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Nelson Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar: more detail | ||||||
81. Web Assigned x, DunbarNelson, Alice Ruth Moore, 1875, 1935, F, Writing, Journalism. Philanthropy.x, Egypt, Ophelia Settle, 1903, 1984, F, Education, Writing, Government. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~aanb/writing_late_women.htm |
82. Web Assigned Activism. x, DunbarNelson, Alice Ruth Moore, 1875, 1935, F, Writing, Journalism.Philanthropy. x, Dunjee, Roscoe, 1883, 1965, M, Journalism. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~aanb/journalism.htm |
83. 200 Famous Women writer; DunbarNelson, Alice (1875-1935) US poet, essayist Benedict,Ruth (1887-1948) US anthropologist; Carson, Rachel (1907-1964) US biologist, http://www.creativequotations.com/women-az.html | |
84. 200 Famous Women Jun 4_ Westheimer, Ruth (1928) German-born USA psychiatrist, author, writer; _ Dunbar-Nelson, Alice (1875-1935) US poet, essayist; _ Duncan, http://www.creativequotations.com/women-dob.html | |
85. Alice Moore Last updated Sep 02, 2002 . . . Louisiana Leaders Notable Women in History. ALICERUTH Moore DunbarNelson, 1875-1935 AUTHOR, ACTIVIST, EDUCATOR. http://gpscentral.org/channel_map/5/alice-moore.htm |
86. Oxford University Press: Anthology Of Modern American Poetry: Cary Nelson Alice DunbarNelson (1875-1935). I Sit and Sew Ruth STONE (b. 1915). In anIridescent Time. I Have Three Daughters. Pokeberries. American Milk http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/LiteratureEnglish/Poetry/American/ |
87. Oxford University Press: Anthology Of Modern American Poetry: Cary Nelson Alice DunbarNelson (1875-1935). I Sit and Sew MARIANNE Moore (1887-1972).Poetry. An Egyptian Pulled Glass Bottle in the Shape of a Fish. The Fish http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/?view=usa&sf=toc&ci=0195122712 |
88. Project MUSE The Tragic Courtship And Marriage of Paul Lawrence Dunbar and Alice Ruth Moore . Ida B. WellsBarnett, Mary Church Terrell, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/legacy/v020/20.1lock.html | |
89. AXE - Special Collections - Eva Jessye DunbarNelson, Alice (1875-1935) f. 127 Duncan, Todd (1903-1998) f. Gibbs, Ruth f. 107 Gibson, Norman f. 58, 59 Gilbert, James, Dr. f. http://library.pittstate.edu/spcoll/ndxjessye.html | |
90. DUNBAR NELSON ALICE MOORE 1875 1935 MARRIAGE (in MARION) Dunbar Nelson Alice Moore 1875 1935 MARRIAGE. and shadow the tragic courtship andmarriage of Paul Laurence Dunbar and Alice Ruth Moore a history of http://lc01.cerritos.edu/MARION?S=DUNBAR NELSON ALICE MOORE 1875 1935 MARRIAGE |
91. Gilbert And Gubar, The Norton Anthology Of Literature By Women - Anthologies - B Alice DunbarNelson (1875-1935). Mr. Baptiste I Sit and Sew The Man-MothRoosters The Fish Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore In the Waiting Room http://www.rc.umd.edu/bibliographies/anthologies/gilbertg.htm | |
92. Alice Dunbar-Nelson Alice M. DunbarNelson (1875 - 1935) Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar suspends timein the twenty-nine vignettes and poems of Violets and Other Tales, http://www.queertheory.com/histories/d/dunbar_nelson_alice.htm | |
93. Longman Anthology Of Women's Literature - Allyn & Bacon / Longman Catalog naomi watches as Ruth sleeps. Bessie Head (19371986). The Village Saint. Alice Dunbar-Nelson (1875-1935). I Sit and Sew. The Proletariat Speaks. http://www.ablongman.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,032101006X-TOC,00.html | |
94. Alice Dunbar-Nelson Alice DunbarNelson (1875-1935). About Alice Dunbar-Nelson On I Sit and ISew A Dunbar-Nelson Chronology Essays by Dunbar-Nelson About World War http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/dunbar-nelson/dunbar-nelson.htm | |
95. Dunbar Nelson - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Alice Moore Dunbar Nelson, May Miller, Zora Neale Hurston, Marita concert with RuthGaines Shelton Maude Cuney Hare, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Myrtle Livingston http://www.questia.com/SM.qst?act=search&keywordsSearchType=1000&keywords=Dunbar |
96. WASM Login 49. Dubois, Edna Maxfield Whited, 18751931, 1, 1. 50. Dunbar-Nelson, Alice RuthMoore, 1875-1935, 1, 1. 51. Duncanson, Lillian Davis, fl. 1893, 1, 1. 52. http://www.alexanderstreet6.com/wasm/wasm.results.authors.primary.asp?docauthorn |
97. African American Cultural Center Library Biography File Lawrence (poet) 18721906 Dunbar-Nelson, Alice (writer) 1875 Love, Earl (songwriter)Love, Ruth (educator) Lucas Julianne (writer) Mandela, Nelson (South Africa http://www.indiana.edu/~libbcc/biomay97.html | |
98. African American Literature The colored patriots of the American Revolution. E269 N3 N4 1968. Nelson, AliceRuth Moore Dunbar, 18751935. The goodness of St. Rocque, and other stories. http://www.bluefieldstate.edu/library/afamn.htm | |
99. Alice Dunbar Nelson Alice DunbarNelson. 1875 - 1935 Dunbar-Nelson began her life as Alice RuthMoore on July 19, 1875, in New Orleans, Louisianaómarked rom the beginning http://www.edwardsly.com/dunbarnelson.htm | |
100. WebGED: Sparks Family Tree Data Page female spouse Helm, John Nelson (*1823 ) -child Driggers, Ruth (1909 - ) - femaleb. 1909 in 1847 - 1882) spouse Ober, Alice (1875 - 1935) - m. 20 http://sparksfamilytree.net/family_tree/wga23.html | |
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