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         Ohiyesa:     more books (49)
  1. The Soul of the Indian by Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa) Eastman, 2003-07-02
  2. Ohiyesa: Charles Eastman, Santee Sioux by Raymond Wilson, 1999-05-25
  3. From the Deep Woods to Civilization by Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa) Eastman, 2003-08-22
  4. The Essential Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa), Revised and Updated Edition: Light on the Indian World (Sacred Worlds Series) by Charles Eastman, 2007-04-25
  5. The Soul of an Indian 2 Ed: And Other Writings from Ohiyesa (Charles Alexander Eastman)
  6. Light on the Indian World: The Essential Writings of Charles Eastman (The Library of Perennial Philosophy) by Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa), 2002-10-25
  7. Follow The Warrior's Path: Life Story of Ohiyesa Better Known As Dr. Eastman by Mary Rubeck Benson, 2002-08-28
  8. Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains by Charles A. Eastman Ohiyesa, 2010-06-07
  9. Indian Boyhood by Ohiyesa (Charles A. Eastman), 2007-12-06
  10. Old Indian Days by Charles A. [AKA Ohiyesa] Eastman, 2010-02-03
  11. The Magic Arrows and other Native American Folk Tales of the Sioux Indians by Charles A. (Ohiyesa) Eastman, Elaine Goodale Eastman, 2009-10-21
  12. The Soul of the Indian, an Interpretation by Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa) 1858-1939 Eastman, 1911
  13. Indian Heroes And Great Chieftains - Charles A.Eastman (Ohiyesa) by Charles A.Eastman (Ohiyesa), 2010-02-13
  14. Indian Boyhood By Ohiyesa by Charles A. Eastman, 1930

81. The Indian In My Classroom
Ohiyesa (Lakota) At birth, the child was welcomed into the tribal circle, Ohiyesa (Lakota) “You must speak straight so that your words may go as
The Indian in my Classroom
Jennifer Harries
with some of her current students. It was the first day of school.
I am an Indian. I am proud. I stand straight and tall.
Insofar as I am able, I pledge:
- Sitting Bull The class fell silent, trying to catch real
Jon completed school over twenty years ago. Indians do not make fun of each other or of their children. If a child is trying to do something, a dance or whatever it might be, that is good. This gives the children courage to dare to do things. - Black Bear (Mohawk)
Chief Luther Standing Bear (Oglala)
Show respect to all people, but grovel to none. - From the teachings of Tecumseh
Respect the earth and that which created her. Respect yourself, children, elders and the beliefs of others. - Chief Rock-of-Safety
Dottie Raymer, in
Black Bear (Mohawk)
Children were encouraged to develop strict discipline and a high regard for sharing. When a girl picked her first berries and dug her first roots, they were given away to an elder so she would share her future success. - Mourning Dove (Salish) Ohiyesa (Lakota) - Remain close to the Great Spirit.

Charles A. Eastman, Ohiyesa (18581839), Wahpeton Dakota Dogu Sioux yerlisi, Tip doktoru, otobiyografi yazari, efsane derleyicisi, denemeci, edebiyatçi.

83. Oyate Catalog - Grade Seven-up
In this second part of his autobiography, Ohiyesa tells of his abrupt entry into the whitepeople world in 1873 at the age of 15.
by Oyate
Armstrong, Jeannette (Okanagan), Slash
This is the story of a young man's life on the reserve and his struggle for himself and his people.
pb 9.00 Awiakta, Marilou (Cherokee), Abiding Appalachia: Where Mountain and Atom Meet
Combining her Cherokee/Appalachian heritage with the experience of growing up on the atomic frontier in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Awiakta's poetry follows the trail of Awi Usdi , Little Deer, through the saga of the Trail of Tears, through her own childhood, and into the heart of the atom itself.
pb 10.00 (Out of Print, A few in stock) Beardslee, Lois (Ojibwe), Lies to Live By . 2003, b/w illustrations.
Like the great trickster-eero Manaboozhou, Lois Beardslee's stories ignore all boundaries of time and spac, and celebrate real Indian lives. Delving into the sacred aspects of sweetgrass and a well-used pair of scissors, of flying pigs, fried eggs and WD-40, these are not the ubiquitous Indian "myths and legends" that white people love to retell—they're real stories about real people, Manaboozhou's relatives.
pb 20.00

