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81. P.G.J. - Transit De Vénus 2004 - L'intérêt Scientifique Translate this page Simon Newcomb. 1890. données des transits 1761/1769 puis de celles de 1874/1882,Simon Newcomb (1835-1909) a déterminé une valeur remarquablement http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pgj/transit080604-interets.htm | |
82. Stories, Listed By Author Newcomb, Simon (18351909). The End of the World, (ss) McClure s May 03.The Battle of the Monsters and Other Stories, ed. David G. Hartwell LW Currey, http://contento.best.vwh.net/s162.html | |
83. Nysgjerrigper - Tala Talar Benfords lov ble oppdaget av Simon Newcomb (18351909) Newcomb bruktelogaritmetabellar kvar einaste dag, for eksempel når han skulle rekne ut avstanden http://www.nysgjerrigper.no/Artikler/1049803677.59 | |
84. USGS GNIS (GNIS) History Notes, Named for Simon Newcomb, (18351909), astronomer. (US-T121).State, California. County, Tulare. USGS 7.5 x 7.5 Map, Mount Whitney http://geonames.usgs.gov/pls/gnis/web_query.GetDetail?tab=Y&id=264073 |
85. Iqdepo // Az újvilág élre Tör (Dimenzió #20) Simon Newcomb (18351909), a kor legkiválóbb amerikai csillagásza. Newcomb igensokoklalú tehetséggel megáldott tudós volt. http://www.iqdepo.hu/dimenzio/20/20-07-10.html | |
86. Book 000582 Information Originallypublished by Simon Newcomb (18351909), Professor of Mathematics in the US......Title, Astronomy For Everybody. Author, Newcomb, Simon http://www.obrienbooks.com/desc/t000582.html | |
87. Quotation By Simon Newcomb Simon Newcomb (1835 1909). Ten decimal places of pi are sufficient to give thecircumference of the earth to a fraction of an inch, and thirty decimal http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Quotations2/312.html | |
88. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science Scientist, Newcomb, Simon (1835 1909). Discipline(s), Astronomy. OriginalDimensions, Graphic 7.4 x 5.9 cm / Sheet 10.1 x 6.6 cm http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/hst/scientific-identity/CF/by_name_disp |
89. Obituary Notes Of Astronomers Newcomb, Simon (12 Mar 1835 11 Jul 1909), Literary Digest 24 July 1909, 11.441 Newcomb, S. (1835 - 1909), Proc Amer Acad Arts and Sci 51 (1920) 809 http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/obit/obit_n.html | |
90. His-Astr - Visiting Newcomb Simon (Prof). 1835 1909 Newcomb was an astronomer at the US NavalObservatory (USNO), and became the most honoured American astronomer of the 19th http://www.saao.ac.za/assa/html/his-astr_-_visiting.html | |
91. AAAS - History And Archives Simon Newcomb. 1835 1909. Editor, American Journal of Mathematics. AAAS officesheld. President, 1877. Copyright © 2004. American Association for the http://archives.aaas.org/people.php?p_id=77 |
92. Simon Newcomb Gravesite Name, Simon Newcomb (1835 1909). Category, Scientists. Burial Location,Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, USA. http://www.thecemeteryproject.com/Graves 2/newcomb-simon.htm | |
93. Simon Newcomb Quotes - ThinkExist Quotations Simon Newcomb quotes. Popularity Simon Newcomb popularity 3/10 Simon Newcombquotes. Add to my book. Submit a New Simon Newcomb quote http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/simon_newcomb/ | |
94. Newcomb Definition From Aiedu.com Newcomb definitation from aiedu.com A Free Internet Dictionary. noun,1 Newcomb United States astronomer (18351909) (noun.person) http://dict.aiedu.com/word/newcomb | |
95. Albert Abraham Michelson -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (United States astronomer (18351909)) Newcomb, with his more adequately fundedproject, obtained a value of 299860±30 km/s, just at the extreme edge of http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/a/al/albert_abraham_michelson.htm | |
96. Artikel Simon Newcomb werd op 12 maart 1835 in Wallace, Nova Scotia, Canada geboren. Simon Newcomb stierf op 11 juli 1909 in Washington DC als een der grootste http://www.jligteneigen226.freeler.nl/Artikelen/SimonNewcomb.html | |
97. Matematici M-R Newcomb, Simon (USA 1835 - 1909); Newton,Isaac (sir) (Woolsthorpe, Inghilterra 1642 - Londra, Inghilterra 1727) http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/matematici_m_r.html | |
98. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Autor, Newcomb, Simon, 1835 - 1909. Recursos, Archivo de Texto ArchivoComprimido Requiere programa WinZip (1.23 MB), bájelo aquí http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?materia=ASTRONOMIA |
99. Progetto Polymath - Che Cosa Si Sono Messi… In Testa I Numeri? Translate this page Intorno al 1881, lastronomo Simon Newcomb si accorse che le tavole deilogaritmi (utilizzate Simon Newcomb, 1835 - 1909, Frank Benford, 1883 - 1948 http://www2.polito.it/didattica/polymath/htmlS/probegio/Mathemagica/Benford/Benf | |
100. National Park Service: Astronomy And Astrophysics NHL Theme Study The Old Naval Observatory is also associated with the work of SimonNewcomb (18351909), Canadian-born American astronomer, who was one of the foremost of http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_books/butowsky5/astro6.htm | |
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