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Nemiroff Robert: more books (53) | |||||
61. Raisin A CurtainUp Los Angeles Review Robert Nemiroff (Hansberry s husband) and Charlotte Saltzberg trimmed the Adapted by Robert Nemiroff and Charlotte Zaltzberg Music by Judd Woldin http://www.curtainup.com/raisinla.html | |
62. African Americans - Lorraine Vivian Hansberry, The Production Of Her Play, A Rai In 1953 she married Robert Nemiroff, a white writer and activist; they were divorced in Robert Nemiroff, her exhusband and the executor of her estate, http://www.africanamericans.com/LorraineHansberry.htm | |
63. The Universe: 365 Days In 1995, Robert J. Nemiroff, Associate Professor of Physics at the Michigan Technological University and Jerry T. Bonnell an astrophysicist with the http://www.space.com/spacelibrary/books/library_365days_030609.html | |
64. African American Writers Nemiroff, Robert. To be young, gifted, and black; a portrait of Lorraine Hansberry Adapted by Robert Nemiroff. Acting ed. New York, S. French c1971 http://www.mtsu.edu/~vvesper/afam.html | |
65. Gazing Around A Neutron Star, Chancy Clam Mating, 45 Tomato Plants For 1 Mans Nemiroff superimposed a map of the Americas to illustrate distortions on a neutron star. Robert Nemiroff, Michigan Technological University http://www.wonderquest.com/neutron-star-clams-plant-oxygen.htm | |
66. Artist Information Nemiroff, Diana, Robert Houle, and Charlotte TownsendGault. Land, Spirit, Power First Nations at the National Gallery of Canada. http://www.trentu.ca/artcollection/NativeSLounge - Davidson 2001.001.1-2.htm | |
67. GLCW Participants Nemiroff, Robert Netterfield, Barth Newberg, Heidi Neyrinck, Mark Nichol, Bob Nitz, David Nollenberg, Joshua Ovaldsen, JanErik Parker, Laura http://www.umich.edu/~mctp/events/glc2003/list.html | |
68. The Square Root Of 10 The Square Root of 10/Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell forum and chat at http//jollyroger.com/zd/TheSquareRootofBRforum/shakespeare1.html http://jollyroger.com/library/TheSquareRootof10ebook.html | |
69. The Square Root Of 6 The Square Root of 6/Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell forum and chat at http//jollyroger.com/zd/TheSquareRootofBRforum/shakespeare1.html http://jollyroger.com/library/TheSquareRootof6ebook.html | |
70. Journal Of Material Culture -- Sign In Page Houle, Robert (1992) The Spiritual Legacy of the Ancient Ones, in Diana Nemiroff, Robert Houle and Charlotte TownsendGault (eds) Land, Spirit, http://mcu.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/9/2/183 | |
71. A Raisin In The Sun Married songwriter and publisher Robert Nemiroff in 1953; divorced Nemiroff in 1964, ed. by Robert Nemiroff, 1972. Critical Sources and Reviews http://www.uwyo.edu/wch/bdpmmrs.htm | |
72. CNN.com - A Book As Big As The Universe - Nov. 21, 2003 Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell, authors of The Universe 365 Days, are selfprofessed mild and lazy guys, but they have nonetheless created perhaps the http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/11/21/book.apod/ | |
73. Stars Of Orion Nemiroff,Robert and Bonnel,Jerry. Astronomy Picture of the Day. http//antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/. LHEA at NASA/GSFC, 2000 August 27; 1999 September 14; http://www.cvilleastro.org/casnews/current/stars of orion.htm | |
74. Educational Paperback Association Some years after her death, Robert Nemiroff assembled a program of excerpts 1987 Nemiroff, Robert. From these roots Lorraine Hansberry and the South; http://www.edupaperback.org/showauth.cfm?authid=93 |
75. BUBL LINK: Astronomy Research Author Nemiroff, Robert Bonnell, Jerry Subjects astronomy research, cosmology DeweyClass 520 Resource type documents; Green Flash Page Information on http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/astronomyresearch.htm | |
76. BUBL LINK: Black Holes Author Nemiroff, Robert Subjects astronomy education, black holes, relativity, space observation, stars DeweyClass 523.887 Resource type moving images. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/b/blackholes.htm | |
77. Hansberry, Lorraine: Books On Hansberry, Lorraine Author Lorraine Hansberry Robert Nemiroff (Introduction) Publisher Vintage Edition Market Paperback Number of pages 160 All Editions Similar Books http://www.campusi.com/author_Hansberry,_Lorraine.htm |
78. Perspectives - Resources Oshawa The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 1995. Diana Nemiroff, Robert Houle and Charlotte TownsendGault. Land Spirit Power First Nations at the National http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Perspectives/English/mcmichael_res.html | |
79. African American Review: History, Myth, And Revolt In Lorraine Hansberry's 'Les Robert Nemiroff. New York Samuel French, 1971. Harrison, Paul Carter. Nemiroff, Robert. A Critical Background. Hansberry, Les Blancs 3546. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2838/is_n2_v32/ai_21059956/pg_5 | |
80. African American Review: Lorraine Hansberry: A Research And Production Sourceboo her writings by the late Robert Nemiroff, her former husband and literary executor, adaptations produced by Robert Nemiroff and based on Hansberry s http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2838/is_4_33/ai_59024908 | |
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