84. UPENN SOM || Global Health Interest Group
Name of Organization, Ohiyesa Language Proficiency Program. Location (city, country), Antigua, Ohiyesa is a foundation that funds this program.
Name of Organization: Ohiyesa Language Proficiency Program Location (city, country): Antigua, Guatemala Dates of your attendance: June 14, 2001-July 16, 2001 Purpose of site institution (3-4 words): Spanish Language Proficiency/Cultural Competency
Is there a language requirement? If so, state language: The program is geared to those who have little to no experience with Spanish Activities available: volunteering at a local hospital
Opportunities appropriate for: pre-clinical students
  • Please describe your activities while abroad (eg, seeing patients, clinical research, public health project, etc.):
    This month-long program accepts pre-clinical medical students with little/no Spanish experience. During this time, I lived in a host family, and each weekday afternoon had 4 hours of one-on-one tutoring in Spanish. Mornings were spent differently. On average during the weekday am there were 4-5 hours of medical spanish classes and 6-8 hours of talks regarding nutrition, breast feeding, midwifery, and many other aspects of Guatemalan public health.
    Please describe the range of activities available, in addition to yours:
    P While living in Canada, Eastman was given the name Ohiyesa, which means winner, after his side of a lacrosse match won. P When you acquire a name
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    86. Silentium (Ohiyesa, Aus: Weisheit Der Indianer)
    Ohiyesa (Weisheit der Indianer)
    s i l e n t i u m
    Als ich ein Kind war, verstand ich
    zu geben und zu teilen;
    seit ich zivilisiert wurde, habe ich
    diese Tugenden verlernt.
    Ich lebte ein natürliches Leben,
    jetzt lebe ich ein künstliches.
    Damals war jeder hübsche
    Kieselstein für mich kostbar,
    und ich hatte Ehrfurcht
    vor jedem Baum. Der Ureinwohner Amerikas verband seinen Stolz mit einer außergewöhnlichen Demut. Überheblichkeit war seinem Wesen und seiner Lehre fremd. Er erhob niemals den Anspruch, daß die Fähigkeit, sich durch Sprache auszudrücken, ein Beweis für die Überlegenheit des Menschen über die sprachlose Schöpfung sei; ganz im Gegenteil, er sah in dieser Gabe eine Gefahr. Er glaubte fest an das Schweigen - das Zeichen vollkommener Harmonie. Schweigen und Stille stellten für ihn das Gleichgewicht von Körper, Geist und Seele dar.

    87. Charles A. Ohiyesa - Za Lasu Do Cywilizacji
    Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) Z lasu do cywilizacji przel. Beata Skwarska indianska autobiografia, Biblioteka Tawacinu nr 31, TIPI, Wielichowo 2005,
    Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa)
    Z lasu do cywilizacji
    prze³. Beata Skwarska
    indiañska autobiografia,
    Biblioteka "Tawacinu" nr 31, TIPI, Wielichowo 2005, ISBN 83-919264-1-9, format 145×205, stron136, ilustracje, cena 19 z³ Drugi tom autobiografii dakockiego lekarza i dzia³acza spo³ecznego (1858-1939). Przejmuj¹ca opowieœæ o latach spêdzonych w szkole z internatem, o praktyce lekarskiej w rezerwacie Pine Ridge, o dramatycznych wydarzeniach nad Wounded Knee w 1890 roku, wreszcie o wytrwa³ej pracy na rzecz Indian.
    Osi¹gn¹³em wiek lat piêtnastu i mia³em ju¿ rozpocz¹æ ¿ycie mê¿czyzny, w naszym, indiañskim rozumieniu tego s³owa, kiedy wszystko siê zmieni³o. Pewnego piêknego wrzeœniowego poranka, gdy wraca³em z codziennego polowania, dostrzeg³em ju¿ z oddali, ¿e w obozie panuje nienaturalne poruszenie i podniecenie. Moja wierna babcia oczekiwa³a mnie i jako pierwsza przekaza³a wielk¹ nowinê.
    - Wróci³ twój ojciec, ten, o którym myœleliœmy, ¿e zgin¹³ z r¹k bia³ych - powiedzia³a.
    Spis rzeczy
    Wstêp — Marek Nowocieñ
    I Pocz¹tek drogi
    II Pierwsze dni w szkole
    III Na szlaku bia³ego cz³owieka IV College na Zachodzie V College na Wschodzie VI Lekarz wœród Indian VII Wojna o Taniec Ducha VIII Wojna z politykami IX Cywilizacja w teorii i praktyce X W stolicy XI Powrót do lasu XII Dusza bia³ego cz³owieka VII Wojna o Taniec Ducha Sza³ religijny, taki jak ten w latach 1890-91 jest w zasadzie obcy indiañskiej filozofii. Przypomnia³em sobie, ¿e sto lat wczeœniej, podczas klêsk Algonkinów, rozgorza³a podobna wiara, zapocz¹tkowana przez przebieg³ego proroka Delawarów, brata Tecumseha. Rozwia³a siê wtedy nadzieja na jednoœæ rasow¹ i moi ludzi zaczêli na oœlep szukaæ duchowego pocieszenia, które pomog³aby im w okresie zamieszania i nieszczêœcia. Ufam, ¿e pierwsi prorocy "Czerwonego Chrystusa" byli niewinni i szczerzy, choæ niew¹tpliwie znaleŸli siê i tacy, którzy prorokowali ku chwale samych siebie i wprowadzali nowe, fantastyczne elementy do rytua³ów, by przyci¹gn¹æ wyznawców.

