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Norris W E: more detail | ||||||||||
41. Virtual_Library English, by * (No Author Attributed) Bianca, by Norris, WE (William Edward),18471925 The journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an http://www.pilsung2002.com/Virtual_Library.html | |
42. Petymol.s.html of Thomas Norris, Esq., who having purchased it in addition to his own, Thomas Hale Streets, 18471925, US naturalist on St. Martin Chirundina http://www.tmbl.gu.se/libdb/taxon/personetymol/petymol.s.html | |
43. Biographies Of Marine Taxonomists Their Friends. IV Thomas Hale Streets, 18471925, US naturalist on St. Martin Chirundina streetsiiGiesbrecht, Richard Norris Wolfenden, (18 Jan.) 1854-1926 (18 Aug. http://www.tmbl.gu.se/libdb/taxon/personetymol/personetymol.4.html |
44. W Also researching Ross,Wheeler, Scott, Baskett, Huston, Parker, Norris and Michel . WHITE 18471925 Madras. These dates are tenuous - I only know that http://valmayukuk.tripod.com/register/id11.html | |
45. Inventory Of The Mortlake Collection Of English Life And Letters Norris, WE (William Edward), 18471925 ALS, 13 December 1897, to William MorrisColles, returning the proofs of the second installment of The Widower and http://www.libraries.psu.edu/speccolls/FindingAids/mortlake4.html |
46. INDEX Norris. WISE. WE ( ) 1873- ) William H. (1844- ) William M. (1836- ) William Morgan(1828- ) William Preston (1864- ) Zachary Taylor (1847-1925) Zachary Taylor http://peters-ar.org/rwynn/fowndx.htm | |
47. LISTA DE TITULOS Bianca, by Norris, WE (William Edward), 18471925 Bibeln _ The Bible, in Swedish,by * (No Author Attributed) Bible In Spain, The; or, The journeys, http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/titulos.htm | |
48. Lakeside Cemetery Helena C. Lindberg 18471925. Rosalie M. Lindberg 1878-1882 Norris W.Martin 1875-1938. Sarah Martin 17 December 1840 - 30 October 1931 http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/Hastings_Lakeside21.htm | |
49. Whatever Happened? Named after Rear Admiral Caspar Frederick Goodrich, USN (18471925) Named afterNavy Cross recipient Major Benjamin White Norris, USMC (1907-1942) http://members.cox.net/cpopina/whathapp.htm | |
50. This Is Project Gutenberg. This List Has Been Downloaded From English, by * (No Author Attributed) Bianca, by Norris, WE (William Edward),18471925 Bibeln _ The Bible, in Swedish, by * (No Author Attributed) Bible In http://www.lafourche.lib.la.us/TITLES.TXT |
51. Untitled Document James Sykes Gamble (18471925) entered the Indian Forest Department in 1871 56 Norris, Dermot. Kashmir; The Switzerland of India a Descriptive Guide http://www.sotherans.co.uk/Catalogues/Occasional/India.html | |
52. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS 18441900 Nordau, Max Simon, 1849-1923 Norris, Frank, 1870-1902 Norris, KathleenThompson, 1880-1966 Norris, WE (William Edward), 1847-1925 NorthWestNet Northam http://pg2.org/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
53. WORLD CALL INDEX Jan 5937 NEAL, ROBERT BURNS, 18471925 (photo) Jul 2431 Name wanted for a new 2123 Noro - Norris, S NORO, TAKASHI Church with a spirit of service. http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/world/WCIN.HTM | |
54. CEMETERIES Of Gallatin Co, Illinois - Book 1 By Glen Miner Ira Shain of nearby Norris City, who was born in 1869 and died in 1970, had awealth of local and Alexander 18471925 father, Mary E. 1862-1941 mother http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~davidca/Gall-cem/Book1.htm | |
55. MIAMI COUNTY (also military marker George W. Norris, Co I 22 Ind Inf, no dates) (13 steps) (1) Jennie C., his wife, 18471925 (2) Barzillai R., 1834-1908 (21 steps) http://www.fulco.lib.in.us/Tombaugh/Cemeteries/Miami County/Html/miami(2).htm | |
56. Names Index Page Translate this page Norris, Martha Jane (Abt. 1781-1808-Abt. 1841-1897) NORTHAM, Cherolyne (Private-) 1831-Abt. 1847-1925) SANDERS, Amanda Carline (10 May 1834-10 Jul 1928) http://moneymaker.rootsweb.com/surnames/guier/names6.htm | |
57. INDEX Olive Frances (18471925) Percy Willard (1884-1967) Philip Ray (1952-1952) Polly (1793- ) Ruth (1791- ) GILKISON. Norris E. (- ) http://www.parvinfamily.com/genealogy/general/fowndx.htm | |
58. ROCK CREEK CEMETERY LIST ONLINE 02/04/1859;age 69yr9mo14da; BROWN,Norris;12/08 of WE;06/26/1859;age 1mo8da;ESTES,JOSEPH U HAMMOND,GEORGE W.; 1847 1925; HAMMOND,CAROLINE; 1854 - 1938; FREDERICK http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/6746/keokukcem.html | |
59. Robert Schauffler Correspondence, Index Of Correspondents, M-Z Norris, WE (William Edward), 184719254.5 Noyes, Alfred, 1880-19584.5 Oldman,Cecil Bernard4.5 Olington, Mary W.4.5 O Lynch, Charles4.5 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/schauffler.corr2.html |
60. William Edward Norris - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia William Edward Norris (November 18, 1847 1925), English novelist, was the sonof Sir W Norris, chief justice of Ceylon. He was educated at Eton, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Edward_Norris | |
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