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Nasmyth James: more detail | ||||
81. The Industrial Revolution Probably Maudslay s greatest protege was James Nasmyth (18081890), whose inventionsinclude the milling machine and a planing machine or shaper. http://www.neo-tech.com/businessmen/part6.html | |
82. Famous People From Scotland James Nasmyth 18081890 Inventor. Allan Ramsay 1713-1884 painter. Sir WalterScott 1771-1832 Novelist. Alastair Sim 1900-1976 Actor http://www.localhistories.org/scotfam.html | |
83. Fehler 404 - Error 404 Translate this page James Nasmyth (1808-1890) erfand den Dampfhammer, die Hobelmaschine, dieDampframme und die dampfbetriebene Drehmaschine. James http://schottlandgeschichte.de/beruehmte_schotten/index.php | |
84. El ángel Caído - Muchas Fotografías Translate this page James Hall Nasmyth (1808-1890). Meudon, 1928 André Kertész (1894-1985). Nueva York,hacia 1940 Weegee (1899-1968). Alvin Langdon Coburn, Paul y Prosper http://www.elangelcaido.org/fotos/fotos.html | |
85. Carte Face Visible Translate this page Nasmyth 50,5S, 56,2W - James Nasmyth (1808-1890). Ingénieur écossais.Inventeur du marteau (pilon) à vapeur. Sélénographe http://r.aberlin.free.fr/lune/cartographie/visible/cartes/70.htm | |
86. Refrator Ou Refletor Translate this page longo do eixo de altura para um dos dois focos Nasmyth James Nasmyth (1808-1890)na lateral do telescópio. \epsfig{file=Nasmyth.epsf,height=7cm,clip=} http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/telesc/node2.htm | |
87. National Galleries Of Scotland | Online Collections » Close Ups » James Nasmyt James Nasmyth, 1808 1890. Inventor of the steam hammer This is one of anumber of calotypes showing James Nasmyth, the son of the painter Alexander http://www.nationalgalleries.org/collections/magnify_search.php?objectId=44248 |
88. National Galleries Of Scotland | Online Collections » Close Ups » James Nasmyt James Nasmyth, 1808 1890. Inventor of the steam hammer Return to smaller image.© Copyright 2005 National Galleries of Scotland http://www.nationalgalleries.org/collections/magnify_search.php?enlarge=1&object |
89. Tilt Hammer - Steel City Founders - James Nasmyth 1808 1890. Toledo Factory. James Nasmyth, James Nasmyth was born in Edinburghin 1808. His father was interested in civil engineering and architecture and http://www.tilthammer.com/bio/nas.html | |
90. Scientific Identity Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The Scientist Nasmyth, James (1808 1890). Discipline(s) Astronomy ; Engineering.Print Artist Paul Adolphe Rajan, 1843-1888. Medium Engraving. http://web4.si.edu/sil/scientific-identity/by_name_display_results.cfm?scientist |
91. Scientific Identity Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The Portrait of Robert Napier ~ Enlarge Image ~. Scientist Nasmyth, James(1808 1890). Discipline(s) Astronomy ; Engineering. Print http://web4.si.edu/sil/scientific-identity/display_results.cfm?alpha_sort=N |
92. Overview Of James Nasmyth James Nasmyth. 1808 1890. Engineer and inventor. Born in Edinburgh and youngestson of the eminent landscape artist, Alexander Nasmyth (1758 - 1840). http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/people/famousfirst272.html | |
93. Details Of James Nasmyth Gazetteer for Scotland Places, people and events relating to James Nasmyth () James Nasmyth. 1808 1890. Related Records. There are 2 related records. http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/people/famousdetails272.html | |
94. Nasmyth Focus especially for spectrographic work. Named after the Scottish engineer JamesNasmyth (18081890), best known for his invention of the steam hammer. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/N/Nasmyth_focus.html | |
95. Nasmyth Original Item #: 538932 Crater of Vesuvius James Hall Nasmyth s (1808 1890) method of constructed plastermodels based on visual observations and then photographing them gave the http://auction.projectinform.org/Bidding.taf?_function=detail&Auction_uid1=53893 |
96. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art - Works Of Art: European Paintings of Alexander Nasmyth (17581840), a Scottish landscape painter. His seven sistersand brothers all painted landscapes, but his brother James (18081890) is http://www.absolutearts.com/cgi-bin/connector.pl?id=113484 |
97. Moon People Lunar Discussion Forum :: View Topic - Nasmyth & Carpenter On Plato I m currently reading The Moon considered as a planet, a world, and a satellitefirst published in 1874 by James Nasmyth (1808 1890) and James Carpenter http://moonpeople.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34&sid=ad9b64c453448ea4b6876b5f3e9a7 |
98. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Nasmyth, James (1808 1890) NATION, Carrie (Amelia) (1846 - 1911) NAUTON,Robert (1563 - 1635) NEARING, Scott (1883 - 1983) NELSON, Alice Moore Dunbar http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
99. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Autor, Nasmyth, James, 1808 - 1890. Título, James Nasmyth Engineer, AnAutobiography. Recursos, Archivo texto Archivo comprimido Requiere programa http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?idioma=0&sop=0&aut=N |
100. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science Scientist, Nasmyth, James (1808 1890). Discipline(s), Astronomy ; Engineering.Print Artist, Paul Adolphe Rajan, 1843-1888. Medium, Engraving http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/hst/scientific-identity/CF/by_name_disp |
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