    88. Ksiêga Go¶ci
    Ksiega gosci uzytkownika elanoe. Dodatkowe efekty. btekst pogrubiony/b - itekst pochylony/i - utekst podkreslony/u
    Zobacz wpisy Powrót do strony Autor*: E-mail: Gadu-Gadu: Tlen (identyfikator): Strona www: Tre¶æ*: Dodatkowe efekty:
    tekst pogrubiony [/b]
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    tekst czerwony [/red]
    tekst niebieski [/blue]
    tekst zielony [/green]
    tekst ¿ó³ty [/yellow]
    darmowe ksiêgi go¶ci
    kajaki swornegacie kajaki ... Winamp

    89. Poetry And Songs By Native Americans
    The Tama NewsHeraldWhen Ohiyesa was just four years old, his father was arrested for Ohiyesa s relatives whisked him off to the safety of Canada where he spent the next

    90. Duše Indiána - Ohiyesa - DharmaGaia, Maa - Knihkupectví
    Duše Indiána Krátký, ale naléhavý spisek, približující puvodní, evropskou kulturou dosud nedotcenou filosofii a zpusob myšlení Indiánu a podíl krestanství

    NEJPRODÁVANÌJŠÍ AKÈNÍ SLEVY PØIPRAVOVANÉ ... MÙJ KOSMAS Titul Autor Klíè. slovo Nakladatel jen knihy
    Duše Indiána
    a jiné spisy
    Doporuèená cena: 108 Kè sleva 15% -16 Kè Naše cena: 92 Kè Cena je vèetnì DPH 5%
    Expedujeme do 3 dnù
    Indiáni severní Ameriky - spirtiualita a náboženství
    Domorodá náboženství Severní Ameriky Duše Indiána Chromý Jelen Indiánská kniha mrtvých Celková cena: 782 Kè
    Pøi spoleèném nákupu
    ušetøíte 93 Kè Anotace
    Krátký, ale naléhavý spisek, pøibližující pùvodní, evropskou kulturou dosud nedotèenou filosofii a zpùsob myšlení Indiánù a podíl køesanství na rozvrácení jejich tradièního zpùsobu života. Autorem je pøíslušník kmene Santí, patøící k národu Dakotù, který vystudoval americké školy, aby pochopil jednání bílých, ale v srdci i v duši zùstal hrdým Indiánem. Kniha, která s pøímoèarostí Indiánùm vlastní pøibližuje podstatu indiánské filosofie a pøístupu ke svìtu a zároveò se snaží nalézt styèné body mezi duchovními svìty Indiána a bìlocha.
    Duše Indiána
    Nakladatel: DharmaGaia Maa
    EAN: edice:
    Nové trendy - malá øada Originál: The Soul of an Indian Pøeklad: Jan Kudr Formát: 88 stran, 15 x 10cm

    91. Ohiyesa Information And Books - Authors - Earth Spirit Forum - Soul To Spirit
    Essential ReadingEastman, Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa), 1911, Soul of an Indian , Houghton Mifflin. (1980, University of Nebraska Press). Available online as a single large
    Log In Join
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    About the Author Ohiyesa
    , a Dakota Indian also known as Charles Alexander Eastman, is one of America’s most fascinating and overlooked individuals. Born in Minnesota in 1858, he obtained postgraduate degrees and advised U.S. presidents before returning to traditional living in native forests. Ohiyesa Books. The Soul of an Indian 2 Ed: And Other Writings from Ohiyesa (Charles Alexander Eastman) by Kent Nerburn (Editor), Ohiyesa (Hardcover) Book Description Ohiyesa, a Dakota Indian also known as Charles Alexander Eastman, is one of America's most fascinating and overlooked individuals. Born in Minnesota in 1858, he obtained postgraduate degrees and advised U.S. presidents before returning to traditional living in native forests. This beautifully packaged reissue contains Ohiyesa's insights on spirit, the human experience, and white culture's impact on Native American culture. Writings from the Soul of an Indian series All material on this site is

