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Pellico Silvio: more detail | |||||
21. MSN Encarta - Pellico, Silvio Translate this page Pellico, Silvio (1789-1854), écrivain et patriote italien. Sa longue réclusiondans les geôles autrichiennes lui inspira son uvre majeure ( http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_741533332/Pellico_Silvio.html | |
22. Index Pellico, Silvio (17891854) My Ten Years Imprisonment. Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703)The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Perkins, Lucy Fitch (1865-1937) http://www.eshu.cn/en3k/titles/index-p.htm |
23. Il Narratore: Audiobooks And Italian Literature On Audio Mp3 - Home & News Silvio Pellico (17891854) from the most famous memorialist work of the 1800s, Lemie prigioni , we have made a reading of chapter 43, where the patriot http://www.ilnarratore.com/index_set_2003_eng.html | |
24. Authors P-R Pellico, Silvio, 17891854 Penfeather, Amabel AKA Cooper, Susan Fenimore,1813-1894 Penrose, Margaret Pepys, Samuel, 1633-1703 Perdue, Mitzi http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/p-r.htm | |
25. Letters And Documents Collection - P | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr College L Peck, Annie S. (Annie Smith), 18501935 ALS, 1911 Dec. 24, to Mr. Drineka (HarpersMagazine) Library Purchase Pellico, Silvio, 1789-1854 ALS, 1853 Jan. http://webtest.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/letterboxp.shtml | |
26. Tomfolio.com: Biography, Political Prisoners Pellico, Silvio, 17891854 Ritter, Helene Das Leben des italienischenFreiheitsdichters. Silvio Pellico Publisher Rascher, Zürich. nd, 192. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?subid=1911 |
27. Tomfolio.com: Literature, Italian Lit Pellico, Silvio, 17891854 Alessandri, Alessandro, editor. Una poesia ineditadi Silvio Pellico An unpublished poem of Silvio Pellico. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?subid=939 |
28. Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors P Calderon De La Barca; Pellico, Silvio, 17891854; Pencho Slaveykov; Penrose,Margaret; Pepys, Samuel, 1633-1703; Percy Brebner; Percy http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
29. PePe Pellico, Silvio (17891854) Italian author, journalist, poet, playwright - Italy667. PellicoRNE, ( - ) Wife of Jan PellicoRNE - Maldives (Mich.)363 http://www.philately.com/philately/biopepe.htm | |
30. Chi Era Costui - Scheda Di Luigi Porro Lambertenghi Translate this page (1780-1860) e di cui Silvio Pellico (1789-1854) diviene capo redattore.Silvio Pellico, avendo aderito ai moti del 20 fu arrestato e condannato alla http://www.chieracostui.com/costui/docs/search/scheda.asp?ID=209 |
31. Introduzione Saluzzo In Inglese for musicians) that is housed in a XVI century monastery just a few metresfrom Silvio Pellicos birthplace, an Italian writer and patriot (17891854). http://www.comune.saluzzo.cn.it/generale/sal_ingl.htm | |
32. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Pellico, Silvio, 17891854. My Ten Years Imprisonment. Pennell, Robert Franklin.Ancient Rome from the earliest times down to 476 AD. Penrose, Margaret http://globusz.com/authors_p.asp | |
33. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING The. Pedley, Ethel C. Dot And The Kangaroo. Pellico, Silvio, 17891854 MyTen Years Imprisonment. Pennell, Robert Franklin Ancient http://globusz.com/authors_p.html | |
34. English Classics 3000 A Mountain Woman Painted Windows The Shape of Fear Pellico, Silvio (17891854) MyTen Years Imprisonment. Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703) The Diary of Samuel Pepys. http://book.nku.cn/book/english/p.html |
35. Silvio Pellico La Presa Di Saluzzo Translate this page Silvio Pellico La presa di Saluzzo poemetto a cura di Cono Antonio MangieriOttocento Storia Biblioteca dei Classici Silvio Pellico. (1789-1854) http://www.classicitaliani.it/ottocent/pellico01.htm | |
36. Sissco - Attività Translate this page La Fondazione Tancredi di Barolo elOpera Barolo, nella ricorrenza deicentocinquantanni dalla morte di Silvio Pellico (1789-1854), intendono approfondire http://www.sissco.it//incontri//incontro363.html | |
37. Silvio Pellico Translate this page Silvio Pellico (1789-1854) Gli ultimi ventanni della vita di Silvio Pellicosono racchiusi nel privato, dal quale emergono solo per dare vita http://www.racine.ra.it/orione39/attivita/ipertesti/Una_gita_a_Torino/Risorgimen | |
38. Divadelní úsek ÚK MKP / Kalendárium Hynais, Vojtech, ces. malír, (18541925). Pellico, Silvio, ital. spisovatel a dramatik,(1789-1854). Piteková-Slánská, Marie, ces. herecka, (1854-1945). http://crk.mlp.cz/divkal.php |
39. Browsing The Inventory Of Old Working Books By Catalog: French Literature 18. MES PRISONS ET LES DEVOIRS DES HOMME, avec un beau portrait de L Auteur(II only) Pellico, Silvio 17891854 Paris A La Brande http://www.biblio.com/browse_books/catalog/127123/20546.html | |
40. LETTRES - LITTÉRATURE ITALIENNE - NÉS ENTRE 1700 ET 1800 Translate this page Pellico, Silvio E (1789-1854) Francesca da Rimini (1815), Mes prisons (1832).- Biogr. patriote, 1821 condamné à mort et enfermé 8 ans au Spielberg à http://www.quid.fr/2005/17_69.htm | |
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