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Norris W E: more detail | ||||||||||
81. Vrouw En Vrijheid Nederlands voorvechtster vrouwenrechten, 18471925, in Het Groene Boek van We zien hier immers opnieuw een zelfuitgeroepen groep vigilanten hun visie http://www.vrouwenvrijheid.be/citaten_all.php | |
82. Gravestone Photo Listing M-r Norris, Elizabeth, 1884 1915, Mary F. Aged 17 Days, Wife and Baby O BRIEN,John, 1847 - 1925, Rhoda A., 1858 - 1929 (Tower of Memories, Crown Hill) http://www.coloradoclues.com/gravestone photo listing m-r.htm | |
83. Robert Haven Schauffler: An Inventory Of His Correspondence At The Harry Ransom Norris, WE (William Edward), 184719254.5. Noyes, Alfred, 1880-19584.5.Oldman, Cecil Bernard4.5. Olington, Mary W.4.5. O Lynch, Charles4.5 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/uthrc/00117/hrc-00117.html | |
84. Langley Centennial Museum || Collections We hope to expand our photograph collection, and continue to record the stories Medd, William, 18471925 1, Menelaws, Anne 1, Menelaws, Betsy 1 http://www.langleymuseum.org/collection_photo.asp | |
85. Document Title Nov 30,1908 Sep 22,1910 Son of WE sarah John F. 1844 1924 Fletcher Harriet A. 18471925 Fletcher Elizabeth 21,1945 Dec 26,1945 Infant dau of Norris Maxine http://www.couchgenweb.com/arkansas/greene/finch.htm | |
86. CEMETERY Larchwood Cemetery, Larchwood, Larchwood Twp., Lyon Co. getting this much online, and we all appreciate 18981900 Hartenhoff, Dorothea18471925 Hartenhoff, Garret G Nicholson, Louise 18701951 Norris, Amanda 1883 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ia/lyon/cemeteries/larchwood.txt |
87. Miller County Georgia Archives - Cemeteries - Mothers Home 18, 1888 June 21, 1971 Husband of Trellie Grimes To live in hearts we 1, 1975 (06010447)(06010449) FOREST E Norris GEORGIA PVT 356 FLD RMT SQ QMC http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/miller/cemeteries/mothome.txt |
88. Loose Estes Branches (c) David Powell. Last The only name we have in the second generation apart from John, David HaggardEASTER (18471925) of Clinton Co, KY; Cumberland Co, KY 1870; . d. http://xenon.triode.net.au/~dragon/ft/estes/branches.txt | |
89. WOODLAWN CEMETERY Listing Compiled By Evelyn E. Cole And Roberta C If any names were missed, we deeply regret it and would be more than happy to Galloway GALLOWAY, RUBY JAN 9 1992 age 93 LVH w/o Norris C. Galloway http://home.att.net/~lvhayes/Genealog/Cems/Beau/woodlawn.txt | |
90. William Edward Norris William Edward Norris. William Edward Norris (November 18, 1847 1925), Englishnovelist, was the son of Sir W Norris, chief justice of Ceylon. http://www.enlightenweb.net/w/wi/william_edward_norris.html | |
91. New Queries - Union County, SC Genealogy Home Page RESEARCHER Bobbi Norris, everybodysmom@hotmail.com Now that we have a littlehistory about the early settlement of Union County, let me indulge unto http://members.aol.com/unionscgen/guestbook/newquer.htm | |
92. Lineage Summaries Archive 4 Pleasant Beaty Wood 1847 1925 .. +Nancy Jane Moody 1851 - 1908 . +Norris L. Houchens b Nov 30, 1868 d Aug 23, 1930 in OK - Cordell . http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~bp2000/summaries1.htm | |
93. KOSCIUSKO COUNTY INDIANA SARBER, Jane Snyder, wife of Dr. WE Sarber, born in Fairfield County Ohio,.Mar 4, 1840, d. BRUNER, George, 18471925. BRUNER, Cathrine, 1854-1941 http://www.fulco.lib.in.us/genealogy/Tombaugh/Cemeteries/Kosciusko County/Html/k | |
94. My Womack / Wommack Line, Take A Peek Harris his cornor We by So 380 po to ye place aforementioned the sd land Marriage Susan Norris Children William Warren HAMMACK Emily J HAMMACK http://genforum.genealogy.com/womack/messages/996.html | |
95. WebGED: Noyes Family Data Page We may assume that he had disposed of his library and other valuables before hisdeath. Norris, Lucinda 30 F W Keeping House born in Alabama http://noyes.rootsweb.com/wga122.html | |
96. CEEOL - Central And Eastern European Online Library - An Online Library Where CE Negative influences of the individualism, Gheorghe Dima (18471925) si roluldeterminant al Nineteen Eighty-Four Section Are We The JP2 Generation?, http://www.ceeol.com/index.aspx | |
97. MWP: Stark Young (1881-1963) In December, 1880, Mary Clark Starks married Alfred Alexander Young (18471925),a doctor that we can never go back, and neither this essay nor any intelligent http://www.econ.olemiss.edu/mwp/dir/young_stark/index.html | |
98. Dewey Subject Search 210 Best Books on Spirit Phenomena, 1847-1925. Henrietta Lovi 249 - We andOur Children Molding the Child in Christian Living. Mary Reed Newland http://www.books-on-line.com/bol/DeweyResults.cfm?DeweyP=2 |
99. John Lane Company Records, Index Of Correspondents Leith of Fyvie, Alexander John ForbesLeith, Baron, 1847-192526.5 Lejeune,Grace M.26.5 Wall, Arthur E.see Cannell, W. Otway; WE Nelson Co. http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/lane.john.corr.html | |
100. Calvary Cemetery Inscriptions if one can go by that date, we would assume that the first burials probably Mary C. w/o Michael 1850 1923 Mohoney, Michael 1847 - 1925 Mohoney, http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilsangam/cem-cal_mo.htm | |
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