    92. Lakota/Nakota/Dakota
    Soul of an Indian , Charles Alexander Eastman, (Ohiyesa), Univ. Nebraska Press. Available online as a single large file or the TOC of a segmented version
    The names the people we call Sioux have for themselves are the Lakota, Nakota or Dakota, meaning "friends . . . allies . . . to be friendly." At an earlier time, the Sioux evolved into three main groups speaking different dialects of the same language. The Dakota were the largest group and are considered to be the mother group. The Nakota were next in size, followed by the Lakota. Winter count records indicate that there was strife within the Sioux tribal family which may have been associated with a rise in power of the Lakota. The Dakota, who were also called the Santee Sioux, occupied a region east of the Mississippi in what is currently Minnesota. They were divided into four bands: the Mdewakantonwon , who are now in Minnesota, Flandreau, SD, and the Santee Reservation in Nebraska; the Wahpeton , who are now at the Devil's Lake Reservation, ND, Flandreau, SD, and Sisseton, SD; the Wahpekute , who are now at the Santee Reservation in Nebraska and Fort Peck, MT; and the Sisseton who are at Devil's Lake in ND and Sisseton, SD.

    93. Alibris: Ohiyesa: Charles Eastman, Santee Sioux - 0252009789 0252068513
    Alibris Charles Alexander EastmanThe Soul of an Indian and Other Writings from Ohiyesa (Charles Alexander Eastman) And Nerburn draws from several of Ohiyesa s books, including the 0252068513/Ohiyesa: Charles Eastman
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    ... help search RESULTS Our Money-Back Guarantee We guarantee the condition of every book, new or used. If you are not satisfied for any reason, simply return the item within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price. For further details, click here Ohiyesa: Charles Eastman, Santee Sioux by Raymond Wilson buy used: price from ISBN: Binding: Hardcover Date Published: buy used ISBN: Binding: Trade Paperback Date Published: buy used buy new Alibris Home For Libraries ... Join Affiliates

    94. eBooks for your PDA and Smartphone, Palm PocketPC Light on the Indian World The Essential Writings of Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa) the first time the most important writings of Ohiyesa (Charles Eastman),

    95. Indian Scout Craft And Lore: Current Amazon U.S.A. One-Edition Data
    Ohiyesa (Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman) Santee Sioux The true Indian sets no 1932) George EASTMAN 2 (12 Jul 1854 14 Mar 1932) Ohiyesa 1 (Dr Charles
    From the book lists at Adirondacks
    All information current as of 06:20:43 Pacific Time, Sunday, 11 September 2005.
    Indian Scout Craft and Lore
    by Charles Alexander Eastman
    Dover Publications
    01 June, 1974
    Usually ships in 24 hours
    Click the button below to . . .
    (which will add the book to your Amazon U.S.A. "Shopping Cart") . . . or use your browser's Back button to return to the search-list page. You can reload this page with all available editorial and reader reviews of this book, but be patient: that could take a while to fully load, depending on your internet connection speed and the total number of reviews. Yes, show me this page with all available reviews (Page code from the SEO Tools, Toys, and Packages site) NEWS COURTESY OF ROCKET NEWS Charles and Camilla attend wedding of her son food writer Tom Parker Bowles in England Charles and Camilla atten Charles and Camilla attend wedding of her son food writer Tom Parker Bowles in England Charles and Camilla attend wedding of her son food writer Tom Parker Bowles in England ROTHERFIELD GREYS England ? Five months after his mother Camilla married Prince Charles food writer Tom Parker Bowles wed fashion journalist Sara Buys Saturday in an English country church ablaze with flowers. ROTHERFIELD GREYS England ? Five months after his mother Camilla married Prince Charles ... Prince Charles happy with TV programme in which he admitted adultery: report LONDON : Prince Charles was happy with the "tasteful" presentation of a documentary in which he admitted he had committed adultery during his marriage to Princess Diana a newspaper reported on Sunday. "Apart from anything else it was beautifully done and tastefully executed - and I actually enjoyed watching it " the British heir to the throne said in a secret letter to broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby the Sunday Telegraph reported.

    96. ICT [2002/04/15]  Elder, AIM Organizer Dies At 72
    Ohiyesa was able to recount experiences from his flight to Canada after the Minnesota Uprising through to being the post physician at the Pine Ridge Agency.

