeth, William Benks. 4/29/1739 Worthington, Daniel, Mary Wood, [acc. 5, 1739. 12/23/1699 Wright, Benjamin, and Barbara Peppiatt. 11/29/1696 Wright, Maudlin, and Matthias Bellows. 6/29/1729 Wright, Sarah, and James Lewis. 1/28/1701 Wycombe, Nathaniel, and Ann Heskett. 10/28/1722 Wyner, Thomas, and Mary Warner. 1/29/1700 Zachary, Daniel, and Elizabeth Lloyd. 6/27/1697 Zane, Nathaniel, and Grace Rakestraw. 4/28/1728 Zeanes, Jonathan, and Mary Shenton. | |