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Nichols Philip: more detail | ||||
21. Philip Carr-Gomm and Editor of The Book of Druidry, The Druid Renaissance, The Book ofDruidry Ross Nichols, ed and foreward Philip Carr Gomm(Aquarian Press, 1990). http://www.druidnetwork.org/profiles/people/philip_carr-gomm.html | |
22. The Druid Path - Books Recommendations CarrGomm, Philip (Editor)The Druid Renaissance ISBN 1-85538-480-9 Nichols wasthe founder of OBOD and this book is an interesting look into his views. http://www.dobhran.com/DPbooks.htm | |
23. The Signal Poetry Award Grace Nichols, Editor, Can I Buy a Slice of Sky? Poems from Black, Asian andAmerican Neil Philip, Editor, A New Treasury of Poetry, Blackie, 1990 http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~angl/signal/poetrybooklists.html | |
24. Authors M-O Nichols, Philip, Editor Nicolay, Helen, 18661954 Nield, Jonathan Niemann, August,1839-1919 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/m-o.htm | |
25. Boortz.com: Nealz Nuze March 14, 2005 This Brian Nichols fiasco was bungled from the word go. headlines are beingmade in China, by Philip Bennett, Managing Editor of the Washington Post. http://boortz.com/nuze/200503/03142005.html | |
26. About C5, Inc. Philip Stockton. Supervising Sound Editor. The Aviator. Martin Scorsese Mike Nichols. Y Tu Mama Tambien. Alfonso Cuaron. Mio Viaggio in Italia http://www.c5sound.com/about/resumes.php?name=stockton |
27. Biblioteca Virtual Nichols, Philip, Editor. Sir Francis Drake Revived(.zip 66 Kb). Nicolay,Helen (1866 + 1954). The Boys Life Of Abraham Lincoln(.zip - 129.55 Kb) http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/n.html |
28. Biblioteca Virtual Sir Francis Drake Revived (Nichols, Philip, Editor) (.zip 66 Kb) Sir FrancisDrake s Famous Voyage Round The World (Pretty, Francis) (.zip - 29 Kb) http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/tit_s.html |
29. Dotlit: People Of Dotlit Philip Neilsen, Editor, is Discipline Head of Creative Writing at QUT. Michelle Nichols has travelled Australia living her miseducated youth as an army http://www.dotlit.qut.edu.au/people.html | |
30. Magic And Religion Special thanks to Frank Mills, Editor of Brigits Feast magazine, for recommendingThe Philip CarrGomm is the present-day heir to Nichols knowledge, http://www.laughingowl.com/muse/magic.htm | |
31. Bibliography Prophet Priest King The Poetry of Philip Ross Nichols edited and introduced Mike Howard, Editor of the craft magazine The Cauldron suggested the http://rossnichols.druidry.org/bibliography.html | |
32. Reminiscences I visited Ross Nichols, Philips predecessor as Chosen Chief of OBOD, My Encounters with Ross Nichols by Marian Green Editor of Quest magazine, http://rossnichols.druidry.org/reminiscences.html | |
33. American Film Institute DIRECTOR Mike Nichols. WRITER Tony Kushner, based on his play. Editor John Bloom DIRECTOR Jerry Zaks. WRITER Philip Rosenthal. Editor Pat Barnett http://www.awardsavenue.com/telestreet/critics/2004/afi.htm | |
34. Red Nichols Red Nichols biography. A history of Jazz before 1930. by Philip R. Evans,Stanley Hester, Stephen Hester, Linda Evans (Editor), Scarecrow Press, 1997 http://www.redhotjazz.com/redn.html | |
35. Red Nichols' Five Pennies The Red Nichols Story After Intermission, 19421965 , by Philip R. Evans, StanleyHester, Stephen Hester, Linda Evans (Editor), Scarecrow Press, 1997 http://www.redhotjazz.com/rn5p.html | |
36. The Sacred Fire - Celtic Books Ross Nichols, John Matthews, Philip CarrGomm (Editor). Celtic Wisdom SeasonalRituals and Festivals Vivianne Crowley. The Celtic Druids Year Seasonal http://www.geocities.com/~huathe/books_druid.html | |
37. Renaissance And Modern Druidism by Ross Nichols, John Matthews, Philip CarrGomm (Editor), phi Carr-Gomm, AmazonPrice $15.20 Paperback - 320 pages Reprint edition (May 1992) Thorsons Pub http://www.geocities.com/mikerdna/moddruid.html | |
38. The Encyclopaedia Of The Celts: SELECTED BIOGRAPHY Assistant professor of history at Harward, and Editor of North American Review Nichols, Philip PETER ROSS. He was born in Norfolk on 28 June 1902. http://www.isle-of-skye.org.uk/celtic-encyclopaedia/celt_bio.htm | |
39. Social Issues Nichols, Geoff Editor Nichols, Geoff Leisure Studies Association Lampe,Philip E. Editor - Lampe, Philip E. Prometheus Books UK http://www.bmjbookshop.com/shop/Collection_Display.asp?SiteLanguage=ENG&Collecti |
40. E-MAGAZINE -- CUTTING EDGE By Philip Cornwel-Smith Jones/Harvey Nichols showcase of todie-for prêt- à -porter lines. A decadeearlier, Philip was deputy Editor of the award-winning Time Out London http://www.tatnews.org/emagazine/1731.asp | |
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