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Ouida 1839-1908: more detail |
42. Bloomsbury.com - Research Centre critic . Ouida (18391908) The pseudonym of Marie Louise de la Ramée `Ouida originates in a childish Paterson Don (1963) Poet . http://www.bloomsbury.com/arc/CrossRef.asp?book=9&ref=Donne |
43. Bloomsbury.com - Research Centre Ouida (18391908) The pseudonym of Marie Louise de la Ramée, `Ouida originates in a childish failure to say `Louise . She was http://www.bloomsbury.com/ARC/detail.asp?entryid=108702&bid=9 |
44. Biblio: Bookstore Information For Bookfever.com Ouida (de La Rame, Louisa, 18391908). Format Hardcover A novel and twoshorter works by the author who wrote using the pseudonym Ouida, http://www.biblio.com/bookstores/bookfever.com.html | |
45. MASC25 A complete collection of the writings of the English romantic novelist MariaLouise de la Rameé (18391908), who wrote under the pseudonym of Ouida. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ls/masc25/full.php?CollectionID=30 |
46. Adelman Letters And Documents Collection - O | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr C Ouida (pseudonym, Marie Louise de la Ramée, 18391908) (Novelist). Letters tounknown correspondents 2 items (together 13 p. http://www.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/adelmano.shtml | |
47. D2 Edgar Rice Burroughs Library Louise De La Ramee 18391908. A Dog of Flanders ~ 1st. pseudonym Ouida ~ Shewas a prolific writer of flamboyant, romantic tales, the best of which are http://www.erbzine.com/dan/d2.html | |
48. Theatre In Melbourne 1891 in the city On the 28th there was a dramatisation of the novel Moths , byEnglish authoress Ouida, the pseudonym for Louise de la Ramée (18391908). http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~melbear/1891.htm | |
49. TITLES David Phelps, 18631934 BACK TO ORDER PAGE Dog and the Playlet, The, by Henry, O.,1862-1910 Dog of Flanders, A, by Ouida, 1839-1908, pseudonym Doll s house http://www.avalondigitalpress.com/titles.htm | |
50. Projecto Gutenberg Ouida. Dog Of Flanders, A. Ouida, 18391908, pseudonym. Leaf In The Storm, A Dog Of Flanders, A Findelkind. Overton, Mark. Jack Winters Gridiron Chums http://mirror.bn.pt/gutenberg/browse/IA_O.HTM | |
51. Books & Collectibles Online Bookstore And Search Engine For Rare, Out Of Print, pseudonym of Marie Louise de la Ramee BookIT Enterprises Inc. (USA) $21.48AUDMore details Order - Enquire 104673593 Ouida, 1839-1908. http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/bsearch.php3?bsearch_submit=Search&auth=O |
52. Sacagawea - Info And Guide. talk show host Osama, (born 1957) Otto, (born 1948) Ouida, (18391908), Englishnovelist List of people by name Sa-Sb - pseudonym of Italian poet Umberto Poli http://pheeds.com/Sacagawea.html | |
53. Archive Record Arran Leigh also shared pseudonym with Edith Emma Cooper, Michael Field Ramee Marie Louise De La 18391908 Novelist called Ouida http://www.genesis.ac.uk/archive.jsp?typeofsearch=i&term=notimpl&highlight=1&pk= |
54. VRW: Wolff Collection, HRC 29 Ouida under DE LA RAMEE, LOUISE (18391908) Cockerell, nd Signedwith pseudonym Ralph Iron. Works Schreiner, O. From man to man; or, http://victorianresearch.org/wolff.html | |
55. The Lost Continent Of - Are We Going To Explore It? Rockies, by Connor, Ralph, 18601937, pseudonym Dog And The Playlet, The, by Henry,O., 1862-1910 Dog Of Flanders, A, by Ouida, 1839-1908, pseudonym Dog s Tale http://test.lost.co.nz/main/library/gutenlist.html |
56. Ouida Information Ouida (18391908) was the pen name of the England, English Levi-Strauss Deaths *January 25 - Ouida, writer * April nom de plume is a pseudonym adopted by http://www.searchspaniel.com/index.php/Ouida |
57. List Of People Known By One Name - The Jiggies Reference Guide Moses, prophet; Multatuli (1820 1887), (pseudonym of Dutch writer Eduard DouwesDekker); Ouida, (1839-1908), English novelist; Ovid, (43 BC-17 AD), Roman poet. http://www.jiggies.com/reference/List_of_people_known_by_one_name | |
58. : Search Results OLIVER (Jane, pseudonym of Helen Rees, Romantic Novelist) APS to Eileen Cond, sayingshe is glad to Ouida (Louise de la Ramee, 18391908, Author) ALS http://www.farahardupre.co.uk/cgi-bin/cc_search/booksearch.cgi/Search?search= Su |
59. Article About "List Of People Known By One Name" In The English Wikipedia On 24- Multatuli (1820 1887), (pseudonym of Dutch writer Eduard Douwes Dekker) Ouida, (1839-1908), English novelist; Ovid, (43 BC-17 AD), Roman poet http://fixedreference.org/en/20040424/wikipedia/List_of_people_known_by_one_name | |
60. List Of People Known By One Name A one word stage name or pseudonym (Houdini); A one word pen name (Voltaire) Ouida, (18391908), English novelist; Ovid, (43 BC-17 AD), Roman poet http://www.teachersparadise.com/ency/en/wikipedia/l/li/list_of_people_known_by_o | |
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