    97. Crazy Horse
    life is taken in part from remembrances by his friend and ally, Ohiyesa. Ohiyesa was a Santee Dakota Sioux, raised in the traditional ways before his

    98. Charles A
    Jego wlasny lud nadal mu najpierw imie Ohiyesa, czyli Zwyciezca, Ohiyesa urodzil sie 19 lutego 1858 roku w poblizu Red Falls w Mnnesocie i przez
    Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) Moje indiañskie dzieciñstwo prze³. Beata Skwarska Spis treœci Wstêp
    I. NAJWCZEŒNIEJSZE WSPOMNIENIA 1. Hakada, Ostatnia Sierota
    2. Wczesne przeciwnoœci losu
    3. Babcia
    4. Indiañski obóz cukrowy
    5. Œwiêto w po³owie lata II. SZKOLENIE INDIAÑSKIEGO CH£OPCA III. ZABAWY I TOWARZYSZE 1. Gry i zawody
    2. Towarzysze moich zabaw
    3. M³ody myœliwy IV. Moja pierwsza ofiara V. TRADYCJE RODZINNE 1. Odwiedziny u Dymnego Dnia
    2. Kamienny Ch³opiec VI. WIECZÓR W TIPI 1. Wieczór w tipi
    2. Przygody mego wuja VII. ZAKOÑCZENIE TAÑCA NIEDWIEDZIA VIII. ŒWIÊTO PANIEN IX. KILKA LEGEND 1. Legenda Diabelskiego Jeziora (Devil’s Lake)
    2. Manitoshaw udaje siê na polowanie X. INDIAÑSKIE ¯YCIE I PRZYGODY 1. ¯ycie w puszczy 2. Obóz zimowy 3. Dzikie ¿niwa 4. Spotkanie na równinach 5. Podró¿ pe³na przygód XI. ŒMIEJ¥CY SIÊ FILOZOF XII. PIERWSZE WRA¯ENIA CYWILIZACJI Wstêp Jedn¹ z nielicznych wspólnych cech wielu ró¿norodnych kultur Indian Ameryki Pó³nocnej by³o — i czêsto nadal pozostaje — opieranie siê plemiennych tradycji na ustnych przekazach, m¹droœci przodków i zapamiêtanych z dzieciñstwa gawêdach i opowieœciach starców. Nic dziwnego wiêc, ¿e indiañska literatura pisana jest zjawiskiem stosunkowo nowym, siêgaj¹cym zaledwie pocz¹tków dwudziestego wieku. Obecnie tworzy j¹ wielu znanych za Oceanem — choæ rzadziej w Polsce — autorów, a takie nazwiska, jak N. Scott Momaday, Vine Deloria, James Welch, Louise Erdrich czy Leslie Marmon Silko wesz³y ju¿ na sta³e do historii literatury amerykañskiej.

    99. EastmanCharles.A.
    Ohiyesa, blev døbt efter kris ten skik og givet navnet Charles Alexander Eastman. Ohiyesa ville gerne finde en leve- vej, der samtidig kunne komme hans
    Eastman,Charles Alexander(Ohiyesa) C.A,Eastman, var enestående blandt indianske forfattere, hvad enten det gælder historie- skrivere eller fortællere. Han blev født i 1858, nær Redwood Falls, i Minnesotas sydvestlige hjørne og fik først nav- net Hakadah (The Pitiful Last One) fordi hans mor døde kort efter fødslen. Han blev derfor opdraget af sin bedstemor frem til 1874 hvor han er femten år gammel. Dette gav ham et indgående førstehåndskendskab til sit folks livsstil, sprog, kultur og historiefortælling. Det meste af barndommen (1862-74)tilbringer han dog på sin onkel, Mysterious Medicines farm i Mani- toba (Canada) som flygtning, efter Minnesota Sioux opstanden i 1862.
    Hans far, Many Lightnings, var blevet taget til fange under opstanden og var blandt de mere end trehund- rede, der blev dødsdømt efter opstanden. Familien troede han var død.
    Hvad de ikke vidste var, at han var blandt de mere end 240, der var blevet benådet af præsident Lincoln. Han var derfor blevet indsat i krigsfangenskab i fængslet i Davenport
    (Iowa) hvor han sad i tolv år. Under fængselsopholdet konverterede han til kristendommen.

    100. BUSM I Summer Experience Summaries
    As part of the Ohiyesa Program*, we spent four weeks in Antigua, The major reason I enjoyed the Ohiyesa Program was because of the structured exposure

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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